Hello everyone, I finally finished the guide, I hope it will be useful for everyone who wants to build a Windows PE Audiophile, both 11 and 10, it is valid for both.
Attached Files
Boot iso file Windows PE from system BCD:
Extract iso to a folder,
Hello everyone, I start this new thread because I think that the topic is very interesting, and a little or no way used for our purposes, the computer audio for the enjoyment of music.
Over time I have observed that the audio quality of the PC is related to the number of processes that run on it and to the latency.
We all know that Windows Server has higher quality sound than Windows 10, and in Core mode even more, and if we also run it from RAM it increases much more.
These facts corroborate the above, as they are related to the number of processes that are executed in the OS while listening and with the latency, always lower in RAM.
To corroborate these statements I have checked how many processes are running on each OS (clean) mentioned above, and the results are as follows:
1. WINDOWS 10: 126 processes (104 applying Windows Debloater powereshell script and disabling Windows Defender)
2. WINDOWS SERVER 2019 GUI: 104 processes (with defender installed) (87 with defender uninstalled)
3. WINDOWS SERVER 2019 CORE *: 71 processes (54 with defender uninstalled) (*) with AppCompatibility FOD installed.
4. WINDOWS 10-11 PE: 27 processes.
It is curious to observe that the number of processes of Windows 10 debugged with Windows Debloater (104) coincides with that of Windows Server 2019 GUI
The advantage of this is that it allows us to uninstall Windows Defender, which I have not found a way to do in Windows 10. It can be deactivated, but not uninstalled, so the number of processes does not drop below 104, while in Server 2019 GUI it reaches 87 with Defender uninstalled, which is 17 processes less
We observe that as the number of processes decreases, the sound quality increases, from the latency aspect there is only one way to improve it, loading the OS in RAM memory.
This has several drawbacks, first of all, a large amount of RAM is required, at least enough to fit the OS we want to load, and that about something, since Windows requires at least 2 GB of free RAM to work, given the size Windows 10 is almost unthinkable to load it in RAM, we would need at least 32 GB, and only installing the essential audio applications and without a paging file, so as not to consume all the memory. The same happens with Windows Server 2019 in GUI mode, so we only have the option of Windows Server in CORE mode, as viable for loading in RAM, and at least we will need 16 GB, 8-10 for the OS and applications of audio and the rest for use by the system itself, without a paging file or with a 2 GB and fixed size file.
The problem with Server CORE is that it does not have a graphical interface, only a command line, so it is difficult to use if you do not have a minimum of basic computer knowledge, and it is uncomfortable. This can be partially solved by installing the AppCompatibility FOD, which provides a minimal GUI with explorer, and other small utilities such as diskmgr, devmgr, etc. that make operating the OS and accessing audio applications easier and more comfortable, but it has a cost in space, since it occupies about 700 MB.
Win10 PE SE only runs 27 processes !! so I wondered if that would not be the way to achieve higher audio quality, also with a graphical interface and occupying only 370-430 MB! (620-670 MB with applications and drivers installed).
Advantages of Windows 10 PE as Audio OS:
1. Size: WinXPE without apps occupies 429 MB (Win11XPE) or 370 MB in Win10XPE, no apps or drivers installed (which gives an idea of the size reduction of WinXPE, 10-15 times less than "Normal" Windows
2. Loading time in RAM: Obviously much less because it depends on the size, SERVER CORE 2019 weighs 8 GB, against 620-670 MB of Win10-11 PE.
3. Complete graphical interface, not capped as in Server Core 2019.
4. Number of running processes: 27 (can be reduced to 12 processes!! with discreet tuning) on Win10-11 PE versus 54 on Server Core 2019, exactly half.
5. Audio quality: It is clearly superior in Windows 10-11 PE compared to Server Core 2019, in all aspects.
6. RAM required for loading: Windows 10-11 PE only requires 2GB of RAM to run fully loaded on it, against at least 16GB of Server Core.
Disadvantages of Win10 PE as Audio OS:
1. It is difficult to implement.
2. It is a volatile system so the changes are lost with the restart, because Microsoft has designed the system like this, the changes in the Windows PE registry evaporate when the machine is turned off.
3. It has no activation, and after 3 days of uninterrupted operation it turns off. This case is very unlikely, in general nobody is listening to music 3 days in a row. In theory, although suspending the "winlogon.exe" process this 72 hour limit is disabled.
Finally, I enclose this Guide in PDF format to create an "audiophile" Windows PE, valid for both Windows 10 and 11.
I hope it will be useful for everyone who wants to build a Windows PE Audiophile, both 11 and 10, it is valid for both.
I have tried to make it easy to read and I intend that anyone with a little computer knowledge and who is not an expert, can build their own audiophile Windows PE.
FYI - just in case version 2022-01-07 of Win10XPE doesn't work very well, we could download version 2021-10-27 instead
As usual it really depends on what "easy" actually means, there's no way to add anything at all unless we're actually willing to unpack those *.exe files first.
In most cases 7-Zip should work fine
Sometimes we might need Universal Extractor 2 instead
Here's something that might be useful
Or we could give either one a try
Windows PE might not be for you if any of that were still too challenging.
是另一个简单明了的构建器,用于制作可启动的 Windows PE 映像,对于我们这些还没有准备好经历一大堆选项的人来说,这是一个相当简单的选项
pnputil /add-driver device.inf /install
以下是一个示例,下载 的副本 ,然后解压文件 HoloAudio_v5.30.0_2021-12-08_setup.exe。然后用 7-Zip 等解压 HoloAudio_v5.30.0_2021-12-08_setup.exe ,我们会在HoloAudio_v5.30.0_2021-12-08\W10_x64文件夹 中找到我们需要的所有内容 ,最后可以通过运行pnputil添加驱动程序如下
pnputil /add-driver holousbaudio.inf /install
wpeutil 禁用防火墙
仅供参考 - 有时使用 Microsoft 的最新版本构建 Windows PE 映像可能会产生更好的 SQ,来自 Dev Channel 的版本 23H2(即 Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25120)可以在下面找到
86c0535332d290a87bf584d953881aed45be85c6 *Windows11_InsiderPreview_Client_x64_en-us_25120.iso3415025dff3ac1aeef6c4f6a0b559f22af04c5af *Windows11_InsiderPreview_EnterpriseVL_x64_en-us_25120.iso
顺便说一句,还有这个“秘密武器”,称为 Factory OS / Windows Core OS
目前可用的 Windows 10 版本是一个基于数十年遗留代码构建的操作系统,这使得微软与 iOS 和 Chrome OS 等更现代的平台竞争变得异常棘手。
Windows 核心操作系统 (WCOS) 正在尝试构建新版本的 Windows 10,该版本可跨不同设备类型进行扩展,并消除旧版组件和功能的操作系统,以支持本机 UWP 应用程序和体验。
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