
Lenovo XClarity Essentials操作視頻


Lenovo XClarity Essentials (LXCE) 是服务器管理实用程序的集合,使客户能够更高效、更简单且更具成本效益地管理Lenovo ThinkSystem 、System x 和Thinkserver服务器。在此页面上,您将找到一系列视频,解释可以使用Lenovo XClarity Essentials (LXCE) 执行的各种任务。


请参阅Lenovo XClarity Essentials (ToolsCenter)中支持的系统部分


  • 用户必须具有管理员或 root 权限才能运行Lenovo XClarity Essentials 实用程序。 XClarity Essentials 在运行时不会检查用户权限,但如果用户不是管理员或根用户,某些功能可能无法正常工作。

  • 您的受管系统配置了 XCC/BMC/IMM/TSM 网络

  • 可直接通过网络访问服务器上的 XCC/BMC/IMM/TSM 的工作站/笔记本电脑

  • 外部 SFTP 服务器已就位,端口 6990 打开(通常在现代 Linux 安装/ Windows上的 freesshd 中可用)





Lenovo XClarity Essentials(LXCE)是服務器管理實用程序的集合,使客戶能夠更有效,更簡單和更經濟地管理Lenovo ThinkSystem ,System x和Thinkserver服務器。

在此頁面上,您將找到一系列視頻,介紹可以使用Lenovo XClarity Essentials(LXCE)執行的各種任務。







要求 :

  • 可以訪問互聯網的正在運行的操作系統(Windows / SUSE Linux / Redhat Enterprise Linux)。


觀看視頻: https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_rf-jzfGr4


該視頻顯示瞭如何使用命令行工具為受管系統遠程更新固件(更新過程中無需重新啟動主機)。大多數組件可以使用這種方法進行更新。但是,仍有一些組件需要重新啟動主機。有關這些組件的遠程更新,請參見“ lxce - onecli -how -to- bmu -update ”。

要求 :

  • 已下載的固件(或有關獲取方法,請參考lxce-onecli-how-to-download-update )

  • 您的受管系統已配置了BMC網絡

  • 運行中的操作系統(Windows / SUSE Linux / Redhat Enterprise Linux),可以訪問受管系統的BMC。

  • 到位外部SFTP服務器(通常在現代Linux安裝中可用,在Windows上為freesshd)。


觀看視頻: https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyXjlQ3_9kk


該視頻顯示瞭如何使用命令行工具為需要係統重新引導的受管系統遠程更新固件。這用於某些組件(例如HDD / SSD)的遠程固件更新,由於這些組件需要重新引導主機,因此無法使用lxce-onecli-how-to-remote-update中描述的方法進行更新。


  • 固件已下載(或參考lxce-onecli-how-to-to-download-update) 如何獲取。 注意:應指定 -ostype platform” ,以便獲取為此所需的所有文件)。獲取所需文件的示例命令為“ ./OneCli update acquire -- ostype platform --mt 7x03 --dir / tmp / fw  。

  • 您的受管系統已配置了BMC網絡。

  • 運行中的操作系統(Windows / SUSE Linux / Redhat Enterprise Linux),可以訪問受管系統的BMC。

  • 已打開端口6990的外部SFTP服務器(通常在現代Linux安裝中/在Windows上為freesshd)。


觀看視頻: https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4glM-EFzHs




  • 您的受管系統已配置了BMC網絡。

  • 運行中的操作系統(Windows / SUSE Linux / Redhat Enterprise Linux),可以訪問受管系統的BMC。

  • 到位外部SFTP服務器(通常在現代Linux安裝中可用/在Windows上為freesshd)


觀看視頻: https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DA-1AnKEtw




  • 您的受管系統已配置了BMC網絡。

  • 正在運行的操作系統(Windows / SUSE Linux / Redhat Enterprise Linux):

    • 可以訪問受管系統的BMC(用於ISO遠程安裝)。

    • 可選:可以訪問互聯網(僅當您尚未下載更新包時才需要)。


觀看視頻: https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyXjlQ3_9kk




  • 受管系統上安裝了正在運行的操作系統(Windows / SUSE Linux / Redhat Enterprise Linux)。

  • 已下載的固件(或參考lxce-onecli-how-to-download-update了解如何獲取)。


觀看視頻: https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQAlN3nHrcA




  • 您的受管系統已配置了BMC網絡。

  • 運行中的操作系統(Windows / SUSE Linux / Redhat Enterprise Linux),可以訪問:

