Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ #将openwrt顶层目录下的rules.mk文件中的内容导入进来 include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk #软件包名 PKG_NAME:=luci-app-cpe #软件包版本 PKG_VERSION:=5.0.1 #真正编译当前软件包的目录 PKG_BUILD_DIR:= $(BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_NAME) #将$(TOPDIR)/include目录下的package.mk文件中的内容导入进来 include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk define Package/luci-app-cpe PKGARCH:=all SECTION:=wrtnode CATEGORY:=Daocaoren SUBMENU :=CPE TITLE:=luci-app-cpe DEPENDS:=+sendat + luci-compat +kmod-usb-net +kmod-usb-net-cdc-ether +kmod-usb-acm \ +kmod-usb-net-qmi-wwan +kmod-usb-net-rndis +kmod-usb-serial-qualcomm \ +kmod-usb-net-sierrawireless +kmod-usb-ohci +kmod-usb-serial \ +kmod-usb-serial-option +kmod-usb-wdm \ +kmod-usb2 +kmod-usb3 \ +quectel-CM-5G +kmod-usb-net-cdc-mbim endef PKG_LICENSE:=GPLv3 PKG_LINCESE_FILES:=LICENSE PKF_MAINTAINER:=daocaoren <168620188@qq.com> include $(TOPDIR)/feeds/luci/luci.mk # call BuildPackage - OpenWrt buildroot signature Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ module("luci.controller.admin.cpe", package.seeall) I18N = require "luci.i18n" translate = I18N.translate function index() entry({"admin", "modem"}, firstchild(), translate("移动数据"), 25).dependent=false entry({"admin", "modem", "nets"}, template("cpe/net_status"), translate("信号状态"), 0) entry({"admin", "modem", "get_csq"}, call("action_get_csq")) entry({"admin", "modem", "send_atcmd"}, call("action_send_atcmd")) -- entry({"admin", "modem", "sms"}, template("cpe/sms"), translate("短信信息"), 1) -- entry({"admin", "modem", "band"}, template("cpe/band"), translate("锁频段/锁PCI"), 1) entry({"admin", "modem", "at"}, template("cpe/at"), translate("AT工具"), 98) if not nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/modem") then return end entry({"admin", "modem", "modem"}, cbi("cpe/modem"), _("模块设置"), 99) end function action_send_atcmd() local rv ={} local file local p = luci.http.formvalue("p") local set = luci.http.formvalue("set") fixed = string.gsub(set, "\"", "~") port= string.gsub(p, "\"", "~") rv["at"] = fixed rv["port"] = port os.execute("/usr/share/cpe/atcmd.sh \'" .. port .. "\' \'" .. fixed .. "\'") result = "/tmp/result.at" file = io.open(result, "r") if file ~= nil then rv["result"] = file:read("*all") file:close() else rv["result"] = " " end os.execute("/usr/share/cpe/delatcmd.sh") luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") luci.http.write_json(rv) end function action_get_csq() local file stat = "/tmp/cpe_cell.file" file = io.open(stat, "r") local rv ={} -- echo 'RM520N-GL' -- echo 'conntype' -- echo '1e0e:9001' -- echo $COPS #运营商 -- echo '' #端口 -- echo '' #温度 -- echo '' #协议 rv["modem"] = file:read("*line") rv["conntype"] = file:read("*line") rv["modid"] = file:read("*line") rv["cops"] = file:read("*line") rv["port"] = file:read("*line") rv["tempur"] = file:read("*line") rv["proto"] = file:read("*line") file:read("*line") -- echo $IMEI #imei -- echo $IMSI #imsi -- echo $ICCID #iccid -- echo $phone #phone rv["imei"] = file:read("*line") rv["imsi"] = file:read("*line") rv["iccid"] =file:read("*line") rv["phone"] = file:read("*line") file:read("*line") -- echo $MODE -- echo $CSQ -- echo $CSQ_PER -- echo $CSQ_RSSI -- echo '' #参考信号接收质量 RSRQ ecio -- echo '' #参考信号接收质量 RSRQ ecio1 -- echo '' #参考信号接收功率 RSRP rscp -- echo '' #参考信号接收功率 RSRP rscp1 -- echo '' #信噪比 SINR rv["sinr"] -- echo '' #连接状态监控 rv["netmode"] rv["mode"] = file:read("*line") rv["csq"] = file:read("*line") rv["per"] = file:read("*line") rv["rssi"] = file:read("*line") rv["ecio"] = file:read("*line") rv["ecio1"] = file:read("*line") rv["rscp"] = file:read("*line") rv["rscp1"] = file:read("*line") rv["sinr"] = file:read("*line") rv["netmode"] = file:read("*line") file:read("*line") rssi = rv["rssi"] ecio = rv["ecio"] rscp = rv["rscp"] ecio1 = rv["ecio1"] rscp1 = rv["rscp1"] if ecio == nil then ecio = "-" end if ecio1 == nil then ecio1 = "-" end if rscp == nil then rscp = "-" end if rscp1 == nil then rscp1 = "-" end if ecio ~= "-" then rv["ecio"] = ecio .. " dB" end if rscp ~= "-" then rv["rscp"] = rscp .. " dBm" end if ecio1 ~= " " then rv["ecio1"] = " (" .. ecio1 .. " dB)" end if rscp1 ~= " " then rv["rscp1"] = " (" .. rscp1 .. " dBm)" end rv["mcc"] = file:read("*line") rv["mnc"] = file:read("*line") rv["rnc"] = file:read("*line") rv["rncn"] = file:read("*line") rv["lac"] = file:read("*line") rv["lacn"] = file:read("*line") rv["cid"] = file:read("*line") rv["cidn"] = file:read("*line") rv["lband"] = file:read("*line") rv["channel"] = file:read("*line") rv["pci"] = file:read("*line") rv["date"] = file:read("*line") -- rv["phonen"] = file:read("*line") --rv["host"] = "0" -- rv["simerr"] = "0" -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- rv["down"] = file:read("*line") -- rv["up"] = file:read("*line") -- -- -- -- rv["cell"] = file:read("*line") -- rv["modtype"] = file:read("*line") -- -- -- -- -- -- -- rv["lat"] = "-" -- rv["long"] = "-" rv["crate"] = translate("快速(每10秒更新一次)") luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") luci.http.write_json(rv) end Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ local m, section, m2, s2 m = Map("modem", translate("Mobile Network")) m.description = translate("Modem Server For OpenWrt") -------------------------------Fibocom Wireless Inc. FM650 Module---------------------------------- if (string.gsub(luci.sys.exec('lsusb |grep "ID 2cb7:0a05 " | wc -l'),"%s+","")=="1") then section = m:section(TypedSection, "ndis", translate("FMFM650-CN Settings"), translate("[1]Automatic start upon startup: Check</br>[2] FMFMFM650-CN module default ECM (36) mode. If not, please modify it, otherwise dialing cannot proceed normally</br>")) section.anonymous = true section.addremove = false enable = section:option(Flag, "enabled", translate("Enable")) enable.rmempty = false else section = m:section(TypedSection, "ndis", translate("SIM Settings"), translate("Automatic operation upon startup \r\n ooo")) section.anonymous = true section.addremove = false section:tab("general", translate("General Setup")) section:tab("advanced", translate("Advanced Settings")) enable = section:taboption("general", Flag, "enabled", translate("Enable")) enable.rmempty = false device = section:taboption("general",Value, "device", translate("Modem device")) device.rmempty = false local device_suggestions = nixio.fs.glob("/dev/cdc-wdm*") if