Deploy on Debian
Preparation Steps
Depending on the version of Rocket.Chat you want to install, check the release notes to see the supported engine versions for MongoDB and NodeJs, and install as recommended.
Install MongoDB
Please refer to the official MongoDB documentation on how to install MongoDB on Debian. For the list of supported versions, see our documentation here.
When deploying MongoDB, it is crucial to secure MongoDB instances and close all MongoDB ports from public access. Unsecured instances can lead to significant security vulnerabilities. Your vigilance in these practices is essential for maintaining the integrity and safety of your systems.
Install Rocket.Chat on Debian
Update your system by running this command:
Install required packages/dependencies:
To download the latest Rocket.Chat version run the following command:
You can also use wget
to download Rocket.Chat with this command:
To download a specific version, replace latest
the version number.
Extract the archive with
You should now see a new directory under /tmp
named bundle
Next, install all the node dependencies:
When executing npm install
, it is recommended to operate using a non-root account. Alternatively, you can utilize the npm install --unsafe-perm
command. This approach eliminates the necessity for building libc or upgrading the host system.
has been a temporary non-root user-writable location to prepare the bundle. For this guide, we're going to use /opt to be the final location but you can choose any other. Whatever may it be, if not /opt, make sure you change the location in all the other places it is specified.
Configure the Rocket.Chat service
Add the rocketchat user, and set the right permissions on the Rocket.Chat folder.
Create the Rocket.Chat service file:
Depending on how you install NodeJS, the binary path may be different. Save the path to a variable.
Now, save the systemd service file.
The command above will create a barebone service file, this service file is what systemd will use to start your Rocket.Chat daemon/process.
Passing environment variables
Pass some environment variables to the running process. See Rocket.Chat environmental variables for more details. To update the Rocket.Chat file, run the following command :
Update the text editor with the information below and save.
MongoDB Configuration
Open the MongoDB config file (
) in your preferred text editor.
Set the storage engine to
Enable replication, and name the replicaset
The MongoDB replica set is mandatory for Rocket.Chat > 1.0.0.
Your MongoDB config file should look something like the following:
Read the official documentation for a complete list of available MongoDB config options.
Start MongoDB with the following command:
Then, initiate replica set with this command:
You can start your Rocket.Chat workspace now using this command:
Configure your Rocket.Chat server
To access your Rocket.Chat workspace, open a web browser and navigate to the specified ROOT URL ( Follow the configuration prompts to configure your workspace.
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