    • 互聯網

    • 您的受管系統的BMC。


觀看視頻: https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8qNB2Jd2nE




  • 正在運行的操作系統(Windows / SUSE Linux / Redhat Enterprise Linux)

    • 安裝在您的受管系統上。

    • 可以訪問互聯網(用於數據上傳)


觀看視頻: https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyXjlQ3_9kk




  • 您的受管系統已配置了BMC網絡。

  • 運行中的操作系統(Windows / SUSE Linux / Redhat Enterprise Linux),可以訪問:

    • 互聯網

    • 您的受管系統的BMC


觀看視頻: https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8E9d67rubE


Last Modified Date:12/12/2019


Common questions

 What is Lenovo XClarity Essentials (LXCE)? What's the relationship between LXCE and ToolsCenter?

Answer: “Lenovo XClarity Essentials” (referred as LXCE in the rest part of this FAQ) is the new brand name which replaces the previously widely used brand name “ToolsCenter”.The name of LXCE is launched together with Lenovo ThinkSystem products in August, 2017. It is a software product family providing essential management capabilities for all Lenovo systems.LXCE contains three individual software, including: OneCLI (all-in-one portable command line utility), UpdateXpress (portable GUI software) and Bootable Media Creator (portable GUI software).See for more info on the LXCE official website.

 What is LXCE OneCLI?

Answer: LXCE OneCLI is an all-in-one portable command line utility that supports system information collection, firmware and device driver update, system configuration aswell as other helpful system management functions.  LXCE OneCLI is especially useful for scripting solutions. See for more info on the LXCE OneCLI official website.

 What is LXCE Bootable Media Creator (BoMC)?

Answer: LXCE BoMC is a portable, GUI software that supports downloading the latest firmware update packages from Lenovo support website and creating a bootable media (e.g. ISO/CD/DVD/USB Key / PXE image) to do firmware update. It is useful for bare-metal systems or where the system’s host OS access is not allowed or damaged. See for more info on the LXCE BoMC official website.

 What is Lenovo XClarity Essentials (LXCE) UpdateXpress?

Answer: LXCE UpdateXpress is a portable, GUI software for firmware and device driver update. It provides similar functions as LXCE OneCLI “update” command. However, LXCE UpdateXpress is more user friendly by using a wizard style GUI which is very easy to follow. See for more info on the LXCE UpdateXpress official website.

 How can I migrate to LXCE OneCLI if I am using ToolsCenter ASU, DSA and UXSPI?

Answer: LXCE Tools are the official tools to support Lenovo branded systems while ToolsCenter tools are kept to support IBM branded systems. It is requested to replace the ToolsCenter tools’ commands with LXCE OneCLI commands when managing Lenovo systems. The transition is easy to achieve as OneCLI provides commands and parameters which can be mapped to ToolsCenter ones in a straightforward way. A special transition white paper is available to provide more details. Please refer to it. Furthermore, for customers who use ToolsCenter commands in their solutions or scripts already, Lenovo also provides several proxy tools to facilitate the migration to LXCE OneCLI without breaking them. These proxy tools serve as the command translators, which accept the ToolsCenter commands and parameters and then invoke LXCE OneCLI under the cover. See more details in Chapter 10 “ASU, DSA, and UXSPI proxy tools" in LXCE OneCLI User Guide. If you need to use LXCE OneCLI to manage IBM brands systems, see "Can I use LXCE to support IBM brand system x servers? "  for more information.

 Can I use LXCE to support IBM brand system x servers? 

Answer: LXCE OneCLI only supports Lenovo systems. However, LXCE OneCLI supports redirecting to ToolsCenter tools (ASU/UXSPI/DSA) to manage IBM servers, which provides a unique managing interface for customers who need to manage both Lenovo and IBM brands servers.In this scenario, ToolsCenter tools should be in place and corresponding information should be added into OneCLI’s “global.config” file. Please refer to “IBM system support” section in LXCE OneCLI User Guide for more details. LXCE UpdateXpress does not provide such support. Please be noted: LXCE BoMC still officially supports both Lenovo and IBM brands systems.