device_suggestions then local node for node in device_suggestions do device:value(node) end end apn = section:taboption("general", Value, "apn", translate("APN")) username = section:taboption("general", Value, "username", translate("PAP/CHAP Username")) password = section:taboption("general", Value, "password", translate("PAP/CHAP Password")) password.password = true pincode = section:taboption("general", Value, "pincode", translate("PIN Code")) auth = section:taboption("general", Value, "auth", translate("Authentication Type")) auth.rmempty = true auth:value("", translate("-- Please choose --")) auth:value("both", "PAP/CHAP (both)") auth:value("pap", "PAP") auth:value("chap", "CHAP") auth:value("none", "NONE") tool = section:taboption("general", Value, "tool", translate("Tools")) tool:value("quectel-CM", "quectel-CM") tool.rmempty = true PdpType= section:taboption("general", Value, "pdptype", translate("PdpType")) PdpType:value("IPV4", "IPV4") PdpType:value("IPV6", "IPV6") PdpType:value("IPV4V6", "IPV4V6") PdpType.rmempty = true ---------------------------advanced------------------------------ bandlist = section:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "bandlist", translate("Lock Band List")) -- if (string.gsub(luci.sys.exec('uci get system.@system[0].modem |grep lte |wc -l'),"%s+","")=="1") then -- bandlist.default = "0" -- bandlist:value("1", "LTE BAND1") -- bandlist:value("2", "LTE BAND2") -- bandlist:value("3", "LTE BAND3") -- bandlist:value("4", "LTE BAND4") -- bandlist:value("5", "LTE BAND5") -- bandlist:value("7", "LTE BAND7") -- bandlist:value("8", "LTE BAND8") -- bandlist:value("20", "LTE BAND20") -- bandlist:value("38", "LTE BAND38") -- bandlist:value("40", "LTE BAND40") -- bandlist:value("41", "LTE BAND41") -- bandlist:value("28", "LTE BAND28") -- bandlist:value("A", "AUTO") -- end bandlist:value("0", translate("Disable")) servertype = section:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "servertype", translate("Server Type")) servertype.default = "0" --if (string.gsub(luci.sys.exec('uci get system.@system[0].modem |grep nr5g |wc -l'),"%s+","")=="1") then servertype:value("1", "5G Only") servertype:value("5", "4G/5G Only") --end servertype:value("2", "4G Only") servertype:value("3", "3G Only") servertype:value("4", "2G Only") servertype:value("0", "AUTO") -- s1 = m:section(TypedSection, "ndis", translate("AT Port Settings"),translate("Set tyyUSB port")) -- s1.anonymous = true -- s1.addremove = false -- tyyusb= s1:option(Value, "tyyusb", translate("tyyUSB port")) -- tyyusb.default = "2" -- tyyusb:value("0", "0") -- tyyusb:value("1", "1") -- tyyusb:value("2", "2") -- tyyusb:value("3", "3") -- tyyusb:value("4", "4") -- tyyusb.rmempty=false end s2 = m:section(TypedSection, "ndis", translate("Network Diagnostics"),translate("Network exception handling: \ check the network connection in a loop for 5 seconds. If the Ping IP address is not successful, After the network \ exceeds the abnormal number, restart and search the registered network again.")) s2.anonymous = true s2.addremove = false en = s2:option(Flag, "en", translate("Enable")) en.rmempty = false ipaddress= s2:option(Value, "ipaddress", translate("Ping IP address")) ipaddress.default = "" ipaddress.rmempty=false an = s2:option(Value, "an", translate("Abnormal number")) an.default = "15" an:value("3", "3") an:value("5", "5") an:value("10", "10") an:value("15", "15") an:value("20", "20") an:value("25", "25") an:value("30", "30") an.rmempty=false local apply = luci.http.formvalue("cbi.apply") if apply then -- io.popen("/etc/init.d/modeminit restart") io.popen("/etc/init.d/modem restart") end return m,m2 Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ <%+header%> <% local sys = require "luci.sys" local utl = require "luci.util" local fs = require "nixio.fs" local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor() local s = uci:get("custom", "bandlock", "enabled") local a = uci:get("custom", "atcmd", "enabled") local multilock = uci:get("custom", "multiuser", "multi") or "0" local rootlock = uci:get("custom", "multiuser", "root") or "0" nomulti=1 if (multilock == "0") or (multilock == "1" and rootlock == "1") then nosms = 1 if a == "1" then nosms = 0 end else nosms = 1 nomulti = 0 end block = 1 if s == "1" then block = 0 end function showicon(lck) end -%> <script type="text/javascript" src="<%=resource%>/xhr.js"></script> //]]></script> <div class="cbi-map" id="cbi-misc"> <h2><a id="content" name="content"><%:AT命令工具%></a></h2> <div class="cbi-map-descr"><%:AT命令工具%></div> <head> <style> input { vertical-align: bottom; } #popup { width:560px; height:190px; padding:20px; background-color:gainsboro; border-style : solid; position:fixed; top : 40%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; left: 0; right: 0; text-align: center; display:none; } textarea{ background:#373737; border:none; color:#FFF; } </style> </head> <fieldset class="cbi-section" id="cbi-term"> <legend><%:AT命令终端%></legend> <div id="popup"> <table width="500" border="0"> <tr> <td width="50px"><div><%:Enter Password to Unlock Full Terminal%></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="200px"><input id="pass" type="password"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="image" src="<%=showicon(0)%>" style="width:48px;height:48px;" onclick="return done()" /></td> </tr> </table> </div> <table width="700" border="0" id="droptxt"> <tr> <td width="10%"><div align="right"><%:模块端口 : %></div></td> <td width="15%"> <select style="width:200px" name="atdrop" id="drop1"> <option value="0">ttyUSB0</option> <option value="1">ttyUSB1</option> <option value="2" selected>ttyUSB2</option> <option value="3">ttyUSB3</option> <option value="4">ttyUSB4</option> <option value="5">ttyUSB5</option> <option value="6">ttyUSB6</option> <option value="7">ttyUSB7</option> <option value="8">ttyUSB8</option> <option value="9">ttyUSB9</option> <option value="10">ttyUSB10</option> <option value="11">ttyUSB11</option> <option value="12">ttyUSB12</option> </select> </td> <td width="10%"><div align="right"><%:AT命令 : %></div></td> <td width="15%"><input style="visibility:visible;width: 500px;maxlength="200" type="text" name="atcmdlck" id="atcmd" class="cbi-input-text"></input></td> <td width="10%"> <input style="visibility:visible" type="submit" id="sendat" class="cbi-button cbi-button-apply" value="<%:发送%>" onclick="return sendcmd()" /> <input