
clone of Vmware VM fails with "error caused by file" (vmdk)



I am attempting to clone a VM. Using ESX 5.5 and vCenter. I get cloning fails reported by vCenter with: "Error caused by file: /vmfs/volumes/57fd0830-5fc3a738-af44-002590fe0960/Linux Toolbox/Linux Toolbox-000002.vmdk"

If I check that vmdk with vmkfstools i get following: /vmfs/volumes/57fd0830-5fc3a738-af44-002590fe0960/Linux ToolBox # vmkfstools -x check "Linux ToolBox-000002.vmdk" Disk is error free

The 00002.vmdk seems to be part of a snapshot but I see no snapshots in Snapshot manager.

Also i notice that the Vcenter has a warning under alarms tab saying: "Virtual machine Consolidation Needed status"

However, when I try Snapshot>Consolidate under vCenter it fails with this error: enter image description here

The machine does boot fine. The host had a few ungraceful power offs which could have caused this issue. I am showing the files under this vm folder:

enter image description here

Any suggestions much appreciated.

  • What's the smart status of the drives? In addition 5.5 is ancient.... 
    – vidarlo
     CommentedJun 1 at 19:58
  • i am not sure how to get the "smart status" of the drives. yeah i know it's ancient but i see no reason to upgrade really. it works. if it weren't for power issues the vms are working fine for 8 years straight. 
    – mart
     CommentedJun 2 at 21:31
  • ubackup.com/enterprise-backup/… - and a good reason to update would be for instance bug fixes and security fixes... 
    – vidarlo
     CommentedJun 3 at 5:53
  • It it were working fine, why are you having any questions? Anyway, we believe using outdated and unsupported environments, like ancient and abandoned hardware and software, is not a reasonable IT management practice and this makes your question off topic.  CommentedJun 3 at 5:55
  • It's not off topic. If you don't want to answer a question on older systems just go to questions on newer ones. Come on. It had like 5 ungraceful shutdowns it's irrelevant what version you run in that scenario. One of the NICs eeprom got wiped out - no MAC addresses. Had to replace. Surely you cannot expect esx 5.5 to handle that better than a newer version. I am sure you know better than that. 
    – mart
     CommentedJun 4 at 12:24 



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