 Can I use LXCE to support Lenovo ThinkServers?

Answer:  LXCE OneCLI only provides inventory data collection support for a list of ThinkServer products. There are no other functions supported. The full list of ThinkServer products supported by LXCE OneCLI can be found on LXCE official website. More details can be found in the user guide of ThinkServer support by LXCE OneCLI. LXCE UpdateXpress and BoMC do not support ThinkServer products.

8  How can I find the examples of LXCE OneCLI commands for specific functions I want to use?

Answer:  LXCE OneCLI provides sample scripts for the typical scenario in the “Sample” sub-folder in the OneCLI binary extraction directory.

E.g.: You can find the following example of “acquire” command in “Sample/laptop_package_acquire.txt”

Available examples are as below: 

(1) Acquire UXSP packages:

OneCli.exe update acquire --mt 5464 --ostype rhel7 --dir ./pkg

(2) Acquire latest packages

OneCli.exe update acquire --mt 5464 --ostype rhel7 --scope latest --dir ./pkg

(3) Acquire xml only:

OneCli.exe update acquire --mt 5464 --ostype rhel7 --metaonly

(4) Acquire individual package:

OneCli.exe update acquire --scope individual --includeid qlgc-lnvgy_dd_fc_qla2xxx-

Run and trouble shoot questions

1  Where can I get the latest version of LXCE tools?

Answer: Latest versions of LXCE tools are available on LXCE official website. From there you can enter the home pages of all LXCE products and download latest versions and user guides. You can also check the latest lists of supported servers on the website.

 Do I need to install LXCE tools?

Answer: No, all XClarity Essentials tools (OneCLI / UpdateXpress / BoMC) are portable client software. You just need to copy and run the main executable programs (some of them require decompression first as they are delivered in compressed format such as zip).

 How can I check the lan-over-usb status of host OS to ensure LXCE OneCLI can access BMC in In-Band (IB) mode? What's the configuration or prerequisites needed to setup lan-over-usb? 


  • Windows:          

    1. Go to “Device Manager -> Network Adapter” and check “IBM USB Remote NDIS Network Device” is ready.

    2. Go to “Device Manager -> System Device” and check “Microsoft Generic IPMI Compliant Device” is ready.  

  • Linux:          

    1. Open Terminal, then run “ifconfig” and check usb0 is ready.

    2. Run “ipmitool” to check the ipmi driver is loaded well.

    3. BMC has a setting (IMM.LanOverUsb) to enable or disable lan-Over-usb function on BMC side. It also needs to be set as “Enabled” (default value) to ensure the host OS’s lan-over-usb device work well. Please use OneCLI’s “config” commands to show or set this setting.

 What account do I need when using LXCE tools remotely?


1. CIM and IPMI account is needed.

2. For the Flex systems, need to create IPMI account and make it the same as the CIM account by using IMM/XCC web page.

 Can I use LXCE tools if I don't have root privilege of host OS?

Answer: It depends on which functions you are using. Root privilege is not mandatory for remote functions such as update package acquisition and remote firmware update (out-of-band, through BMC). To run LXCE tools in the server’s host OS, root privilege is needed.

 What operating systems and servers do LXCE tools support?

Answer: LXCE tools support Lenovo x86 systems. They support modern enterprise operating systems, including Windows, RHEL and SLES. However the OS support lists are slightly different according to different tools. Go to each LXCE tool's websites to find details. LXCE official website acts as an entry.

 Can I use LXCE OneCLI to manage multiple systems? (One-to-many scenarios)

Answer: Yes, these scenarios are mainly for large-scale system management in a remote way. Same as other modern command line software, LXCE OneCLI can be easily integrated into any one-to-many scripting solutions. For example, in a python script, multiple threads can be initiated. Each thread hosts an OneCLI command to update a specific system remotely.

 Can I use LXCE OneCLI to manage both IBM and Lenovo branded systems?

Answer: Yes, but ToolsCenter tools are also needed for IBM branded systems in this scenario.  See more details in question “Can I use LXCE to support IBM brand system x servers?”