style="visibility:visible" type="submit" id="sendclean" class="cbi-button cbi-button-reset" value="<%:清除%>" onclick="return sendclean()" /> </td> <td width="47%"> </td> </tr> </table> <textarea readonly="readonly" name="attxt" id="attxt" rows="50" style="width: 100%;" maxlength="160"></textarea> </div> </fieldset> </div> <%+footer%> Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ <%+header%> <% local fs = require "nixio.fs" nosms = 1 if not fs.stat("/etc/nosim") then nosms = 0 end havegps = 0 if fs.stat("/etc/havegps") then havegps = 1 end -%> <style>g {color:grey; font-size:75%; vertical-align: super;}</style> <script type="text/javascript" src="<%=resource%>/xhr.js?v=git-23.159.15540-7154b89"></script> //]]></script> <div class="cbi-map" id="cbi-modem"> <h2><a id="content" name="content"><%:信号状态/模块信息%></a></h2> <div class="cbi-map-descr">请注意该插件所有功能并无适配所有5G模块,不用妄想冷门模块插上就能用(有能力者自行适配) </div> <fieldset class="cbi-section" id="simwarn" style="display:none;"> <legend><%:SIM警告%></legend> <table width="550" border="0"> <tr> <td width="10%"></td> <td width="60%"><div align="left" id="simsg" style="font-size:1.875em"><strong></strong></div></td> <td width="30%"></td> </tr> </table> </fieldset> <fieldset class="cbi-section" id="cbi-mod"> <legend><%:综合信息%></legend> <table width="100%" cellspacing="10"> <tr><td width="20%"><%:模块 :%></td><td id="modem">-</td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:制造商 :%></td><td id="conntype"></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:温度 : %></td><td id="tempur"></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:更新时间 : %></td><td id="date"></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:协议 : %></td><td id="proto"></td><td></td></tr> --> </table> </fieldset> <% if nosms == 0 then %> <% end %> <fieldset class="cbi-section" id="cbi-msinfo"> <legend><%:通信模块/SIM卡信息%></legend> <table width="100%" cellspacing="10"> <tr><td width="20%"><%:运营商 : %></td><td id="cops"></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:IMEI :%></td><td id="imei"></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:IMSI : %></td><td id="imsi"></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:ICCID : %></td><td id="iccid"></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:SIM卡号码 : %></td><td id="phone"></td><td></td></tr> </table> </fieldset> <fieldset class="cbi-section" id="cbi-sig"> <legend><%:信号状态%></legend> <table width="100%" cellspacing="10"> <tr><td width="20%"><%:蜂窝网络类型 :%></td><td id="mode"></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:CSQ : %></td><td id="csq"></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:信号强度 : %></td><td id="per"></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:信号接收强度 RSSI : %></td><td id="rssi"></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:参考信号接收质量 RSRQ : %></td><td><ul><span id="ecio" class="r"></span><span id="ecio1" class="r"></span></ul></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:参考信号接收功率 RSRP : %></td><td><ul><span id="rscp" class="r"></span><span id="rscp1" class="r"></span></ul></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:信噪比 SINR : %></td><td id="sinr"></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:连接状态监控 : %></td><td id="conmon"></td><td></td></tr> </table> </fieldset> <fieldset class="cbi-section" id="cbi-sig"> <legend><%:基站信息%></legend> <table width="100%" cellspacing="10"> <tr><td width="20%"><%:MCC / MNC :%></td><td id="mcc"></td><td id="mnc"></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:eNB ID : %></td><td><ul><span id="rnc" class="r"></span><span id="rncn" class="r"></span></ul></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:TAC : %></td><td><ul><span id="lac" class="r"></span><span id="lacn" class="r"></span></ul></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:Cell ID : %></td><td><ul><span id="cid" class="r"></span><span id="cidn" class="r"></span></ul></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:频段 Band : %></td><td id="lband"></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:频点 Channel : %></td><td id="chan"></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:物理小区标识 PCI : %></td><td id="pci"></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td width="20%"><%:最大Qos级别 Maximum Qos : %></td><td><ul><span id="down" class="r"></span><span id="up" class="r"></span></ul></td><td></td></tr> </table> </fieldset> <% if havegps == 1 then %> <fieldset class="cbi-section" id="cbi-gps"> <legend><%:GPS 定位%></legend> <table width="550" border="0"> <tr> <td width="30%"><div align="right"><%:纬度 :%></div></td> <td><ul id="lat"></ul></td> <td width="1%"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><div align="right"><%:经度 :%></div></td> <td><ul id="long"></ul></td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> </fieldset> <% end %> </div> <%+footer%> Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Mobile Network" msgstr "模块设置" msgid "Automatic operation upon startup ooo" msgstr "开机自动启动:勾选" msgid "Tools" msgstr "拨号工具" msgid "PAP/CHAP Username" msgstr "PAP/CHAP 用户" msgid "PAP/CHAP Password" msgstr "PAP/CHAP 密码" msgid "Modem Server For OpenWrt" msgstr "4G/5G模块管理" msgid "SIM Settings" msgstr "SIM 配置 (联通ANP:3gnet) (电信APN:ctnet) (移动APN:cmnet) (广电APN:cbnet) " msgid "PdpType" msgstr "IP获取方式" msgid "AT Port Settings" msgstr "AT 模块配置" msgid "Set tyyUSB port" msgstr "AT 模块端口配置 (全模块指定端口)" msgid "tyyUSB port" msgstr "ttyUSB 配置ID" msgid "Network Diagnostics" msgstr "网络诊断" msgid "Network Diagnostics" msgstr "网络诊断" msgid "Network exception handling: check the network connection in a loop for 5 seconds. If the Ping IP address is not successful, After the network exceeds the abnormal number, restart and search the registered network again." msgstr "网络异常处理:循环检查网络连接5秒。如果Ping IP地址不成功,则在网络超过异常数量后,重新启动并搜索已注册的网络。" msgid "Ping IP address" msgstr "Ping IP地址" msgid "Abnormal number" msgstr "异常次数" msgid "Lock Band List" msgstr "锁定频段列表" msgid "Server Type" msgstr "服务类型" msgid "FMFM650-CN Settings" msgstr "FMFM650-CN 设置" msgid "[1]Automatic start upon startup: Check</br>[2] FMFMFM650-CN module default ECM (36) mode. If not, please modify it, otherwise dialing cannot proceed normally</br>" msgstr "【1】 开机自动启动:勾选 </br> 【2】 FMFM650-CN 模块默认 ECM (36)模式如果不是请修改 否则不能正常进行拨号 </br>" Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1 @@ zh-cn Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ config ndis option enabled '0' option bandlist '0' option servertype '0' option ipaddress '' option en '0' option an '5' option model 'nr5g' option tyyusb '2' option tool 'quectel-CM' option device '/dev/cdc-wdm0' option pdptype 'IPV4V6' Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ #!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common START=99 start() { /bin/sh /usr/share/cpe/rssi & } Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ #!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common # Copyright (C) 2006-2014 OpenWrt.org START=16 STOP=16 USE_PROCD=1 #使用procd启动 # start启动服务 # stop停止服务 # restart重新启动服务 # reload重新加载配置文件(如果服务未实现重新加载,则重新启动) # enable启用服务自动启动 # disable禁用服务自动启动 # enabled检查服务是否在启动时启动 # 正在运行检查服务是否正在运行 # status服务状态 # trace从系统调用跟踪开始 runModem() { local enabled config_get_bool enabled $1 enabled echo "run runModem" >> /tmp/log4g if [ "$enabled" = "1" ]; then local user local password local apn local auth local pincode local device local tool local pdptype config_get user $1 user config_get password $1 password config_get apn $1 apn config_get auth $1 auth config_get pincode $1 pincode config_get device $1 device config_get tool $1 tool config_get pdptype $1 pdptype config_get tty $1 tty config_get atcmd $1 atcmd if [ "$pdptype" = "IPV4V6" ]; then pdptype='-4 -6' elif [ "$pdptype" = "IPV6" ]; then pdptype='-6' else pdptype='' fi devname="$(basename "$device")" devpath="$(readlink -f /sys/class/usbmisc/$devname/device/)" ifname="$( ls "$devpath"/net )" procd_open_instance #创建一个实例, 在procd看来一个应用程序可以多个实\E4\BE? #ubus call service list 可以查看实例 procd_set_param command $tool -i $ifname -s $apn $pdptype if [ "$password" != "" ];then procd_append_param command $user $password $auth fi if [ "$pincode" != "" ]; then procd_append_param command -p $pincode fi # procd_append_param command -f /tmp/4g.log procd_set_param respawn echo "quectel-CM has started." procd_close_instance #关闭实例 fi } service_triggers() { procd_add_reload_trigger "modem" } start_service() { config_load modem config_foreach runModem ndis } stop_service() { echo "runModem stop" >> /tmp/log4g killall quectel-CM echo "quectel-CM has stoped." } Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ #!/bin/sh uci -q batch <<-EOF >/dev/null delete ucitrack.@modem[-1] add ucitrack modem set ucitrack.@modem[-1].init=modem commit ucitrack EOF rm -f /tmp/luci-indexcache exit 0 Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ #!/bin/sh # printf "Band 128-bit bandmask\n" LBAND=1 BBAND=1 while [ $LBAND -le 48 ] do printf "%-6s%016X%016X\n" "$LBAND" "0" "$BBAND" LBAND=$(( $LBAND + 1 )) BBAND=$(( $BBAND * 2 )) done LBAND=65 BBAND=1 while [ $LBAND -le 85 ] do printf "%-6s%016X%016X\n" "$LBAND" "$BBAND" "0" LBAND=$(( $LBAND + 1 )) BBAND=$(( $BBAND * 2 )) done Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,317 @@ #!/bin/sh CHAN=$1 CHAN=$(echo "$CHAN" | grep -o "[0-9]*") decode_lte() { if [ $CHAN -lt 600 ]; then BAND="B1" elif [ $CHAN -lt 1200 ]; then BAND="B2" elif [ $CHAN -lt 1950 ]; then BAND="B3" elif [ $CHAN -lt 2400 ]; then BAND="B4" elif [ $CHAN -lt 2650 ]; then BAND="B5" elif [ $CHAN -lt 2750 ]; then BAND="B6" elif [ $CHAN -lt 3450 ]; then BAND="B7" elif [ $CHAN -lt 3800 ]; then BAND="B8" elif [ $CHAN -lt 4150 ]; then BAND="B9" elif [ $CHAN -lt 4750 ]; then BAND="B10" elif [ $CHAN -lt 4950 ]; then BAND="B11" elif [ $CHAN -lt 5010 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -lt 5180 ]; then BAND="B12" elif [ $CHAN -lt 5280 ]; then BAND="B13" elif [ $CHAN -lt 5380 ]; then BAND="B14" elif [ $CHAN -lt 5730 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -lt 5850 ]; then BAND="B17" elif [ $CHAN -lt 6000 ]; then BAND="B18" elif [ $CHAN -lt 6150 ]; then BAND="B19" elif [ $CHAN -lt 6450 ]; then BAND="B20" elif [ $CHAN -lt 6600 ]; then BAND="B21" elif [ $CHAN -lt 7400 ]; then BAND="B22" elif [ $CHAN -lt 7500 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -lt 7700 ]; then BAND="B23" elif [ $CHAN -lt 8040 ]; then BAND="B24" elif [ $CHAN -lt 8690 ]; then BAND="B25" elif [ $CHAN -lt 9040 ]; then BAND="B26" elif [ $CHAN -lt 9210 ]; then BAND="B27" elif [ $CHAN -lt 9660 ]; then BAND="B28" elif [ $CHAN -lt 9770 ]; then BAND="B29" elif [ $CHAN -lt 9870 ]; then BAND="B30" elif [ $CHAN -lt 9920 ]; then BAND="B31" elif [ $CHAN -lt 10400 ]; then BAND="B32" elif [ $CHAN -lt 36000 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -lt 36200 ]; then BAND="B33" elif [ $CHAN -lt 36350 ]; then BAND="B34" elif [ $CHAN -lt 36950 ]; then BAND="B35" elif [ $CHAN -lt 37550 ]; then BAND="B36" elif [ $CHAN -lt 37750 ]; then BAND="B37" elif [ $CHAN -lt 38250 ]; then BAND="B38" elif [ $CHAN -lt 38650 ]; then BAND="B39" elif [ $CHAN -lt 39650 ]; then BAND="B40" elif [ $CHAN -lt 41590 ]; then BAND="B41" elif [ $CHAN -lt 43590 ]; then BAND="B42" elif [ $CHAN -lt 45590 ]; then BAND="B43" elif [ $CHAN -lt 46590 ]; then BAND="B44" elif [ $CHAN -lt 46790 ]; then BAND="B45" elif [ $CHAN -lt 54540 ]; then BAND="B46" elif [ $CHAN -lt 55240 ]; then BAND="B47" elif [ $CHAN -lt 56740 ]; then BAND="B48" elif [ $CHAN -lt 58240 ]; then BAND="B49" elif [ $CHAN -lt 59090 ]; then BAND="B50" elif [ $CHAN -lt 59140 ]; then BAND="B51" elif [ $CHAN -lt 60140 ]; then BAND="B52" elif [ $CHAN -lt 60255 ]; then BAND="B53" elif [ $CHAN -lt 65536 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -lt 66436 ]; then BAND="B65" elif [ $CHAN -lt 67336 ]; then BAND="B66" elif [ $CHAN -lt 67536 ]; then BAND="B67" elif [ $CHAN -lt 67836 ]; then BAND="B68" elif [ $CHAN -lt 68336 ]; then BAND="B69" elif [ $CHAN -lt 68586 ]; then BAND="B70" elif [ $CHAN -lt 68936 ]; then BAND="B71" elif [ $CHAN -lt 68986 ]; then BAND="B72" elif [ $CHAN -lt 69036 ]; then BAND="B73" elif [ $CHAN -lt 69466 ]; then BAND="B74" elif [ $CHAN -lt 70316 ]; then BAND="B75" elif [ $CHAN -lt 70366 ]; then BAND="B76" elif [ $CHAN -lt 70546 ]; then BAND="B85" elif [ $CHAN -lt 70596 ]; then BAND="B87" elif [ $CHAN -lt 70646 ]; then BAND="B88" else BAND="-" fi } decode_nr5g() { if [ $CHAN -lt 123400 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -le 130400 ]; then BAND="n71" elif [ $CHAN -lt 143400 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -lt 145600 ]; then BAND="n29" elif [ $CHAN -eq 145600 ]; then BAND="n29|n85" elif [ $CHAN -lt 145800 ]; then BAND="n85" elif [ $CHAN -eq 145800 ]; then BAND="n12|n85" elif [ $CHAN -lt 147600 ]; then BAND="n12|n85" elif [ $CHAN -lt 