使用与 Windows、Linux、macOS 的x86架构的一般在下面地址中下载:
Download VisualBox:https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
针对于 macOS M架构的安装包,不一定会有具体某个版本的。
在 7.0 支上不会有更多的 M1包,因为我们不支持 ARM 的任何重要的修复/增强,所以投入时间在构建和发布一个看不到任何实际进展的包上是没有意义的。
如果您想在 M1上运行 VBox 的开发人员预览版,您可以查看最新的 testbuild,它对 M1进行了许多修复和增强(只是不要期望任何性能改进)。
这意味着如果您使用的是 macOS 10.14.5或更高版本,那么如果您使用的是默认的安全设置,那么内核扩展将不会加载。
如果你真的想要使用这样的测试版本,你需要禁用系统完整性保护(只要你正在运行测试版本,我们强烈建议你重新启用 SIP 一旦你回到使用官方版本的 VirtualBox)。
该测试构建于 macOS/ARM64原则上工作在 M1或 M2 CPU 的 Mac 上。然而,它们是开发人员对所有最新客户操作系统的已知问题(包括严重的性能问题)的预览。
VirtualBox test builds
Here we provide you with regularly updated links to recent builds. If one of these links does not work at any time feel free to ask us to update it on IRC or the development mailing list. See below for information about installing Linux packages. Regularly installing stable or development test builds and using them in your day-to-day work is one of the best ways you can help us improve the VirtualBox user experience. And if you do not have a support contract, a willingness to use test builds increases your chances of receiving informal support. (And using development test builds increases the chances of your voice being heard in our development process.)
Please be aware that
snapshots (and saved states of running machines) taken with more recent branches or development builds are likely not to work with older branches or releases.
The version of the Guest Additions contained in a package is usually one or two revisions older than the package revision. If in doubt, download the Guest Additions build as well (or instead).
Stable branch builds
If you are experiencing some problem with VirtualBox and want to find out whether it has been fixed before you file a bug report, if you want to help our quality testing, or if you just want a particular fix early, you may wish to try out a test build of the current release series.
These builds are expected to be almost as stable as released versions, and we accept bug reports against them. They may contain some features which we plan to include in a future stable release but not necessarily the next. For any mission critical use of VirtualBox we of course always recommend purchasing a support contract.
Development branch builds (bottom of page)
If you make any sort of mission-critical use of VirtualBox - particularly if you do not have a support contract - you are advised to regularly try out our development branch builds to make sure that everything you depend on still works as you expect. Catching problems at the development stage greatly improves your chances of having them solved before they reach a stable release, and increases your voice in the development process. The builds are usually usable for day-to-day work - we use them ourselves - for people who can deal with occasional surprises. Please report development build problems on IRC or the developer mailing list, not on the bug tracker.
A list of things worth testing for in test builds can be found here: Regression Testing.
Pick out your area of interest.
Installing Linux test builds
Test builds for Linux hosts are generally packed up in a shell script installer with the extension ".run". To install them, you first need to remove your existing VirtualBox installation (but not your virtual machines - they will continue to work with the test build) and then execute the installer. To remove the test build again, execute the installer with the parameter "uninstall" on the command line.
Installing Windows test builds
The Windows test build packages are working precisely like a usual VirtualBox installer package. They are now going through Microsoft's Attestation Signing (since May 2023, 6.1.45 and 7.0.9). No need to run the installer with special options or disable UEFI secure boot any more. Don't forget to re-enable UEFI secure boot if you disabled it previously to be able to run VirtualBox test builds.
Installing macOS test builds
The test builds are now going through Apple's notarization (since July 2022, 6.1.37 and 7.0.1). No need to disable System Integrity protection any more. Don't forget to re-enable SIP if you disabled it previously to be able to run VirtualBox test builds.
The test builds for macOS/ARM64 work in principle on Macs with M1, M2 or M3 CPU. However, they are developer previews with known issues (including serious performance ones) with all recent guest operating systems.
Latest 7.0.x test builds
Windows | 7.0.x revision 163608 |
macOS/Intel | 7.0.x revision 163608 |
macOS/ARM64 Dev Preview | 7.0.x revision 163608 |
Linux 64-bit | 7.0.x revision 163608 |
Linux EL7 64-bit | 7.0.x revision 163608 |
Linux EL8 64-bit | 7.0.x revision 163608 |
Linux EL9 64-bit | 7.0.x revision 163608 |
Solaris | 7.0.x revision 163569 |
Solaris IPS | 7.0.x revision 163569 |
Guest Additions | 7.0.x revision 163426 |
Extension Pack | 7.0.x revision 163608 |
SDK | 7.0.x revision 163608 |
Last upload: 2024-06-21T13:42:06Z
Development snapshots
Windows | development revision 163606 |
macOS/Intel | development revision 163606 |
macOS/ARM64 Dev Preview | development revision 163606 |
Linux 64-bit | development revision 163606 |
Linux EL7 64-bit | development revision 163606 |
Linux EL8 64-bit | development revision 163606 |
Linux EL9 64-bit | development revision 163606 |
Solaris | development revision 163574 |
Solaris IPS | development revision 163574 |
Guest Additions | development revision 163596 |
Extension Pack | development revision 163452 |
SDK | development revision 163606 |
Last upload: 2024-06-21T11:55:16Z
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