? Wow, such a lovely HTML5 danmaku video player
#Special Thanks
Using npm:
npm install dplayer --save
Using Yarn:
yarn add dplayer
#Quick Start
At first, let's initialize a simplest DPlayer
Load DPlayer files
<div id="dplayer"></div><script src="DPlayer.min.js"></script>
Or work with module bundler:
import DPlayer from 'dplayer';const dp = new DPlayer(options);
Initialization in js:
const dp = new DPlayer({ container: document.getElementById('dplayer'), screenshot: true, video: { url: 'demo.mp4', pic: 'demo.jpg', thumbnails: 'thumbnails.jpg', }, subtitle: { url: 'webvtt.vtt', }, danmaku: { id: 'demo', api: 'https://api.prprpr.me/dplayer/', },});
You can custom your player instance by those options
Name | Default | Description |
container | document.querySelector('.dplayer') | player container |
live | false | enable live mode, see #live |
autoplay | false | video autoplay |
theme | '#b7daff' | main color |
loop | false | video loop |
lang | navigator.language.toLowerCase() | values: 'en', 'zh-cn', 'zh-tw' |
screenshot | false | enable screenshot, if true, video and video poster must enable Cross-Origin |
airplay | false | enable airplay in Safari |
chromecast | false | enable Chromecast |
hotkey | true | enable hotkey, support FF, FR, volume control, play & pause |
preload | 'auto' | values: 'none', 'metadata', 'auto' |
volume | 0.7 | default volume, notice that player will remember user setting, default volume will not work after user set volume themselves |
playbackSpeed | [0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2] | optional playback speed, or or you can set a custom one |
logo | - | showing logo in the top left corner, you can adjust its size and position by CSS |
apiBackend | - | getting and sending danmaku in your way, see #live |
preventClickToggle | false | prevent toggle video play/pause status when click player |
video | - | video info |
video.quality | - | see #Quality switching |
video.defaultQuality | - | see #Quality switching |
video.url | - | video url |
video.pic | - | video poster |
video.thumbnails | - | video thumbnails, generated by DPlayer-thumbnails |
video.type | 'auto' | values: 'auto', 'hls', 'flv', 'dash', 'webtorrent', 'normal' or other custom type, see #MSE support |
video.customType | - | custom video type, see #MSE support |
subtitle | - | external subtitle |
subtitle.url | required | subtitle url |
subtitle.type | 'webvtt' | subtitle type, values: 'webvtt', 'ass', but only webvtt is supported for now |
subtitle.fontSize | '20px' | subtitle font size |
subtitle.bottom | '40px' | the distance between the subtitle and player bottom, values like: '10px' '10%' |
subtitle.color | '#fff' | subtitle color |
danmaku | - | showing danmaku |
danmaku.id | required | danmaku pool id, it must be unique |
danmaku.api | required | see #Danmaku API |
danmaku.token | - | back end verification token |
danmaku.maximum | - | danmaku maximum quantity |
danmaku.addition | - | additional danmaku, see #bilibili danmaku |
danmaku.user | 'DIYgod' | danmaku user name |
danmaku.bottom | - | values like: '10px' '10%', the distance between the danmaku bottom and player bottom, in order to prevent warding off subtitle |
danmaku.unlimited | false | display all danmaku even though danmaku overlap, notice that player will remember user setting, default setting will not work after user set it themselves |
danmaku.speedRate | 1 | danmaku speed multiplier, the larger the faster |
contextmenu | [] | custom contextmenu |
highlight | [] | custom time markers upon progress bar |
mutex | true | prevent to play multiple player at the same time, pause other players when this player start play |
const dp = new DPlayer({ container: document.getElementById('dplayer'), autoplay: false, theme: '#FADFA3', loop: true, lang: 'zh-cn', screenshot: true, hotkey: true, preload: 'auto', logo: 'logo.png', volume: 0.7, mutex: true, video: { url: 'dplayer.mp4', pic: 'dplayer.png', thumbnails: 'thumbnails.jpg', type: 'auto', }, subtitle: { url: 'dplayer.vtt', type: 'webvtt', fontSize: '25px', bottom: '10%', color: '#b7daff', }, danmaku: { id: '9E2E3368B56CDBB4', api: 'https://api.prprpr.me/dplayer/', token: 'tokendemo', maximum: 1000, addition: ['https://api.prprpr.me/dplayer/v3/bilibili?aid=4157142'], user: 'DIYgod', bottom: '15%', unlimited: true, speedRate: 0.5, }, contextmenu: [ { text: 'custom1', link: 'https://github.com/DIYgod/DPlayer', }, { text: 'custom2', click: (player) => { console.log(player); }, }, ], highlight: [ { text: 'marker for 20s', time: 20, }, { text: 'marker for 2mins', time: 120, }, ],});