 How to get LXCE OneCLI runtime logs for troubleshooting?

Answer: For each running of OneCLI command, log files will be created within "logs/OneCli-xxxxxx/" folder, where "logs/" will be created (if not exists) in the same place where OneCLI executable is located.  By default, only critical log data will be generated. To view detailed log data, you need to add command line parameter “--log 5”. Please do get “--log 5” logs when reporting issues to Lenovo Service.

10  How to get BMC logs for trouble shooting?

Answer: Use “ffdc” command if you’d like to get BMC FFDC logs only. Use OneCLI inventory command together with parameter "--ffdc" to collect full system inventory data including FFDC logs as well. See for more details in “getinfor command” section in LXCE OneCLI User Guide.

The “--ffdc” parameter can also be used when running “update” command so customers can get more logs if the update fails.

11  What is needed for troubleshooting when reporting an UpdateXpress problem?


  1. The steps to recreate the problem

  2. The system information (both the system where UpdateXpress running and the target system for the update task)

  3. The screenshots when the error occurs.

  4. All the log files in support folder (C:\Lenovo_Support for Windows or /var/log/Lenovo_Support for Linux).

12  What is needed for troubleshooting when reporting a BoMC problem?


If the problem happens when creating a bootable image:

  1. The steps to recreate the problem,

  2. The system information where BoMC is running.

  3. The screenshots when the error occurs.

  4. All the log files in support folder (C:\Lenovo_Support for windows or /var/log/Lenovo_Support for Linux).

If the problem happens when updating a system with a bootable image:

  1. The steps to recreate the problem.

  2. The target system information

  3. The screenshots when the error occurs.

  4. All the log files in folder /var/log/Lenovo_Support or use “Save Log” function to save compressed logs into usb key and provide the .tgz.

Inventory questions

1  Why are some pages gray in the HTML report created by LXCE OneCLI?

Answer: Usually, a page will be gray and can't be accessed if no data for the category is collected. It could be caused by no related hardware in the system, e.g. the “Storage Devices” page could be gray if there is no RAID controller in the target system. Another possible reason could be OneCLI fails to do inventory because of failing to connect with BMC, or failing to run some utilities. In the case, you could contact Lenovo Service for help. OneCLI logs and BMC FFDC (First Failure Data Capture) are very helpful for Lenovo Service when failures happen. Please refer to questions “How to get LXCE OneCLI runtime logs for troubleshooting?” and “How to get BMC logs for trouble shooting?

 What kinds of inventory report shall I use?

Answer: There are two kinds of inventory reports provided by OneCLI: XML and HTML. These two kinds of reports have the same data contents.  HTML report is more readable with separated pages and tables.

XML report is always created but HTML report is only available if "--htmlreport" parameter is used when running "getinfor" command. You can also run command "formatlog" to translate the XML report to a HTML report. If you'd like to see the inventory results by yourself, it is suggested to generate HTML report. Otherwise, if you'd like to upload the inventory report to Lenovo Service, XML report is recommended.

 How can I upload LXCE OneCLI inventory reports to Lenovo Systems CARE?

Answer: OneCLI can upload the XML report automatically when you run inventory with command "--getinfor" by specifying parameter "--upload multitool" (Multitool represents Lenovo Systems CARE). You can also use “upload” command to upload certain files to Lenovo Systems CARE. An command example is here:

OneCLI.exe inventory upload --srcdata xxx.xml --upload multitool

Please refer to “Inventory” Chapter in LXCE OneCLI User Guide.

 What's the difference between in-band (IB) and out-of-band (OOB) inventory reports?

Answer: For the same target system, the inventory results in IB and OOB cases are consistent. But the IB report does contain more information.

BMC related information, e.g. Firmware Version, Chassis Event Log, Storage Devices and PCI Adapters, is in both IB and OOB inventory reports. The extra contents inn IB cases include OS related information (e.g. Device Drivers) and adapters raw data.

Update questions

1  What's the difference between in-band (IB) and out-of-band (OOB) update when using LXCE OneCLI?

Answer: A: IB means run OneCLI in the system’s host OS; OOB (out-of-band) means run OneCLI (usually on a laptop) to manage a remote BMC-based system or a CMM of a chassis or a SMM of a chassis.