149200 ]; then BAND="n12|n67|n85" elif [ $CHAN -eq 149200 ]; then BAND="n12|n13|n67|n85" elif [ $CHAN -le 151200 ]; then BAND="n13|n67" elif [ $CHAN -lt 151600 ]; then BAND="n67" elif [ $CHAN -eq 151600 ]; then BAND="n14|n28|n67" elif [ $CHAN -le 153600 ]; then BAND="n14|n28" elif [ $CHAN -lt 158200 ]; then BAND="n28" elif [ $CHAN -eq 158200 ]; then BAND="n14|n20|n28" elif [ $CHAN -le 160600 ]; then BAND="n20|n28" elif [ $CHAN -le 164200 ]; then BAND="n20" elif [ $CHAN -lt 171800 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -lt 172000 ]; then BAND="n26" elif [ $CHAN -lt 173800 ]; then BAND="n18|n26" elif [ $CHAN -le 175000 ]; then BAND="n5|n18|n26" elif [ $CHAN -le 178800 ]; then BAND="n5|n26" elif [ $CHAN -lt 185000 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -le 192000 ]; then BAND="n8" elif [ $CHAN -lt 285400 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -lt 286400 ]; then BAND="n51|n76|n91|n93" elif [ $CHAN -eq 286400 ]; then BAND="n50|n51|n75|n76|n91|92|n93|94" elif [ $CHAN -lt 295000 ]; then BAND="n50|n75|n92|n94" elif [ $CHAN -eq 295000 ]; then BAND="n50|n74|n75|n92|n94" elif [ $CHAN -le 303400 ]; then BAND="n50|n74|n75|n92|n94" elif [ $CHAN -le 303600 ]; then BAND="n74" elif [ $CHAN -lt 305000 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -le 311800 ]; then BAND="n24" elif [ $CHAN -lt 361000 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -lt 376000 ]; then BAND="n3" elif [ $CHAN -eq 376000 ]; then BAND="n3|n39" elif [ $CHAN -le 384000 ]; then BAND="n39" elif [ $CHAN -lt 386000 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -le 398000 ]; then BAND="n2|n25" elif [ $CHAN -lt 399000 ]; then BAND="n25" elif [ $CHAN -eq 399000 ]; then BAND="n25|n70" elif [ $CHAN -lt 402000 ]; then BAND="n70" elif [ $CHAN -eq 402000 ]; then BAND="n34|n70" elif [ $CHAN -le 404000 ]; then BAND="n34|n70" elif [ $CHAN -le 405000 ]; then BAND="n34" elif [ $CHAN -lt 422000 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -le 434000 ]; then BAND="n1|n65|n66" elif [ $CHAN -le 440000 ]; then BAND="n65|n66" elif [ $CHAN -lt 460000 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -lt 470000 ]; then BAND="n40" elif [ $CHAN -eq 470000 ]; then BAND="n30|n40" elif [ $CHAN -le 472000 ]; then BAND="n30|n40" elif [ $CHAN -le 480000 ]; then BAND="n40" elif [ $CHAN -lt 496700 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -le 499000 ]; then BAND="n53" elif [ $CHAN -lt 499200 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -lt 514000 ]; then BAND="n41|n90" elif [ $CHAN -eq 514000 ]; then BAND="n38|n41|n90" elif [ $CHAN -lt 524000 ]; then BAND="n38|n41|n90" elif [ $CHAN -eq 524000 ]; then BAND="n7|n38|n41|n90" elif [ $CHAN -lt 538000 ]; then BAND="n7|n41|n90" elif [ $CHAN -eq 538000 ]; then BAND="n7|n90" elif [ $CHAN -lt 620000 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -lt 636667 ]; then BAND="n77|n78" elif [ $CHAN -le 646666 ]; then BAND="n48|n77|n78" elif [ $CHAN -le 653333 ]; then BAND="n77|n78" elif [ $CHAN -le 680000 ]; then BAND="n77" elif [ $CHAN -lt 693334 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -le 733333 ]; then BAND="n79" elif [ $CHAN -lt 743333 ]; then BAND="-" elif [ $CHAN -lt 795000 ]; then BAND="n46" elif [ $CHAN -eq 795000 ]; then BAND="n46|n96" elif [ $CHAN -le 875000 ]; then BAND="n96" else BAND="-" fi } if [ -z "$CHAN" ]; then BAND="-" elif [ "$CHAN" -lt 123400 ]; then decode_lte elif [ "$CHAN" -le 875000 ]; then decode_nr5g else BAND="-" fi echo $BAND exit Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ #!/usr/bin/lua mtab = {} vtab = {1, 2, 4, 8} for i = 1, 32 do mtab[i] = 0 end numarg = #arg for argval = 1, numarg do band = arg[argval] if tonumber(band) <= 128 then idx = math.floor((band - 1) / 4) + 1 idxr = 33 - idx val = vtab[(band - ((idx - 1) * 4 ))] mtab[idxr] = mtab[idxr] + val end end for i = 1, 32 do mtab[i] = string.format("%X", mtab[i]) end print(table.concat(mtab)) Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ #!/bin/sh LOOKFOR=$1 KILLLIST=$(ps | grep $LOOKFOR) echo "$KILLLIST" | while read line; do if `echo "$line" | grep "/$LOOKFOR" > /dev/null` ; then PIDV=$(echo $line | grep -o "^[0-9]\{1,5\}" | grep -o "[0-9]\{1,5\}") kill $PIDV fi done Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ #!/usr/bin/lua rsrp = tonumber(arg[1]) bw = tonumber(arg[2]) if bw == 1.4 then n = 6 else n = bw * 5 end if tonumber(string.match(_VERSION, "%d+%.%d")) > 5.1 then rssi = rsrp + (10 * math.log(n * 12, 10)) else rssi = rsrp + (10 * math.log10(n * 12)) end if rssi < -113 then rssi = -113 elseif rssi > -51 then rssi = -51 end print(math.floor(rssi)) Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ #!/bin/sh PIN=$1 VALUE=$2 PIN_FILE=/sys/class/gpio/gpio$PIN if [ -z "$PIN" -o -z "$VALUE" ]; then exit 1 fi echo $PIN >/sys/class/gpio/export if [ $(cat $PIN_FILE/direction) = "out" ]; then echo $VALUE >$PIN_FILE/value fi echo $PIN >/sys/class/gpio/unexport Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,285 @@ #!/bin/sh ATPORT=1 # SIMCOM获取基站信息 Fibocom_Cellinfo() { #baseinfo.gcom OX=$( sendat $ATPORT "ATI") OX=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+CGEQNEG=1") #cellinfo0.gcom OX1=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?") OX2=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?") OX=$OX1" "$OX2 #cellinfo.gcom OY1=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+CREG=2;+CREG?;+CREG=0") OY2=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+CEREG=2;+CEREG?;+CEREG=0") OY3=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+C5GREG=2;+C5GREG?;+C5GREG=0") OY=$OY1" "$OY2" "$OY3 OXx=$OX OX=$(echo $OX | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z') OY=$(echo $OY | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z') OX=$OX" "$OY #Debug "$OX" #Debug "$OY" COPS="-" COPS_MCC="-" COPS_MNC="-" COPSX=$(echo $OXx | grep -o "+COPS: [01],0,.\+," | cut -d, -f3 | grep -o "[^\"]\+") if [ "x$COPSX" != "x" ]; then COPS=$COPSX fi COPSX=$(echo $OX | grep -o "+COPS: [01],2,.