ProcessHacker这款开源软件如官方所说是一款免费、强大的多用途工具,可帮助您监控系统资源、调试软件和检测恶意软件,我们可以通过学习其源代码在我们的软件中定时采集每个进程的CPU使用率、IO使用率等等,还有整机总的CPU使用率、GPU使用率、内存、磁盘使用情况等,具体可以参考ProcessHacker官网的介绍:Process Hacker Overview。最近在看进程CPU采集的代码,参考的是processhacker
procprv.c File Reference 如下图所示:
(1) main.c
: PhMainWndInitialization
if (!PhMainWndInitialization(CmdShow)) { PhShowError(NULL, L"%s", L"Unable to initialize the main window."); return 1; }
(2) mainwnd.c
: PhRegisterProvider
PhRegisterProvider(&PhPrimaryProviderThread, PhProcessProviderUpdate, NULL, &PhMwpProcessProviderRegistration);
: PhProcessProviderUpdate
VOID PhProcessProviderUpdate( _In_ PVOID Object ){ static ULONG runCount = 0; static PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION pidBuckets[PROCESS_ID_BUCKETS]; // Note about locking: // // Since this is the only function that is allowed to modify the process hashtable, locking is // not needed for shared accesses. However, exclusive accesses need locking. PVOID processes; PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION process; ULONG bucketIndex; ULONG64 sysTotalTime; // total time for this update period ULONG64 sysTotalCycleTime = 0; // total cycle time for this update period ULONG64 sysIdleCycleTime = 0; // total idle cycle time for this update period FLOAT maxCpuValue = 0; PPH_PROCESS_ITEM maxCpuProcessItem = NULL; ULONG64 maxIoValue = 0; PPH_PROCESS_ITEM maxIoProcessItem = NULL; // Pre-update tasks if (runCount % 512 == 0) // yes, a very long time { if (PhEnablePurgeProcessRecords) PhPurgeProcessRecords(); PhpFlushSidFullNameCache(); PhImageListFlushCache(); PhFlushImageVersionInfoCache(); //PhFlushVerifyCache(); } if (!PhProcessStatisticsInitialized) { PhpInitializeProcessStatistics(); PhProcessStatisticsInitialized = TRUE; } PhpUpdatePerfInformation(); if (PhEnableCycleCpuUsage) { PhpUpdateCpuInformation(FALSE, &sysTotalTime); PhpUpdateCpuCycleInformation(&sysIdleCycleTime); } else { PhpUpdateCpuInformation(TRUE, &sysTotalTime); } if (runCount != 0) { PhTimeSequenceNumber++; } // Get the process list. PhTotalProcesses = 0; PhTotalThreads = 0; PhTotalHandles = 0; PhTotalCpuQueueLength = 0; if (!NT_SUCCESS(PhEnumProcesses(&processes))) return; // Notes on cycle-based CPU usage: // // Cycle-based CPU usage is a bit tricky to calculate because we cannot get the total number of // cycles consumed by all processes since system startup - we can only get total number of // cycles per process. This means there are two ways to calculate the system-wide cycle time // delta: // // 1. Each update, sum the cycle times of all processes, and calculate the system-wide delta // from this. Process Explorer seems to do this. // 2. Each update, calculate the cycle time delta for each individual process, and sum these // deltas to create the system-wide delta. We use this here. // // The first method is simpler but has a problem when a process exits and its cycle time is no // longer counted in the system-wide total. This may cause the delta to be negative and all // other calculations to become invalid. Process Explorer simply ignored this fact and treated // the system-wide delta as unsigned (and therefore huge when negative), leading to all CPU // usages being displayed as "< 0.01". // // The second method is used here, but the adjustments must be done before the main new/modified // pass. We need take into account new, existing and terminated processes. // Create the PID hash set. This contains the process information structures returned by // PhEnumProcesses, distinct from the process item hash set. Note that we use the // UniqueProcessKey field as the next node pointer to avoid having to allocate extra memory. memset(pidBuckets, 0, sizeof(pidBuckets)); process = PH_FIRST_PROCESS(processes); do { PhTotalProcesses++; PhTotalThreads += process->NumberOfThreads; PhTotalHandles += process->HandleCount; if (process->UniqueProcessId == SYSTEM_IDLE_PROCESS_ID) { process->CycleTime = PhCpuIdleCycleDelta.Value; process->KernelTime = PhCpuTotals.IdleTime; } bucketIndex = PROCESS_ID_TO_BUCKET_INDEX(process->UniqueProcessId); process->UniqueProcessKey = (ULONG_PTR)pidBuckets[bucketIndex]; pidBuckets[bucketIndex] = process; if (PhEnableCycleCpuUsage) { PPH_PROCESS_ITEM processItem; if (PhEnableProcessExtension) { if ((processItem = PhpLookupProcessItem(process->UniqueProcessId)) && processItem->ProcessSequenceNumber == PH_PROCESS_EXTENSION(process)->ProcessSequenceNumber) sysTotalCycleTime += process->CycleTime - processItem->CycleTimeDelta.Value; // existing process else sysTotalCycleTime += process->CycleTime; // new process } else { if ((processItem = PhpLookupProcessItem(process->UniqueProcessId)) && processItem->CreateTime.QuadPart == process->CreateTime.QuadPart) sysTotalCycleTime += process->CycleTime - processItem->CycleTimeDelta.Value; // existing process else sysTotalCycleTime += process->CycleTime; // new process } } } while (process = PH_NEXT_PROCESS(process)); // Add the fake processes to the PID list. // // On Windows 7 the two fake processes are merged into "Interrupts" since we can only get cycle // time information both DPCs and Interrupts combined. if (PhEnableCycleCpuUsage) { PhInterruptsProcessInformation->KernelTime.QuadPart = PhCpuTotals.DpcTime.QuadPart + PhCpuTotals.InterruptTime.QuadPart; PhInterruptsProcessInformation->CycleTime = PhCpuSystemCycleDelta.Value; sysTotalCycleTime += PhCpuSystemCycleDelta.Delta; } else { PhDpcsProcessInformation->KernelTime = PhCpuTotals.DpcTime; PhInterruptsProcessInformation->KernelTime = PhCpuTotals.InterruptTime; } // Look for dead processes. { PPH_LIST processesToRemove = NULL; ULONG i; PPH_HASH_ENTRY entry; PPH_PROCESS_ITEM processItem; PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION processEntry; for (i = 0; i < PH_HASH_SET_SIZE(PhProcessHashSet); i++) { for (entry = PhProcessHashSet[i]; entry; entry = entry->Next) { BOOLEAN processRemoved = FALSE; processItem = CONTAINING_RECORD(entry, PH_PROCESS_ITEM, HashEntry); // Check if the process still exists. Note that we take into account PID re-use by // checking CreateTime as well. if (processItem->ProcessId == DPCS_PROCESS_ID) { processEntry = PhDpcsProcessInformation; } else if (processItem->ProcessId == INTERRUPTS_PROCESS_ID) { processEntry = PhInterruptsProcessInformation; } else { processEntry = pidBuckets[PROCESS_ID_TO_BUCKET_INDEX(processItem->ProcessId)]; while (processEntry && processEntry->UniqueProcessId != processItem->ProcessId) processEntry = (PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION)processEntry->UniqueProcessKey; } if (PhEnableProcessExtension) { if (!processEntry || PH_PROCESS_EXTENSION(processEntry)->ProcessSequenceNumber != processItem->ProcessSequenceNumber) processRemoved = TRUE; } else { if (!processEntry || processEntry->CreateTime.QuadPart != processItem->CreateTime.QuadPart) processRemoved = TRUE; } if (processRemoved) { LARGE_INTEGER exitTime; processItem->State |= PH_PROCESS_ITEM_REMOVED; exitTime.QuadPart = 0; if (processItem->QueryHandle) { KERNEL_USER_TIMES times; ULONG64 finalCycleTime; if (NT_SUCCESS(PhGetProcessTimes(processItem->QueryHandle, ×))) { exitTime = times.ExitTime; } if (PhEnableCycleCpuUsage) { if (NT_SUCCESS(PhGetProcessCycleTime(processItem->QueryHandle, &finalCycleTime))) { // Adjust deltas for the terminated process because this doesn't get // picked up anywhere else. // // Note that if we don't have sufficient access to the process, the // worst that will happen is that the CPU usages of other processes // will get inflated. (See above; if we were using the first // technique, we could get negative deltas, which is much worse.) sysTotalCycleTime += finalCycleTime - processItem->CycleTimeDelta.Value; } } } // If we don't have a valid exit time, use the current time. if (exitTime.QuadPart == 0) PhQuerySystemTime(&exitTime); processItem->Record->Flags |= PH_PROCESS_RECORD_DEAD; processItem->Record->ExitTime = exitTime; // Raise