: play videodp.pause()
: pause videodp.seek(time: number)
: seek to specified timedp.seek(100);
: toggle between play and pausedp.on(event: string, handler: function)
: bind video and player events, see more detailsdp.switchVideo(video, danmaku)
: switch to a new videodp.switchVideo( { url: 'second.mp4', pic: 'second.png', thumbnails: 'second.jpg', }, { id: 'test', api: 'https://api.prprpr.me/dplayer/', maximum: 3000, user: 'DIYgod', });
dp.notice(text: string, time: number, opacity: number)
: show message, the unit of time is millisecond, the default of time is 2000, the default of opacity is 0.8dp.notice('Amazing player', 2000, 0.8);
dp.switchQuality(index: number)
: switch qualitydp.destroy()
: destroy playerdp.speed(rate: number)
: set video speeddp.volume(percentage: number, nostorage: boolean, nonotice: boolean)
: set video volumedp.volume(0.1, true, false);
: native videodp.video.currentTime
: returns the current playback positiondp.video.duration
: returns video total timedp.video.paused
: returns whether the video pausedmost native api are supported
dp.danmaku.send(danmaku, callback: function)
: submit a new danmaku to back enddp.danmaku.send( { text: 'dplayer is amazing', color: '#b7daff', type: 'right', // should be `top` `bottom` or `right` }, function () { console.log('success'); });
: draw a new danmaku to player in real timedp.danmaku.draw({ text: 'DIYgod is amazing', color: '#fff', type: 'top',});
dp.danmaku.opacity(percentage: number)
: set danmaku opacity, opacity should between 0 and 1dp.danmaku.opacity(0.5);
: clear all danmakusdp.danmaku.hide()
: hide danmakudp.danmaku.show()
: show danmakudp.fullScreen
: two type:web
, the default one isbrowser
dp.fullScreen.request(type: string)
: request fullscreendp.fullScreen.request('web');
dp.fullScreen.cancel(type: string)
: cancel fullscreendp.fullScreen.cancel('web');
#Event binding
dp.on(event, handler)
dp.on('ended', function () { console.log('player ended');});
Video events
Player events
#Quality switching
Set video url and video type in video.quality
, set default quality by video.defaultQuality
const dp = new DPlayer({ container: document.getElementById('dplayer'), video: { quality: [ { name: 'HD', url: 'demo.m3u8', type: 'hls', }, { name: 'SD', url: 'demo.mp4', type: 'normal', }, ], defaultQuality: 0, pic: 'demo.png', thumbnails: 'thumbnails.jpg', },});
#Danmaku API
Ready-made API
url: https://api.prprpr.me/dplayer/
Daily backup data: DPlayer-data
Setting up yourself
#bilibili danmaku
API: https://api.prprpr.me/dplayer/v3/bilibili?aid=[aid]
const option = { danmaku: { // ... addition: ['https://api.prprpr.me/dplayer/v3/bilibili?aid=[aid]'], },};
#MSE support
It requires the library hls.js and it should be loaded before DPlayer.min.js
<div id="dplayer"></div><script src="hls.min.js"></script><script src="DPlayer.min.js"></script>
const dp = new DPlayer({ container: document.getElementById('dplayer'), video: { url: 'demo.m3u8', type: 'hls', }, pluginOptions: { hls: { // hls config }, },});console.log(dp.plugins.hls); // Hls instance
// another way, use customTypeconst dp = new DPlayer({ container: document.getElementById('dplayer'), video: { url: 'demo.m3u8', type: 'customHls', customType: { customHls: function (video, player) { const hls = new Hls(); hls.loadSource(video.src); hls.attachMedia(video); }, }, },});
It requires the library dash.js and it should be loaded before DPlayer.min.js
<div id="dplayer"></div><script src="dash.min.js"></script><script src="DPlayer.min.js"></script>
const dp = new DPlayer({ container: document.getElementById('dplayer'), video: { url: 'demo.mpd', type: 'dash', }, pluginOptions: { dash: { // dash config }, },});console.log(dp.plugins.dash); // Dash instance
// another way, use customTypeconst dp = new DPlayer({ container: document.getElementById('dplayer'), video: { url: 'demo.mpd', type: 'customDash', customType: { customDash: function (video, player) { dashjs.MediaPlayer().create().initialize(video, video.src, false); }, }, },});
#MPEG DASH (Shaka)
It requires the library shaka-player and it should be loaded before DPlayer.min.js