\+," | cut -d, -f3 | grep -o "[^\"]\+") if [ "x$COPSX" != "x" ]; then COPS_MCC=${COPSX:0:3} COPS_MNC=${COPSX:3:3} if [ "$COPS" = "-" ]; then COPS=$(awk -F[\;] '/'$COPS'/ {print $2}' $ROOTER/signal/mccmnc.data) [ "x$COPS" = "x" ] && COPS="-" fi fi if [ "$COPS" = "-" ]; then COPS=$(echo "$O" | awk -F[\"] '/^\+COPS: 0,0/ {print $2}') if [ "x$COPS" = "x" ]; then COPS="-" COPS_MCC="-" COPS_MNC="-" fi fi COPS_MNC=" "$COPS_MNC OX=$(echo "${OX//[ \"]/}") CID="" CID5="" RAT="" REGV=$(echo "$OX" | grep -o "+C5GREG:2,[0-9],[A-F0-9]\{2,6\},[A-F0-9]\{5,10\},[0-9]\{1,2\}") if [ -n "$REGV" ]; then LAC5=$(echo "$REGV" | cut -d, -f3) LAC5=$LAC5" ($(printf "%d" 0x$LAC5))" CID5=$(echo "$REGV" | cut -d, -f4) CID5L=$(printf "%010X" 0x$CID5) RNC5=${CID5L:1:6} RNC5=$RNC5" ($(printf "%d" 0x$RNC5))" CID5=${CID5L:7:3} CID5="Short $(printf "%X" 0x$CID5) ($(printf "%d" 0x$CID5)), Long $(printf "%X" 0x$CID5L) ($(printf "%d" 0x$CID5L))" RAT=$(echo "$REGV" | cut -d, -f5) fi REGV=$(echo "$OX" | grep -o "+CEREG:2,[0-9],[A-F0-9]\{2,4\},[A-F0-9]\{5,8\}") REGFMT="3GPP" if [ -z "$REGV" ]; then REGV=$(echo "$OX" | grep -o "+CEREG:2,[0-9],[A-F0-9]\{2,4\},[A-F0-9]\{1,3\},[A-F0-9]\{5,8\}") REGFMT="SW" fi if [ -n "$REGV" ]; then LAC=$(echo "$REGV" | cut -d, -f3) LAC=$(printf "%04X" 0x$LAC)" ($(printf "%d" 0x$LAC))" if [ $REGFMT = "3GPP" ]; then CID=$(echo "$REGV" | cut -d, -f4) else CID=$(echo "$REGV" | cut -d, -f5) fi CIDL=$(printf "%08X" 0x$CID) RNC=${CIDL:1:5} RNC=$RNC" ($(printf "%d" 0x$RNC))" CID=${CIDL:6:2} CID="Short $(printf "%X" 0x$CID) ($(printf "%d" 0x$CID)), Long $(printf "%X" 0x$CIDL) ($(printf "%d" 0x$CIDL))" else REGV=$(echo "$OX" | grep -o "+CREG:2,[0-9],[A-F0-9]\{2,4\},[A-F0-9]\{2,8\}") if [ -n "$REGV" ]; then LAC=$(echo "$REGV" | cut -d, -f3) CID=$(echo "$REGV" | cut -d, -f4) if [ ${#CID} -gt 4 ]; then LAC=$(printf "%04X" 0x$LAC)" ($(printf "%d" 0x$LAC))" CIDL=$(printf "%08X" 0x$CID) RNC=${CIDL:1:3} CID=${CIDL:4:4} CID="Short $(printf "%X" 0x$CID) ($(printf "%d" 0x$CID)), Long $(printf "%X" 0x$CIDL) ($(printf "%d" 0x$CIDL))" else LAC="" fi else LAC="" fi fi REGSTAT=$(echo "$REGV" | cut -d, -f2) if [ "$REGSTAT" == "5" -a "$COPS" != "-" ]; then COPS_MNC=$COPS_MNC" (Roaming)" fi if [ -n "$CID" -a -n "$CID5" ] && [ "$RAT" == "13" -o "$RAT" == "10" ]; then LAC="4G $LAC, 5G $LAC5" CID="4G $CID<br />5G $CID5" RNC="4G $RNC, 5G $RNC5" elif [ -n "$CID5" ]; then LAC=$LAC5 CID=$CID5 RNC=$RNC5 fi if [ -z "$LAC" ]; then LAC="-" CID="-" RNC="-" fi } Fibocom_SIMINFO() { Debug "Fibocom_SIMINFO" # 获取IMEI IMEI=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+CGSN" | sed -n '2p' ) # 获取IMSI IMSI=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+CIMI" | sed -n '2p' ) # 获取ICCID ICCID=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+ICCID" | grep -o "+ICCID:[ ]*[-0-9]\+" | grep -o "[-0-9]\{1,4\}" ) # 获取电话号码 phone=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+CNUM" | grep "+CNUM:" ) } #SIMCOM查找基站AT Fibocom_AT() { Debug "Fibocom_AT" ATPORT All_CSQ Fibocom_SIMINFO Fibocom_Cellinfo #温度 OX=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+CPMUTEMP") TEMP=$(echo "$OX" | grep -o "+CPMUTEMP:[ ]*[-0-9]\+" | grep -o "[-0-9]\{1,4\}") if [ -n "$TEMP" ]; then TEMP=$(echo $TEMP)$(printf "\xc2\xb0")"C" fi #基站信息 OX=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+CPSI?") rec=$(echo "$OX" | grep "+CPSI:") w=$(echo $rec |grep "NO SERVICE"| wc -l) if [ $w -ge 1 ];then Debug "NO SERVICE" return fi w=$(echo $rec |grep "NR5G_"| wc -l) if [ $w -ge 1 ];then w=$(echo $rec |grep "32768"| wc -l) if [ $w -ge 1 ];then Debug "-32768" return fi Debug "$rec" rec1=${rec##*+CPSI:} #echo "$rec1" MODE="${rec1%%,*}" # MODE="NR5G" rect1=${rec1#*,} rect1s="${rect1%%,*}" #Online rect2=${rect1#*,} rect2s="${rect2%%,*}" #460-11 rect3=${rect2#*,} rect3s="${rect3%%,*}" #0xCFA102 rect4=${rect3#*,} rect4s="${rect4%%,*}" #55744245764 rect5=${rect4#*,} rect5s="${rect5%%,*}" #196 rect6=${rect5#*,} rect6s="${rect6%%,*}" #NR5G_BAND78 rect7=${rect6#*,} rect7s="${rect7%%,*}" #627264 rect8=${rect7#*,} rect8s="${rect8%%,*}" #-940 rect9=${rect8#*,} rect9s="${rect9%%,*}" #-110 # "${rec1##*,}" #最后一位 rect10=${rect9#*,} rect10s="${rect10%%,*}" #最后一位 PCI=$rect5s LBAND="n"$(echo $rect6s | cut -d, -f0 | grep -o "BAND[0-9]\{1,3\}" | grep -o "[0-9]\+") CHANNEL=$rect7s RSCP=$(($(echo $rect8s | cut -d, -f0) / 10)) ECIO=$(($(echo $rect9s | cut -d, -f0) / 10)) if [ "$CSQ_PER" = "-" ]; then CSQ_PER=$((100 - (($RSCP + 31) * 100/-125)))"%" fi SINR=$(($(echo $rect10s | cut -d, -f0) / 10))" dB" fi w=$(echo $rec |grep "LTE"|grep "EUTRAN"| wc -l) if [ $w -ge 1 ];then rec1=${rec#*EUTRAN-} lte_band=${rec1%%,*} #EUTRAN-BAND rec1=${rec1#*,} rec1=${rec1#*,} rec1=${rec1#*,} rec1=${rec1#*,} #rec1=${rec1#*,} rec1=${rec1#*,} lte_rssi=${rec1%%,*} #LTE_RSSI lte_rssi=`expr $lte_rssi / 10` #LTE_RSSI Debug "LTE_BAND=$lte_band LTE_RSSI=$lte_rssi" if [ $rssi == 0 ];then rssi=$lte_rssi fi fi w=$(echo $rec |grep "WCDMA"| wc -l) if [ $w -ge 1 ];then w=$(echo $rec |grep "UNKNOWN"|wc -l) if [ $w -ge 1 ];then Debug "UNKNOWN BAND" return fi fi #CNMP OX=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+CNMP?") CNMP=$(echo "$OX" | grep -o "+CNMP:[ ]*[0-9]\{1,3\}" | grep -o "[0-9]\{1,3\}") if [ -n "$CNMP" ]; then case $CNMP in "2"|"55" ) NETMODE="1" ;; "13" ) NETMODE="3" ;; "14" ) NETMODE="5" ;; "38" ) NETMODE="7" ;; "71" ) NETMODE="9" ;; "109" ) NETMODE="8" ;; * ) NETMODE="0" ;; esac fi # CMGRMI 信息 OX=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+CMGRMI=4") CAINFO=$(echo "$OX" | grep -o "$REGXz" | tr ' ' ':') if [ -n "$CAINFO" ]; then for CASV in $(echo "$CAINFO"); do LBAND=$LBAND"<br />B"$(echo "$CASV" | cut -d, -f4) BW=$(echo "$CASV" | cut -d, -f5) decode_bw LBAND=$LBAND" (CA, Bandwidth $BW MHz)" CHANNEL="$CHANNEL, "$(echo "$CASV" | cut -d, -f2) PCI="$PCI, "$(echo "$CASV" | cut -d, -f7) done fi } Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,303 @@ #!/bin/sh ATPORT=1 #查询信息强度 All_CSQ() { Debug "All_CSQ" #信号 OX=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+CSQ" |grep "+CSQ:") OX=$(echo $OX | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z') CSQ=$(echo "$OX" | grep -o "+CSQ: [0-9]\{1,2\}" | grep -o "[0-9]\{1,2\}") if [ $CSQ = "99" ]; then CSQ="" fi if [ -n "$CSQ" ]; then CSQ_PER=$(($CSQ * 100/31))"%" CSQ_RSSI=$((2 * CSQ - 113))" dBm" else CSQ="-" CSQ_PER="-" CSQ_RSSI="-" fi } # SIMCOM获取基站信息 SIMCOM_Cellinfo() { #baseinfo.gcom OX=$( sendat 2 "ATI") OX=$( sendat 2 "AT+CGEQNEG=1") #cellinfo0.gcom OX1=$( sendat 2 "AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?") OX2=$( sendat 2 "AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?") OX=$OX1" "$OX2 #cellinfo.gcom OY1=$( sendat 2 "AT+CREG=2;+CREG?;+CREG=0") OY2=$( sendat 2 "AT+CEREG=2;+CEREG?;+CEREG=0") OY3=$( sendat 2 "AT+C5GREG=2;+C5GREG?;+C5GREG=0") OY=$OY1" "$OY2" "$OY3 OXx=$OX OX=$(echo $OX | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z') OY=$(echo $OY | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z') OX=$OX" "$OY #Debug "$OX" #Debug "$OY" COPS="-" COPS_MCC="-" COPS_MNC="-" COPSX=$(echo $OXx | grep -o "+COPS: [01],0,.