the process removed event. PhInvokeCallback(PhGetGeneralCallback(GeneralCallbackProcessProviderRemovedEvent), processItem); if (!processesToRemove) processesToRemove = PhCreateList(2); PhAddItemList(processesToRemove, processItem); } } } // Lock only if we have something to do. if (processesToRemove) { PhAcquireQueuedLockExclusive(&PhProcessHashSetLock); for (i = 0; i < processesToRemove->Count; i++) { PhpRemoveProcessItem((PPH_PROCESS_ITEM)processesToRemove->Items[i]); } PhReleaseQueuedLockExclusive(&PhProcessHashSetLock); PhDereferenceObject(processesToRemove); } } // Go through the queued process query data. PhFlushProcessQueryData(); if (sysTotalTime == 0) sysTotalTime = -1; // max. value if (sysTotalCycleTime == 0) sysTotalCycleTime = -1; PhCpuTotalCycleDelta = sysTotalCycleTime; // Look for new processes and update existing ones. process = PH_FIRST_PROCESS(processes); while (process) { PPH_PROCESS_ITEM processItem; processItem = PhpLookupProcessItem(process->UniqueProcessId); if (!processItem) { PPH_PROCESS_RECORD processRecord; BOOLEAN isSuspended; BOOLEAN isPartiallySuspended; ULONG64 contextSwitches; ULONG processorQueueLength; // Create the process item and fill in basic information. processItem = PhCreateProcessItem(process->UniqueProcessId); PhpFillProcessItem(processItem, process); PhpFillProcessItemExtension(processItem, process); processItem->TimeSequenceNumber = PhTimeSequenceNumber; processRecord = PhpCreateProcessRecord(processItem); PhpAddProcessRecord(processRecord); processItem->Record = processRecord; PhpGetProcessThreadInformation(process, &isSuspended, &isPartiallySuspended, &contextSwitches, &processorQueueLength); PhpUpdateDynamicInfoProcessItem(processItem, process); PhTotalCpuQueueLength += processorQueueLength; // Initialize the deltas. PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->CpuKernelDelta, process->KernelTime.QuadPart); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->CpuUserDelta, process->UserTime.QuadPart); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->IoReadDelta, process->ReadTransferCount.QuadPart); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->IoWriteDelta, process->WriteTransferCount.QuadPart); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->IoOtherDelta, process->OtherTransferCount.QuadPart); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->IoReadCountDelta, process->ReadOperationCount.QuadPart); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->IoWriteCountDelta, process->WriteOperationCount.QuadPart); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->IoOtherCountDelta, process->OtherOperationCount.QuadPart); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->ContextSwitchesDelta, PhEnableProcessExtension ? processItem->ContextSwitches : contextSwitches); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->PageFaultsDelta, process->PageFaultCount); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->HardFaultsDelta, process->HardFaultCount); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->CycleTimeDelta, process->CycleTime); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->PrivateBytesDelta, process->PagefileUsage); processItem->IsSuspended = isSuspended; processItem->IsPartiallySuspended = isPartiallySuspended; // If this is the first run of the provider, queue the // process query tasks. Otherwise, perform stage 1 // processing now and queue stage 2 processing. if (runCount > 0) { PH_PROCESS_QUERY_S1_DATA data; memset(&data, 0, sizeof(PH_PROCESS_QUERY_S1_DATA)); data.Header.Stage = 1; data.Header.ProcessItem = processItem; PhpProcessQueryStage1(&data); PhpFillProcessItemStage1(&data); PhSetEvent(&processItem->Stage1Event); } else { PhpQueueProcessQueryStage1(processItem); } // Add pending service items to the process item. PhUpdateProcessItemServices(processItem); // Add the process item to the