IB update can update both firmware and device drivers. OOB update can only update firmware.

Most kinds of firmware can be updated remotely (in OOB way) via BMC. But the firmware of some kinds of hardware, e.g. SSD or HDD, can’t be updated via BMC directly. For these firmware, a “Bare-metal Update” (BMU) stage is used during the OOB update operation. Refer to question “What is BMU update?”

 What's the function difference between LXCE OneCLI and UpdateXpress? Which one shall I use?

Answer: If the server has a BMC IP configured, user can remotely run OneCLI if he is in preference of scripts or command line. If he is in preference of GUI, he can run UpdateXpress to easily do update (recommended way). If the server has no BMC IP but has a host OS (Windows, RH or SLES), user can use OneCLI or UpdateXpress to do update within the host OS (IB mode). If neither BMC IP nor host OS is available, user can use BoMC to create a bootable ISO or USB key to do the update by booting the system with the ISO or USB key and then run update within it.

 How to know detailed problems when update command reports fail?

Answer: You can check the fail reasons on the screen output or "Onecli-update-flash.xml" located in "logs" directory by default or the directory specified by "--output" parameter.  An example is as below:

Lenovo XClarity Controller (XCC) Update

Component   :XCC

Update ID   :lnvgy_fw_xcc_tei308l-1.02_anyos_noarch

Reboot      :No reboot required

Result      :Update flash module error using inband flash and xFirmware: Illegal cmd line args specified.

OneCLI return codes will reflect some general update related errors as well. Please refer to “ToolsCenter Suite CLI Update-related Return Codes” table in LXCE OneCLI User Guide.

 What's the meaning when LXCE OneCLI reports "installed: undetected"? How to solve?

Answer: The “Installed: undetected” information shown in screen output or “OneCLI-update-flash.xml” means OneCLI can’t detect the component or device listed in the given update package. Usually this is because there is no such component or device installed on the server.

How to solve?

 What does prerequisite mean? What will happen if no prerequisite installed? How can I know which prerequisites are needed and where can I get them?

Answer: Sometimes an update package has a prerequisite for another package, e.g. 128I UEFI requests 1AOO26N BMC. If the 1AOO26N BMC package is missed when user tries to flash 128I UEFI, user will get "The requisite packages do not exist." as the package unselected reason. If the prerequisite of an update package isn’t installed, the package will not be selected to update. If customer uses OneCLI to acquire update packages, all prerequisite packages will be downloaded automatically as well. If customer downloads update packages manually, he needs to make sure the related prerequisite packages exist before running OneCLI “update” command.

6  Can OneCLI update Adapter firmware in OOB mode?

Answer: OneCLI can remotely update core firmware (BMC, UEFi, pDSA (System x systems), LXPM (ThinkSystem)) and most of adapters’ firmware for ThinkSystem via BMC (detail in "Onecli-update-scan.xml"). It is called “OOB” mode in some documents.

Some adapters don’t support the technology of updating firmware through BMC. Some kinds of hardware, such as HDD, SSD or GPU, also don’t support it. So OneCLI can not remotely update the firmware of them via BMC.

To achieve a full support of remote firmware update, OneCLI provides a “Platform Update” model which can remotely update the whole firmware packages for a target server by adding a “BMU Update” phase besides “OOB Update”. Please refer to question “What is ‘Platform Update’?” and “What is ‘BMU Update’?”  

 What is 'Platform Update'?

Answer: There is a new type of UXSP introduced since ThinkSystem goes to market. The OS type of this UXSP is “Platform”, which means the UXSP is OS irrelevant and contains only firmware. A "Platform Update" mode is provided by OneCLI to update this kind of UXSP. User can acquire "Platform" UXSP by using “ostype” parameter as "--ostype platform". Then OneCLI can apply the UXSP remotely with normal "OOB update" plus "BMU update" (optional, if there are hardware don’t support OOB update). User can use “--platform” plus "--bmc userid:password@bmcip" parameters to remotely update firmware for all components. 

