

品牌官网,或者到broadcom官网上下载LSI storage authority 这是最新的管理软件,megaraid storage manager已经停更了,不推荐下载

如何在Windows上安装 LSI Storage Authority,MegaRAID Storage Manager已弃用

从( datacentersupport.lenovo.com/ )联想帮助官网下载 LSI Storage Authority (LSA) zip 文件 。

提取文件并打开文件夹 。

双击“setup”文件 。

安装向导将显示一条消息,请单击“install” 。

将显示一个窗口,其中包含一条消息,询问您是否要安装 Microsoft Visual C++ 软件包。单击“yes” 。

安装完成后,将显示一个窗口,其中包含有关如何安装 OpenSLP 2.0.0 的说明。单击“next” 。

仔细阅读最终用户许可协议 (EULA),然后选中窗口底部附近的框以接受该协议,然后单击“next” 。

单击“typical”  。

单击“install” 。

LSA 将开始提取文件以准备安装 。

单击“next” 。

仔细阅读软件许可协议 (SLA),然后选中窗口底部附近的框以接受该协议,然后单击“next” 。

填写“user name” 和“organization” ,可以不填写 。

单击“next” 。

填写您首选的web socket port和lsa server port号,可使用默认端口号 。

单击“next” 。

单击“change”以选择安装文件夹,可以使用默认安装文件夹 。

单击“next”  。

选择您想要生成警报的事件范围。可以使用默认选项 。

单击“next”  。

选择最适合您情况的“setup type”。在这种情况下,我们将使用“”gateway选项 。

单击“next”  。


桌面上应该有刚创建的图标,双击该图标 。


单击“sign in” 。

使用与登录操作系统相同的用户名和密码,使用host登陆类型。单击“sign in” ,推荐创建一个新用户,因为windows默认使用在线账户,我们不知道具体的在线账户的用户名和密码。 作者:我算这块小饼干0vo https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv34445812/ 出处:bilibili


Managing LSA on VMware ESXi Operating Systems
Last Updated June 10, 2024

This section outlines the preinstallation and postinstallation requirements that are essential to run and manage LSA on the VMware ESXi operating systems.
Beginning with VMware ESXi 7.x and up, VMware ESXi can be managed by installing LWA directly.
LSA cannot be installed directly on the VMware ESXi operating system for versions before ESXi 7.x. LSA installed on VMware ESXi 7.x and below is managed through the LSA client that is installed on a Linux or Windows machine in the same subnet.
  1. Provider Services
    Ensure that the Provider Services are up and running before performing the VMware ESXi Discovery from the LSA client (Windows and Linux).
    Execute the following commands to make sure that the Provider services are up and running on VMware ESXi:
    /etc/init.d/slpd status
    /etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog status
  2. Configuration Change Details
    If there is any configuration change, ensure that you perform the following actions:
    • /etc/init.d/sfcb-watchdog stop
    • /etc/init.d/slpd stop
    • /etc/init.d/slpd start
    • /etc/init.d/sfcb-watchdog start
  • Storage Controller
    Ensure that the storage controller on VMware ESXi has the right configuration (firmware and driver) and the storage controller is working as expected before connecting through LSA. The following command helps verify whether the controller is getting detected:
    enum_instances cim_system lsi/lsimr13
  • Network Communication Details
    Network communication is a key element for a proper communication between the VMware ESXi CIM provider and the Broadcom management software. Make sure that the network settings are correct by making the following changes:
    • Provide a proper host name and an IP address while performing the initial configurations for the VMware ESXi host. Refer to How to Configure Networking on VMware ESXi? for more information.
    • For networks that do not have DNS configured, the 
       file on the system on which LSA is installed must be edited as follows:
  1. Add an entry to map the VMware host’s IP address with the host name, so that the discovery process happens correctly. In the absence of this entry, the VMware host would be discovered as
  2. Add an entry to map the actual IP address of the localhost with its host name. An entry for the loopback address would be present by default in the hosts file and it should not be removed to ensure that the Asynchronous Event Notifications (AENs) are delivered correctly. For example, if
     is the IP address of your VMware host and
     is the IP address of your Linux host, the following entries must be added in the 
     file: dhcp-135-24-228-136.lsi.com dhcp-135-24-228-136 #VMware dhcp-135-24-228-137.lsi.com dhcp-135-24-228-137 #Linux
    Ensure that port 2463 is not blocked by a firewall.
Remote management of VMware ESXi is supported only in a Gateway installation of LSA on the following operating systems:
  • Microsoft Windows Server
  • RHEL
  • SUSE Linux
Windows and Linux Steps
The following steps are required to be performed on the Windows/Linux client:
Both the client and the server should be in the same subnet.
  1. Ensure that port 2463 is not blocked by a firewall.
  2. Install the latest LSA client in a Gateway installation mode.
  3. Launch LSA.
  4. Ensure that the LSA Service is up and running.
  5. Ensure that other LSA servers in the network are being discovered.
  6. Ensure that VMware IP is being discovered as part of the 
    Remote Server Discovery
  7. Log in with your VMware credentials to monitor and manage the storage controller through the LSA client.
Configuring the Network on VMware ESXi Environment
  • By default, during the VMware ESXi operating system installation, the IP and host name should be configured appropriately.
  • If an already installed VMware ESXi operating system is moved from one network to the other, and if the host name mapping is not correct, follow the steps that are mentioned in the following link to configure the network and host name:
    How to Configure Networking on VMware ESXi?
Multi-subnet Configuration
  • CURL error in CIMOM server results in a blocked AEN to the upper layer (CIMProvider-->LSA). This error happens if the servers are in different subnets or if there are any incorrect or incomplete AEN subscriptions. To avoid this error, you must have both the client and the server in the same subnet. Any incomplete AEN subscriptions must be removed using the CIMClient.
    To view the existing subscriptions, enter:
    host-ind -s
    To remove an existing subscription, enter:
    host-ind -d -k
    handler name
    For example, 
    host-ind -d -k dhcp-x.y.z.k.dhcp.company.net_LSA_127.0.0.1
    If the previous command failed in the latest versions of VMware ESXi, use the command 
    • Views the existing subscriptions: 
      indcfg -|
    • Clears the subscriptions: 
      indcfg -c
Restart or reboot the sfcb service after any change in the VMware server.
  • To restart the server use:
    esxcli system wbem set -e 0
    esxcli system wbem set -e 1
Either restart the 
 service or reboot the VMware server after making any changes



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