CE6800-1 40ge 1/0/1 to CE6800-2 40ge 1/0/1
CE6800-1 40ge 1/0/2 to CE6800-2 40ge 1/0/2
<HUAWEI> system-view
[~HUAWEI] stack
[~HUAWEI-stack] stack member 1 priority 200
[*HUAWEI-stack] stack member 1 domain 10
[*HUAWEI-stack] quit
[*HUAWEI] commit
[~HUAWEI] interface stack-port 1/1
[*HUAWEI-Stack-Port1/1] port member-group interface 40ge 1/0/1 to 1/0/2
[*HUAWEI-Stack-Port1/1] quit
[*HUAWEI] commit
[~HUAWEI] quit
<HUAWEI> save
Warning: The current configuration will be written to the device. Continue? [Y/N]:Y
Info: Please input the file name(*.cfg, *.zip, *.dat)[vrpcfg.zip]:
Now saving the current configuration to the slot 1
Info: Save the configuration successfully.
<HUAWEI> reboot
Warning: The system will reboot. Continue? [Y/N]:Y
<HUAWEI> system-view
[~HUAWEI] interface stack-port 1/1
[*HUAWEI-Stack-Port1/1] shutdown
[*HUAWEI-Stack-Port1/1] quit
[*HUAWEI] commit
[~HUAWEI] quit
<HUAWEI> save
Warning: The current configuration will be written to the device. Continue? [Y/N]:y
<HUAWEI> system-view
[~HUAWEI] stack
[~HUAWEI-stack] stack member 1 renumber 2 inherit-config
Warning: The stack configuration of member ID 1 will be inherited to member ID 2 after the device resets. Continue? [Y/N]:Y
[*HUAWEI-stack] stack member 1 domain 10
Info: The operation takes effect only after the save command is executed. The device with a lower priority then will be reset in stack merging scenario.
[*HUAWEI-stack] quit
[*HUAWEI] commit
[~HUAWEI] interface stack-port 1/1
[*HUAWEI-Stack-Port1/1] port member-group interface 40ge 1/0/1 to 1/0/2
[*HUAWEI-Stack-Port1/1] quit
[*HUAWEI] commit
[~HUAWEI] quit
<HUAWEI> save
Warning: The current configuration will be written to the device. Continue? [Y/N]:Y
Info: Please input the file name(*.cfg, *.zip, *.dat)[vrpcfg.zip]:
Now saving the current configuration to the slot 1
Info: Save the configuration successfully.
<HUAWEI> reboot
Warning: The system will reboot. Continue? [Y/N]:Y
<HUAWEI> system-view
[~HUAWEI] interface stack-port 1/1
[*HUAWEI-Stack-Port1/1] undo shutdown
[*HUAWEI-Stack-Port1/1] quit
[*HUAWEI] commit
[~HUAWEI] quit
<HUAWEI> save
Warning: The current configuration will be written to the device. Continue? [Y/N]:y
<HUAWEI> display stack
MemberID Role MAC Priority Device Type
1 Master 30d1-7e72-9650 200 CE6800
2 Standby 30d1-7e72-9600 100 CE6800
<HUAWEI> display stack topology
Stack Topology:
Stack-Port 1 Stack-Port 2
MemberID Status Neighbor Status Neighbor
1 up 2 -- --
2 up 1 -- --
Stack Link:
Stack-Port Port Status PeerPort PeerStatus
Stack-Port1/1 40GE1/0/1 up 40GE2/0/1 up
Stack-Port1/1 40GE1/0/2 up 40GE2/0/2 up
Stack-Port2/1 40GE2/0/1 up 40GE1/0/1 up
Stack-Port2/1 40GE2/0/2 up 40GE1/0/2 up
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