\+," | cut -d, -f3 | grep -o "[^\"]\+") if [ "x$COPSX" != "x" ]; then COPS=$COPSX fi COPSX=$(echo $OX | grep -o "+COPS: [01],2,.\+," | cut -d, -f3 | grep -o "[^\"]\+") if [ "x$COPSX" != "x" ]; then COPS_MCC=${COPSX:0:3} COPS_MNC=${COPSX:3:3} if [ "$COPS" = "-" ]; then COPS=$(awk -F[\;] '/'$COPS'/ {print $2}' $ROOTER/signal/mccmnc.data) [ "x$COPS" = "x" ] && COPS="-" fi fi if [ "$COPS" = "-" ]; then COPS=$(echo "$O" | awk -F[\"] '/^\+COPS: 0,0/ {print $2}') if [ "x$COPS" = "x" ]; then COPS="-" COPS_MCC="-" COPS_MNC="-" fi fi COPS_MNC=" "$COPS_MNC OX=$(echo "${OX//[ \"]/}") CID="" CID5="" RAT="" REGV=$(echo "$OX" | grep -o "+C5GREG:2,[0-9],[A-F0-9]\{2,6\},[A-F0-9]\{5,10\},[0-9]\{1,2\}") if [ -n "$REGV" ]; then LAC5=$(echo "$REGV" | cut -d, -f3) LAC5=$LAC5" ($(printf "%d" 0x$LAC5))" CID5=$(echo "$REGV" | cut -d, -f4) CID5L=$(printf "%010X" 0x$CID5) RNC5=${CID5L:1:6} RNC5=$RNC5" ($(printf "%d" 0x$RNC5))" CID5=${CID5L:7:3} CID5="Short $(printf "%X" 0x$CID5) ($(printf "%d" 0x$CID5)), Long $(printf "%X" 0x$CID5L) ($(printf "%d" 0x$CID5L))" RAT=$(echo "$REGV" | cut -d, -f5) fi REGV=$(echo "$OX" | grep -o "+CEREG:2,[0-9],[A-F0-9]\{2,4\},[A-F0-9]\{5,8\}") REGFMT="3GPP" if [ -z "$REGV" ]; then REGV=$(echo "$OX" | grep -o "+CEREG:2,[0-9],[A-F0-9]\{2,4\},[A-F0-9]\{1,3\},[A-F0-9]\{5,8\}") REGFMT="SW" fi if [ -n "$REGV" ]; then LAC=$(echo "$REGV" | cut -d, -f3) LAC=$(printf "%04X" 0x$LAC)" ($(printf "%d" 0x$LAC))" if [ $REGFMT = "3GPP" ]; then CID=$(echo "$REGV" | cut -d, -f4) else CID=$(echo "$REGV" | cut -d, -f5) fi CIDL=$(printf "%08X" 0x$CID) RNC=${CIDL:1:5} RNC=$RNC" ($(printf "%d" 0x$RNC))" CID=${CIDL:6:2} CID="Short $(printf "%X" 0x$CID) ($(printf "%d" 0x$CID)), Long $(printf "%X" 0x$CIDL) ($(printf "%d" 0x$CIDL))" else REGV=$(echo "$OX" | grep -o "+CREG:2,[0-9],[A-F0-9]\{2,4\},[A-F0-9]\{2,8\}") if [ -n "$REGV" ]; then LAC=$(echo "$REGV" | cut -d, -f3) CID=$(echo "$REGV" | cut -d, -f4) if [ ${#CID} -gt 4 ]; then LAC=$(printf "%04X" 0x$LAC)" ($(printf "%d" 0x$LAC))" CIDL=$(printf "%08X" 0x$CID) RNC=${CIDL:1:3} CID=${CIDL:4:4} CID="Short $(printf "%X" 0x$CID) ($(printf "%d" 0x$CID)), Long $(printf "%X" 0x$CIDL) ($(printf "%d" 0x$CIDL))" else LAC="" fi else LAC="" fi fi REGSTAT=$(echo "$REGV" | cut -d, -f2) if [ "$REGSTAT" == "5" -a "$COPS" != "-" ]; then COPS_MNC=$COPS_MNC" (Roaming)" fi if [ -n "$CID" -a -n "$CID5" ] && [ "$RAT" == "13" -o "$RAT" == "10" ]; then LAC="4G $LAC, 5G $LAC5" CID="4G $CID<br />5G $CID5" RNC="4G $RNC, 5G $RNC5" elif [ -n "$CID5" ]; then LAC=$LAC5 CID=$CID5 RNC=$RNC5 fi if [ -z "$LAC" ]; then LAC="-" CID="-" RNC="-" fi } SIMCOM_SIMINFO() { Debug "Quectel_SIMINFO" # 获取IMEI IMEI=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+CGSN" | sed -n '2p' ) # 获取IMSI IMSI=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+CIMI" | sed -n '2p' ) # 获取ICCID ICCID=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+ICCID" | grep -o "+ICCID:[ ]*[-0-9]\+" | grep -o "[-0-9]\{1,4\}" ) # 获取电话号码 phone=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+CNUM" | grep "+CNUM:" ) } #SIMCOM查找基站AT SIMCOM_AT() { Debug "SIMCOM_AT" ATPORT All_CSQ SIMCOM_SIMINFO SIMCOM_Cellinfo #温度 OX=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+CPMUTEMP") TEMP=$(echo "$OX" | grep -o "+CPMUTEMP:[ ]*[-0-9]\+" | grep -o "[-0-9]\{1,4\}") if [ -n "$TEMP" ]; then TEMP=$(echo $TEMP)$(printf "\xc2\xb0")"C" fi #基站信息 OX=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+CPSI?") rec=$(echo "$OX" | grep "+CPSI:") w=$(echo $rec |grep "NO SERVICE"| wc -l) if [ $w -ge 1 ];then Debug "NO SERVICE" return fi w=$(echo $rec |grep "NR5G_"| wc -l) if [ $w -ge 1 ];then w=$(echo $rec |grep "32768"| wc -l) if [ $w -ge 1 ];then Debug "-32768" return fi Debug "$rec" rec1=${rec##*+CPSI:} #echo "$rec1" MODE="${rec1%%,*}" # MODE="NR5G" rect1=${rec1#*,} rect1s="${rect1%%,*}" #Online rect2=${rect1#*,} rect2s="${rect2%%,*}" #460-11 rect3=${rect2#*,} rect3s="${rect3%%,*}" #0xCFA102 rect4=${rect3#*,} rect4s="${rect4%%,*}" #55744245764 rect5=${rect4#*,} rect5s="${rect5%%,*}" #196 rect6=${rect5#*,} rect6s="${rect6%%,*}" #NR5G_BAND78 rect7=${rect6#*,} rect7s="${rect7%%,*}" #627264 rect8=${rect7#*,} rect8s="${rect8%%,*}" #-940 rect9=${rect8#*,} rect9s="${rect9%%,*}" #-110 # "${rec1##*,}" #最后一位 rect10=${rect9#*,} rect10s="${rect10%%,*}" #最后一位 PCI=$rect5s LBAND="n"$(echo $rect6s | cut -d, -f0 | grep -o "BAND[0-9]\{1,3\}" | grep -o "[0-9]\+") CHANNEL=$rect7s RSCP=$(($(echo $rect8s | cut -d, -f0) / 10)) ECIO=$(($(echo $rect9s | cut -d, -f0) / 10)) if [ "$CSQ_PER" = "-" ]; then CSQ_PER=$((100 - (($RSCP + 31) * 100/-125)))"%" fi SINR=$(($(echo $rect10s | cut -d, -f0) / 10))" dB" fi w=$(echo $rec |grep "LTE"|grep "EUTRAN"| wc -l) if [ $w -ge 1 ];then rec1=${rec#*EUTRAN-} lte_band=${rec1%%,*} #EUTRAN-BAND rec1=${rec1#*,} rec1=${rec1#*,} rec1=${rec1#*,} rec1=${rec1#*,} #rec1=${rec1#*,} rec1=${rec1#*,} lte_rssi=${rec1%%,*} #LTE_RSSI lte_rssi=`expr $lte_rssi / 10` #LTE_RSSI Debug "LTE_BAND=$lte_band LTE_RSSI=$lte_rssi" if [ $rssi == 0 ];then rssi=$lte_rssi fi fi w=$(echo $rec |grep "WCDMA"| wc -l) if [ $w -ge 1 ];then w=$(echo $rec |grep "UNKNOWN"|wc -l) if [ $w -ge 1 ];then Debug "UNKNOWN BAND" return fi fi #CNMP OX=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+CNMP?") CNMP=$(echo "$OX" | grep -o "+CNMP:[ ]*[0-9]\{1,3\}" | grep -o "[0-9]\{1,3\}") if [ -n "$CNMP" ]; then case $CNMP in "2"|"55" ) NETMODE="1" ;; "13" ) NETMODE="3" ;; "14" ) NETMODE="5" ;; "38" ) NETMODE="7" ;; "71" ) NETMODE="9" ;; "109" ) NETMODE="8" ;; * ) NETMODE="0" ;; esac fi # CMGRMI 信息 OX=$( sendat $ATPORT "AT+CMGRMI=4") CAINFO=$(echo "$OX" | grep -o "$REGXz" | tr ' ' ':') if [ -n "$CAINFO" ]; then for CASV in $(echo "$CAINFO"); do LBAND=$LBAND"<br />B"$(echo "$CASV" | cut -d, -f4) BW=$(echo "$CASV" | cut -d, -f5) decode_bw LBAND=$LBAND" (CA, Bandwidth $BW MHz)" CHANNEL="$CHANNEL, "$(echo "$CASV" | cut -d, -f2) PCI="$PCI, "$(echo "$CASV" | cut -d, -f7) done fi } Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ #!/bin/sh rec=$(sendat $1 $2) echo $rec >> /tmp/result.at Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ #!/bin/sh en=1 #调试开关:0关闭,1打开 ,2输出到文件 outfile="/tmp/cpe.log" #输出文件 #日志信息 Debug() { tim=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") #获取系统时间 if [ $en == 1 ]; then echo $tim $1 #打印输出 elif [ $en == 2 ]; then echo $tim $1 >> $outfile #输出到文件 fi } ATPORT() { MODEMNAME="ALL" # ATPORT=$(uci -q get modem.@ndis[0].tyyusb) lsusb=$( lsusb ) RDFM650=$(echo "$lsusb" | grep "ID 2cb7:0a05 " | wc -l) if [ "$RDFM650" == 1 ]; then ATPORT=0 MODEMNAME="FM650CN" else ATPORT=2 fi } Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ #!/bin/sh rm -f /tmp/result.at Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk#将openwrt顶层目录下的rules.mk文件中的内容导入进来 PKG_NAME:=sendat#软件包名 PKG_VERSION:=6.8.2#软件包版本 PKG_BUILD_DIR:= $(BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_NAME)#真正编译当前软件包的目录 include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk#将$(TOPDIR)/include目录下的package.mk文件中的内容导入进来 define Package/sendat SECTION:=wrtnode#软件包类型 CATEGORY:=Daocaoren#menuconfig中软件包所属的一级目录 SUBMENU :=CPE#menuconfig中软件包所属的二级目录 TITLE:=Sendat AT#软件包标题 DEPENDS:=+libpthread#运行本软件依赖的其他包 endef define Package/sendat/description #软件包描述 A sample for sendat test endef define Build/Prepare #编译之前的准备动作 mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) $(CP) ./src/* $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ endef define Package/sendat/install #软件包的安装方法,主要就是将一系列编译好的文件、启动脚本、UCI配置文件等拷贝到指定位置 $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/bin $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/sendat $(1)/bin/ endef $(eval $(call BuildPackage,sendat)) Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ # sendat AT 命令工具 1简化使用AT命令请求方式 使用命令说明 sendat 2 'ATI' 2表示 /dev/ttyUSB2 'ATI' 为at命令 Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ all:sendat OBJS = sendat.o sendat:$(OBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) -lpthread clean: rm -f sendat *.o Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ /* * 2017 - 2021 Cezary Jackiewicz <cezary@eko.one.pl> * 2014 lovewilliam <ztong@vt.edu> */ // Copyright 2011 The Avalon Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0 // that can be found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef SMS_PDU_H_ #define SMS_PDU_H_ #include <time.h> enum { SMS_MAX_PDU_LENGTH = 256 }; /* * Encode an SMS message. Output the encoded message into output pdu buffer. * Returns the length of the SMS encoded message in the output buffer or * a negative number in case encoding failed (for example provided output buffer * does not have enough space). */ int pdu_encode(const char* service_center_number, const char* phone_number, const char* text, unsigned char* pdu, int pdu_size); /* * Decode an SMS message. Output the decoded message into the sms text buffer. * Returns the length of the SMS dencoded message or a negative number in * case encoding failed (for example provided output buffer has not enough * space). */ int pdu_decode(const unsigned char* pdu, int pdu_len, time_t* sms_time, char* phone_number, int phone_number_size, char* text, int text_size, int* tp_dcs, int* ref_number, int* total_parts, int* part_number, int* skip_bytes); int ucs2_to_utf8 (int ucs2, unsigned char * utf8); int DecodePDUMessage_GSM_7bit(const unsigned char* buffer, int buffer_length, char* output_sms_text, int sms_text_length); int EncodePDUMessage(const char* sms_text, int sms_text_length, unsigned char* output_buffer, int buffer_size); #endif // SMS_SMS_H_ Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ /* * 2014 lovewilliam <ztong@vt.edu> * SMS PDU Decoder */ #include "pdu.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <wchar.h> int ucs2_to_utf8 (int ucs2, unsigned char * utf8); int sms_decode() { char buffer[2*SMS_MAX_PDU_LENGTH+4]; char *p = buffer; char t[2]; int d; do { t[0] = getchar(); if(t[0]=='\n') { break; } t[1] = getchar(); if(t[1]=='\n') { break; } *p = strtol(t,NULL,16); p++; }while(1); time_t sms_time; char sms_phone[40]; char sms_text[161]; int tp_dcs_type; int ref_number; int total_parts; int part_number; int skip_bytes; int sms_text_length = pdu_decode((const unsigned char*)buffer, sizeof(buffer), &sms_time, sms_phone, sizeof(sms_phone), sms_text, sizeof(sms_text), &tp_dcs_type, &ref_number, &total_parts, &part_number, &skip_bytes); printf("From:%s\n",sms_phone); printf("Textlen=%d\n",sms_text_length); char time_data_str[64]; strftime(time_data_str,64,"%D %T", localtime(&sms_time)); printf("Date/Time:%s\n",time_data_str); if (total_parts > 0) { printf("Reference number: %d\n", ref_number); printf("SMS segment %d of %d\n", part_number, total_parts); } switch((tp_dcs_type / 4) % 4) { case 0: { // GSM7 bit int i = skip_bytes; if(skip_bytes > 0) i = (skip_bytes*8+6)/7; for(;i<sms_text_length;i++) { printf("%c", sms_text[i]); } break; } case 2: { // UCS2 for(int i = skip_bytes;i<sms_text_length;i+=2) { int ucs2_char = 0x000000FF&sms_text[i+1]; ucs2_char|=(0x0000FF00&(sms_text[i]<<8)); unsigned char utf8_char[5]; int len = ucs2_to_utf8(ucs2_char,utf8_char); int j; for(j=0;j<len;j++) { printf("%c",utf8_char[j]); } } break; } default: break; } printf("\n"); return 0; } Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ /* * 2014 lovewilliam <ztong@vt.edu> * from http://www.lemoda.net/c/ucs2-to-utf8/ucs2-to-utf8.c */ /* Input: a Unicode code point, "ucs2". Output: UTF-8 characters in buffer "utf8". Return value: the number of bytes written into "utf8", or -1 if there was an error. This adds a zero byte to the end of the string. It assumes that the buffer "utf8" has at least four bytes of space to write to. */ #define UNICODE_SURROGATE_PAIR -2 #define UNICODE_BAD_INPUT -1 int ucs2_to_utf8 (int ucs2, unsigned char * utf8) { if (ucs2 < 0x80) { utf8[0] = ucs2; utf8[1] = '\0'; return 1; } if (ucs2 >= 0x80 && ucs2 < 0x800) { utf8[0] = (ucs2 >> 6) | 0xC0; utf8[1] = (ucs2 & 0x3F) | 0x80; utf8[2] = '\0'; return 2; } if (ucs2 >= 0x800 && ucs2 < 0xFFFF) { if (ucs2 >= 0xD800 && ucs2 <= 0xDFFF) { /* Ill-formed. */ return UNICODE_SURROGATE_PAIR; } utf8[0] = ((ucs2 >> 12) ) | 0xE0; utf8[1] = ((ucs2 >> 6 ) & 0x3F) | 0x80; utf8[2] = ((ucs2 ) & 0x3F) | 0x80; utf8[3] = '\0'; return 3; } if (ucs2 >= 0x10000 && ucs2 < 0x10FFFF) { /* http://tidy.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/lxr/source/src/utf8.c#L380 */ utf8[0] = 0xF0 | (ucs2 >> 18); utf8[1] = 0x80 | ((ucs2 >> 12) & 0x3F); utf8[2] = 0x80 | ((ucs2 >> 6) & 0x3F); utf8[3] = 0x80 | ((ucs2 & 0x3F)); utf8[4] = '\0'; return 4; } return UNICODE_BAD_INPUT; }
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