hashtable. PhAcquireQueuedLockExclusive(&PhProcessHashSetLock); PhpAddProcessItem(processItem); PhReleaseQueuedLockExclusive(&PhProcessHashSetLock); // Raise the process added event. PhInvokeCallback(PhGetGeneralCallback(GeneralCallbackProcessProviderAddedEvent), processItem); // (Ref: for the process item being in the hashtable.) // Instead of referencing then dereferencing we simply don't do anything. // Dereferenced in PhpRemoveProcessItem. } else { BOOLEAN modified = FALSE; BOOLEAN isSuspended; BOOLEAN isPartiallySuspended; ULONG64 contextSwitches; ULONG readyThreads; FLOAT newCpuUsage; FLOAT kernelCpuUsage; FLOAT userCpuUsage; PhpGetProcessThreadInformation(process, &isSuspended, &isPartiallySuspended, &contextSwitches, &readyThreads); PhpUpdateDynamicInfoProcessItem(processItem, process); PhpFillProcessItemExtension(processItem, process); PhTotalCpuQueueLength += readyThreads; // Update the deltas. PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->CpuKernelDelta, process->KernelTime.QuadPart); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->CpuUserDelta, process->UserTime.QuadPart); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->IoReadDelta, process->ReadTransferCount.QuadPart); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->IoWriteDelta, process->WriteTransferCount.QuadPart); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->IoOtherDelta, process->OtherTransferCount.QuadPart); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->IoReadCountDelta, process->ReadOperationCount.QuadPart); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->IoWriteCountDelta, process->WriteOperationCount.QuadPart); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->IoOtherCountDelta, process->OtherOperationCount.QuadPart); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->ContextSwitchesDelta, PhEnableProcessExtension ? processItem->ContextSwitches : contextSwitches); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->PageFaultsDelta, process->PageFaultCount); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->HardFaultsDelta, process->HardFaultCount); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->CycleTimeDelta, process->CycleTime); PhUpdateDelta(&processItem->PrivateBytesDelta, process->PagefileUsage); processItem->TimeSequenceNumber++; PhAddItemCircularBuffer_ULONG64(&processItem->IoReadHistory, processItem->IoReadDelta.Delta); PhAddItemCircularBuffer_ULONG64(&processItem->IoWriteHistory, processItem->IoWriteDelta.Delta); PhAddItemCircularBuffer_ULONG64(&processItem->IoOtherHistory, processItem->IoOtherDelta.Delta); PhAddItemCircularBuffer_SIZE_T(&processItem->PrivateBytesHistory, processItem->VmCounters.PagefileUsage); //PhAddItemCircularBuffer_SIZE_T(&processItem->WorkingSetHistory, processItem->VmCounters.WorkingSetSize); if (InterlockedExchange(&processItem->JustProcessed, 0) != 0) modified = TRUE; if (PhEnableCycleCpuUsage) { FLOAT totalDelta; newCpuUsage = (FLOAT)processItem->CycleTimeDelta.Delta / sysTotalCycleTime; // Calculate the kernel/user CPU usage based on the kernel/user time. If the kernel // and user deltas are both zero, we'll just have to use an estimate. Currently, we // split the CPU usage evenly across the kernel and user components, except when the // total user time is zero, in which case we assign it all to the kernel component. totalDelta = (FLOAT)(processItem->CpuKernelDelta.Delta + processItem->CpuUserDelta.Delta); if (totalDelta != 0) { kernelCpuUsage = newCpuUsage * ((FLOAT)processItem->CpuKernelDelta.Delta / totalDelta); userCpuUsage = newCpuUsage * ((FLOAT)processItem->CpuUserDelta.Delta / totalDelta); } else { if (processItem->UserTime.QuadPart != 0) { kernelCpuUsage = newCpuUsage / 2; userCpuUsage = newCpuUsage / 2; } else { kernelCpuUsage = newCpuUsage; userCpuUsage = 0; } } } else { kernelCpuUsage = (FLOAT)processItem->CpuKernelDelta.Delta / sysTotalTime; userCpuUsage = (FLOAT)processItem->CpuUserDelta.Delta / sysTotalTime; newCpuUsage = kernelCpuUsage + userCpuUsage; } processItem->CpuUsage = newCpuUsage; processItem->CpuKernelUsage = kernelCpuUsage; processItem->CpuUserUsage = userCpuUsage; PhAddItemCircularBuffer_FLOAT(&processItem->CpuKernelHistory, kernelCpuUsage); PhAddItemCircularBuffer_FLOAT(&processItem->CpuUserHistory, userCpuUsage); // Max. values if (processItem->ProcessId) { if (maxCpuValue < newCpuUsage) { maxCpuValue = newCpuUsage; maxCpuProcessItem = processItem; } // I/O for Other is not included because it is too generic. if (maxIoValue < processItem->IoReadDelta.Delta + processItem->IoWriteDelta.Delta) { maxIoValue = processItem->IoReadDelta.Delta + processItem->IoWriteDelta.Delta; maxIoProcessItem = processItem; } } // Token information if ( processItem->QueryHandle && processItem->ProcessId != SYSTEM_PROCESS_ID // System token can't be opened on XP (wj32) ) { HANDLE tokenHandle; if (NT_SUCCESS(PhOpenProcessToken( processItem->QueryHandle, TOKEN_QUERY, &tokenHandle ))) { PTOKEN_USER tokenUser; TOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE elevationType; MANDATORY_LEVEL integrityLevel; PWSTR integrityString; // User if (NT_SUCCESS(PhGetTokenUser(tokenHandle, &tokenUser))) { if (!processItem->Sid || !RtlEqualSid(processItem->Sid, tokenUser->User.Sid)) { PSID processSid; // HACK (dmex) processSid = processItem->Sid; processItem->Sid = PhAllocateCopy(tokenUser->User.Sid, RtlLengthSid(tokenUser->User.Sid)); if (processSid) PhFree(processSid); PhMoveReference(&processItem->UserName, PhpGetSidFullNameCachedSlow(processItem->Sid)); modified = TRUE; } PhFree(tokenUser); } // Elevation if (NT_SUCCESS(PhGetTokenElevationType(tokenHandle, &elevationType))) { if (processItem->ElevationType != elevationType) { processItem->ElevationType = elevationType; processItem->IsElevated = elevationType == TokenElevationTypeFull; modified = TRUE; } } // Integrity if (NT_SUCCESS(PhGetTokenIntegrityLevel(tokenHandle, &integrityLevel, &integrityString))) { if (processItem->IntegrityLevel != integrityLevel) { processItem->IntegrityLevel = integrityLevel; processItem->IntegrityString = integrityString; modified = TRUE; } } NtClose(tokenHandle); } } // Job if (processItem->QueryHandle) { NTSTATUS status; BOOLEAN isInSignificantJob = FALSE; BOOLEAN isInJob = FALSE; if (KphIsConnected()) { HANDLE jobHandle = NULL; status = KphOpenProcessJob( processItem->QueryHandle, JOB_OBJECT_QUERY, &jobHandle ); if (NT_SUCCESS(status) && status != STATUS_PROCESS_NOT_IN_JOB) { JOBOBJECT_BASIC_LIMIT_INFORMATION basicLimits; isInJob = TRUE; if (NT_SUCCESS(PhGetJobBasicLimits(jobHandle, &basicLimits))) { isInSignificantJob = basicLimits.LimitFlags != JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_SILENT_BREAKAWAY_OK; } } if (jobHandle) NtClose(jobHandle); } else { status = NtIsProcessInJob(processItem->QueryHandle, NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) isInJob = status == STATUS_PROCESS_IN_JOB; } if (processItem->IsInSignificantJob != isInSignificantJob) { processItem->IsInSignificantJob = isInSignificantJob; modified = TRUE; } if (processItem->IsInJob != isInJob) { processItem->IsInJob = isInJob; modified = TRUE; } } // Debugged if ( processItem->QueryHandle && !processItem->IsSubsystemProcess && !processItem->IsProtectedHandle && // Don't query the debug object if the handle was filtered (dmex) processItem->ProcessId != SYSTEM_PROCESS_ID // Ignore the system process on 20H2 (dmex) ) { BOOLEAN isBeingDebugged = FALSE; PhGetProcessIsBeingDebugged(processItem->QueryHandle, &isBeingDebugged); if (processItem->IsBeingDebugged != isBeingDebugged) { processItem->IsBeingDebugged = isBeingDebugged; modified = TRUE; } } // Suspended if (processItem->IsSuspended != isSuspended) { processItem->IsSuspended = isSuspended; modified = TRUE; } if (PhCsUseColorPartiallySuspended) // HACK // Don't invalidate for partially suspended unless enabled (dmex) { if (processItem->IsPartiallySuspended != isPartiallySuspended) { processItem->IsPartiallySuspended = isPartiallySuspended; modified = TRUE; } } else { processItem->IsPartiallySuspended = isPartiallySuspended; } // .NET if (processItem->UpdateIsDotNet) { BOOLEAN isDotNet; ULONG flags = 0; if (NT_SUCCESS(PhGetProcessIsDotNetEx(processItem->ProcessId, NULL, 0, &isDotNet, &flags))) { processItem->IsDotNet = isDotNet; modified = TRUE; } processItem->UpdateIsDotNet = FALSE; } // Immersive if (processItem->QueryHandle && WindowsVersion >= WINDOWS_8 && !processItem->IsSubsystemProcess) { BOOLEAN isImmersive; isImmersive = PhIsImmersiveProcess(processItem->QueryHandle); if (processItem->IsImmersive != isImmersive) { processItem->IsImmersive = isImmersive; modified = TRUE; } } if (processItem->QueryHandle && processItem->IsHandleValid) { OBJECT_BASIC_INFORMATION basicInfo; BOOLEAN filteredHandle = FALSE; if (NT_SUCCESS(PhGetHandleInformationEx( NtCurrentProcess(), processItem->QueryHandle, ULONG_MAX, 0, NULL, &basicInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ))) { if (!RtlAreAllAccessesGranted(basicInfo.GrantedAccess, PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION)) { filteredHandle = TRUE; } } else { filteredHandle = TRUE; } if (processItem->IsProtectedHandle != filteredHandle) { processItem->IsProtectedHandle = filteredHandle; modified = TRUE; } } if (modified) { PhInvokeCallback(PhGetGeneralCallback(GeneralCallbackProcessProviderModifiedEvent), processItem); } // No reference added by PhpLookupProcessItem. } // Trick ourselves into thinking that the fake processes // are on the list. if (process == PhInterruptsProcessInformation) { process = NULL; } else if (process == PhDpcsProcessInformation) { process = PhInterruptsProcessInformation; } else { process = PH_NEXT_PROCESS(process); if (process == NULL) { if (PhEnableCycleCpuUsage) process = PhInterruptsProcessInformation; else process = PhDpcsProcessInformation; } } } if (PhProcessInformation) PhFree(PhProcessInformation); PhProcessInformation = processes; // History cannot be updated on the first run because the deltas are invalid. For example, the // I/O "deltas" will be huge because they are currently the raw accumulated values. if (runCount != 0) { if (PhEnableCycleCpuUsage) PhpUpdateCpuCycleUsageInformation(sysTotalCycleTime, sysIdleCycleTime); PhpUpdateSystemHistory(); // Note that we need to add a reference to the records of these processes, to make it // possible for others to get the name of a max. CPU or I/O process. if (maxCpuProcessItem) { PhAddItemCircularBuffer_ULONG(&PhMaxCpuHistory, HandleToUlong(maxCpuProcessItem->ProcessId));#ifdef PH_RECORD_MAX_USAGE PhAddItemCircularBuffer_FLOAT(&PhMaxCpuUsageHistory, maxCpuProcessItem->CpuUsage);#endif if (!(maxCpuProcessItem->Record->Flags & PH_PROCESS_RECORD_STAT_REF)) { PhReferenceProcessRecord(maxCpuProcessItem->Record); maxCpuProcessItem->Record->Flags |= PH_PROCESS_RECORD_STAT_REF; } } else { PhAddItemCircularBuffer_ULONG(&PhMaxCpuHistory, PtrToUlong(NULL));#ifdef PH_RECORD_MAX_USAGE PhAddItemCircularBuffer_FLOAT(&PhMaxCpuUsageHistory, 0);#endif } if (maxIoProcessItem) { PhAddItemCircularBuffer_ULONG(&PhMaxIoHistory, HandleToUlong(maxIoProcessItem->ProcessId));#ifdef PH_RECORD_MAX_USAGE PhAddItemCircularBuffer_ULONG64(&PhMaxIoReadOtherHistory, maxIoProcessItem->IoReadDelta.Delta + maxIoProcessItem->IoOtherDelta.Delta); PhAddItemCircularBuffer_ULONG64(&PhMaxIoWriteHistory, maxIoProcessItem->IoWriteDelta.Delta);#endif if (!(maxIoProcessItem->Record->Flags & PH_PROCESS_RECORD_STAT_REF)) { PhReferenceProcessRecord(maxIoProcessItem->Record); maxIoProcessItem->Record->Flags |= PH_PROCESS_RECORD_STAT_REF; } } else { PhAddItemCircularBuffer_ULONG(&PhMaxIoHistory, PtrToUlong(NULL));#ifdef PH_RECORD_MAX_USAGE PhAddItemCircularBuffer_ULONG64(&PhMaxIoReadOtherHistory, 0); PhAddItemCircularBuffer_ULONG64(&PhMaxIoWriteHistory, 0);#endif } } PhInvokeCallback(PhGetGeneralCallback(GeneralCallbackProcessProviderUpdatedEvent), NULL); runCount++;}
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