Please be noted the “Platform Update” might introduce system reboot if the “BMU Update” is also involved. See question “What is ‘BMU Update’?” for details.

For detailed usage of OneCLI “Platform Update”, please refer to the section “How to update all platform component firmwares of a remote server in out-of-band mode (Recommended for remote firmware update)” in LXCE OneCLI User Guide.

 What is 'BMU update'?

Answer: "BMU update" means updating packages in a "maintenance mode OS". User can use "--bmu" plus "--bmc userid:password@bmcip" parameters to update some packages that does not support OOB update (e.g. HDD, Intel network adapter, etc).

For detailed usage of OneCLI “BMU Update”, please refer to the section “How to update all platform component firmwares of a remote server in out-of-band mode (Recommended for remote firmware update)” in LXCE OneCLI User Guide.

 Can OneCLI acquire packages for IBM systems and how?

Answer: Yes. OneCLI can acquire packages for both IBM and Lenovo support websites by configuring "ACQUIRE_REPOSITORY = BOTH" in "global.config" file which is located in OneCLI extracted directory.

10  Can OneCLI downgrade or flash an equal level firmware package and how?

Answer: Yes. User can use "--forceid fixid" to force to flash a certain level of firmware or device driver, even it is downgrading or using an equal level.

11  Does OneCLI reboot OS after flash the packages (e.g. UEFI) which need to reboot to take effect?

Answer: OneCLI will remind user to reboot OS to make some packages take effect. But OneCLI will not reboot the OS automatically because it may impact the target server’s ongoing workloads. User needs to manually reboot the OS to make the new firmware take effect.  

But in “Platform Update” case, OneCLI might ask for rebooting customer’s OS if some components’ firmware can’t be updated via BMC. OneCLI will ask user’s permission to reboot into maintenance OS to update these components as part of the “Platform Update” process.

12  Does OneCLI reboot BMC after flash the BMC firmware?

Answer: Yes. OneCLI will reboot the BMC firmware to make the new BMC firmware take effect by default except remotely updating BMC for multi-node systems. User can also use "--noreboot" to skip the BMC reboot after updating BMC firmware.

13  Which components can be updated via OneCLI OOB mode and which can’t?

Answer: Lenovo BMC (IMMv2 for System x systems and XCC for ThinkSystem) provides very powerful function to update many IO options by using its interface. LXCE tools can leverage this interface to do firmware update remotely for supported components. There is an easy way to find how many components can be updated via OneCLI OOB mode. For ThinkSystem, user can visit the “Firmware Update” subpage; for System x systems, user can select the “Server Management” menu and then “Firmware Update” submenu. All components listed on these subpages are supported by using OneCLI “OOB” mode.

Most components on ThinkSystem are supported by OneCLI OOB, such as most NIC options, RAID options. New types like M.2 adapter, NVMe switch, are also supported. The non-support components include all HDD/SSD, GPU, all Intel NICs and some RAID options.

For System x systems, only some new IO options are supported by OneCLI OOB. Please check the IMMv2 webpage as mentioned above. 

14  Is customized SFTP server needed for remote firmware update?


For System x systems:

Customized SFTP server is always needed for any remote update cases (‘OOB Update’,  ‘Platform Update’ and 'BMU update').

For ThinkSystem:

Customized SFTP server is not needed when updating firmware via BMC (‘OOB Update’ case). Please refer to Which components can be updated via OneCLI OOB mode and which can’t? question to learn which components can be updated without a SFTP server.

Customized SFTP server is needed for 'BMU update' and ‘Platform Update’.

15  Can I update all components of a server remotely?

Answer: User can apply all components’ firmware remotely with "Platform Update" for both ThinkSystem and System x systems by using LXCE OneCLI v2.1.0 or later versions.

16  What is the difference among “uxsp”, “individual” and “latest” modes when using “--scope" parameter? Which one should be used?


--scope uxsp: 

UXSP (UpdateXpress System Pack) is a bundled package of updates that have been verified to work well together and can be updated together for a certain system. Usually, Lenovo will publish new versions of UXSPs for all systems quarterly. 

When doing “acquire” in “uxsp” mode, OneCLI will download the latest UXSP package with given machine type and OS type. For the other commands, OneCLI will search the latest available UXSP package for the target system within specified directory and then use it. 