<div id="dplayer"></div><script src="shaka-player.compiled.js"></script><script src="DPlayer.min.js"></script>
const dp = new DPlayer({ container: document.getElementById('dplayer'), screenshot: true, video: { url: 'demo.mpd', type: 'shakaDash', customType: { shakaDash: function (video, player) { var src = video.src; var playerShaka = new shaka.Player(video); // 将会修改 video.src playerShaka.load(src); }, }, },});
It requires the library flv.js and it should be loaded before DPlayer.min.js
<div id="dplayer"></div><script src="flv.min.js"></script><script src="DPlayer.min.js"></script>
const dp = new DPlayer({ container: document.getElementById('dplayer'), video: { url: 'demo.flv', type: 'flv', }, pluginOptions: { flv: { // refer to https://github.com/bilibili/flv.js/blob/master/docs/api.md#flvjscreateplayer mediaDataSource: { // mediaDataSource config }, config: { // config }, }, },});console.log(dp.plugins.flv); // flv instance
// another way, use customTypeconst dp = new DPlayer({ container: document.getElementById('dplayer'), video: { url: 'demo.flv', type: 'customFlv', customType: { customFlv: function (video, player) { const flvPlayer = flvjs.createPlayer({ type: 'flv', url: video.src, }); flvPlayer.attachMediaElement(video); flvPlayer.load(); }, }, },});
It requires the library webtorrent and it should be loaded before DPlayer.min.js
<div id="dplayer"></div><script src="webtorrent.min.js"></script><script src="DPlayer.min.js"></script>
const dp = new DPlayer({ container: document.getElementById('dplayer'), video: { url: 'magnet:demo', type: 'webtorrent', }, pluginOptions: { webtorrent: { // webtorrent config }, },});console.log(dp.plugins.webtorrent); // WebTorrent instance
// another way, use customTypeconst dp = new DPlayer({ container: document.getElementById('dplayer'), video: { url: 'magnet:demo', type: 'customWebTorrent', customType: { customWebTorrent: function (video, player) { player.container.classList.add('dplayer-loading'); const client = new WebTorrent(); const torrentId = video.src; client.add(torrentId, (torrent) => { const file = torrent.files.find((file) => file.name.endsWith('.mp4')); file.renderTo( video, { autoplay: player.options.autoplay, }, () => { player.container.classList.remove('dplayer-loading'); } ); }); }, }, },});
#Work with other MSE library
DPlayer can work with any MSE library via customType
<div id="dplayer"></div><script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/cdnbye@latest"></script><script src="DPlayer.min.js"></script>
var type = 'normal';if (Hls.isSupported() && Hls.WEBRTC_SUPPORT) { type = 'customHls';}const dp = new DPlayer({ container: document.getElementById('dplayer'), video: { url: 'demo.m3u8', type: type, customType: { customHls: function (video, player) { const hls = new Hls({ debug: false, // Other hlsjsConfig options provided by hls.js p2pConfig: { live: false, // Other p2pConfig options provided by CDNBye http://www.cdnbye.com/en/ }, }); hls.loadSource(video.src); hls.attachMedia(video); }, }, },});
You can use DPlayer in live, but if you want live danmaku, you should prepare a WebSocket backend yourself.
Init player:
const dp = new DPlayer({ container: document.getElementById('dplayer'), live: true, danmaku: true, apiBackend: { read: function (options) { console.log('Pretend to connect WebSocket'); options.success([]); }, send: function (options) { console.log('Pretend to send danmaku via WebSocket', options.data); options.success(); }, }, video: { url: 'demo.m3u8', type: 'hls', },});
Draw danmaku after getting a danmaku via WebSocket:
const danmaku = { text: 'Get a danmaku via WebSocket', color: '#fff', type: 'right',};dp.danmaku.draw(danmaku);
#Why can't player be full screen?
If player is contained in a iframe, try adding the allowfullscreen
attribute to the iframe.
For full browser support it should look like this:
<iframe src="example.com" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" mozallowfullscreen="mozallowfullscreen" msallowfullscreen="msallowfullscreen" oallowfullscreen="oallowfullscreen" webkitallowfullscreen="webkitallowfullscreen"></iframe>
#Why can't player autoplay in some mobile browsers?
Most mobile browsers forbid video autoplay, you wont be able to achieve it without hacks.
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