The “uxsp” mode is the easiest way to update a system and it is the recommended mode, especially when you are updating your system for the first time. It is the default value, if no “--scope” specified.


“--scope latest”:

The “latest” mode is based on SUP (System Update Package), which is the firmware or device driver package of a particular component for a particular OS, e.g. “Broadcom NX-E NIC firmware for Windows”.  UXSP is actually a simple bundle of SUPs of all components of a certain system.

When OneCLI is doing “acquire” in the “latest” mode, it will download the latest SUPs of all components of a given system (with machine type and OS type specified). If there are some SUPs posted after the latest UXSP’s publishment, they will be acquired.

For other commands, e.g. “compare” and “flash”, OneCLI will search the specified directory (local directory by default) and traverse all SUPs. For each SUP, OneCLI will track to its latest version and add into the results. For example, if there are two BMC SUPs ( BMC  v1.2 and BMC v1.3) and three uEFI SUPs (uEFI v2.1, v2.2 and v2.3), OneCLI will traverse the 5 SUPs and take BMC v1.3 and uEFI v2.3 as final results. 

After getting the results, OneCLI will do the rest processes of the commands by using them.

The “latest” mode is very useful if you know some components have urgent fix SUPs posted and can’t wait to next UXSP publishment. You can use “latest” mode to download and update these fix SUPs. Another scenario is that if you have a big repository contains multiple versions of UXSPs and SUPs, you can simply use “--scope latest” to let OneCLI pick up proper versions of SUPs to update.


--scope individual”:

The “individual” mode is used process a particular SUP package, which name must be specified by the “--includeid” parameter, e.g. “lnvgy_fw_uefi_tee110f-1.00_anyos_32-64”. You can acquire this SUP, or flash it. This mode is useful when a certain fix package should be applied to customer’s systems.

Configuration questions

Why do I fail to change some settings?

Answer: At first, the failure may be caused by error inputs, such as

  1. Invalid values are used.

  2. The settings or the chosen values for them are suppressed.

Command "showvalues" in OneCLI’s “config” application can list all the available values and suppress check sentences for specified settings. Please double check your inputs by using the command.

Second, the issue may be caused by failing to connect BMC. In the case, you need to contact Lenovo Service. OneCLI debug log and BMC FFDC (First Failure Data Capture) are very helpful for Lenovo Service team to find root cause.

Why do I see some UEFI settings are not changed after OneCLI set command finished successfully?

Answer: For UEFI or options related settings, a DC cycle is mandatory to make the settings take effect.

3 Why do I see some settings are not changed from BMC webpage after OneCLI set command finished successfully?

A: For BMC settings, rebooting BMC to take effect is suggested. If you still see some settings are not changed after BMC reboot, please contact Lenovo Service for help.

Does LXCE OneCLI support Feature on Demand (FoD) function?

Answer: Yes. FoD function is supported from OneCLI 2.1.0.

5  How could I generate certificate to manage SSL certificate for BMC quickly?

Answers: OneCLI provides a template XML file, named "template.xml" in its folder to help to quickly generate self-signed certificate or a certificate signing request (CSR) for BMC SSL certificate management. You can edit values according to your demands. All the “Required” items are mandatory. For the “Optional” items, you can remove them if don’t need. But please be noted that if the “Optional” items are kept, they must have correct values otherwise BMC will report error.

6  Why is option “--bmc” required for command “raid”?

Answer: Command “raid” is for RAID configuration, which is not recommended to run in host OS. So out-of-band way is mandatory with option “--bmc”.

Help and document questions

1  Where can I get LXCE tools help documentation? 

Answer: Please find the useful documents below:

  1. LXCE Online Help

  2. LXCE OneCLI User Guide

  3. LXCE OneCLI User Guide for ThinkServer

  4. LXCE Update Xpress User Guide

  5. LXCE BoMC User Guide

  6. ToolsCenter to LXCE Transition White Paper 

2  Where can I get “How to” videos of LXCE tools?

Answer: A series of “How to” videos of LXCE usages are published onto both Youtube and YouKu (for Chinese customers). Please search by using “LXCE how to” on these two platforms.




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