• 集成多种服务(389 Directory Server, MIT Kerberos, NTP, DNS, Dogtag certificate system, SSSD),简化安装配置
• 提供WEB、命令行两种管理工具,方便管理
• 多主复制,可扩展,高可用
• MIT KDC:IPA 认证的核心
• 389 Directory Server:轻量级目录访问
• Dogtag Certificate System:一款认证系统,提供强大的安全框架来确保用户的身份以及通讯的私密性
• SSSD:SSSD是红帽企业版Linux6中新加入的一个守护进程,该进程可以用来访问多种验证服务器,如LDAP,Kerberos等,并提供授权。SSSD是介于本地用户和数据存储之间的进程,本地客户端首先连接SSSD,再由SSSD联系外部资源提供者(一台远程服务器)
• 使用ntp同步时间
• 防火墙关闭,或开放以下端口:TCP(80, 443,389, 636,88, 464) UDP(88, 464,123)
• 配置hosts文件,设置完全合格的主机名(如: freeipa1)
• OS:Centos 7.5
• 三台机器集群
[root@local ~]# cat etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
hostnamectl set-hostname
yum update -y
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port={80/tcp,443/tcp,389/tcp,636/tcp,88/tcp,464/tcp,53/tcp,88/udp,464/udp,53/udp,123/udp}
firewall-cmd --reload
firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports wang-1
[root@wang-1 ~]# cat etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 wang-1 # Added by Google # Added by Google
[root@wang-1 ~]#
yum -y install rng-tools
systemctl start rngd
systemctl enable rngd
systemctl status rngd
yum -y install bind bind-utils bind bind-dyndb-ldap
vi /etc/named.conf -- 将以下两个参数改为 yes
dnssec-enable yes;
dnssec-validation yes;
systemctl start named.service
systemctl enable named
systemctl status named
chmod: changing permissions of `/etc/resolv.conf': Operation not permitted
sudo lsattr etc/resolv.conf
sudo chattr -i etc/resolv.conf
sudo lsattr etc/resolv.conf
The domain name has been determined based on the host name
这会导致我们的所有的机器都不在同一个域内。 ipa-replica-prepare --ip-address
yum -y install ipa-server ipa-server-dns
ipa-server-install --allow-zone-overlap
Do you want to configure integrated DNS (BIND)? [no]: no
Server host name []:
Please confirm the domain name []:
Please provide a realm name [EXAMPLE.ORG]: IPA.EXAMPLE.ORG
[root@wang-1 ~]# ipa-server-install --allow-zone-overlap
The log file for this installation can be found in var/log/ipaserver-install.log
This program will set up the IPA Server.
This includes:
* Configure a stand-alone CA (dogtag) for certificate management
* Configure the Network Time Daemon (ntpd)
* Create and configure an instance of Directory Server
* Create and configure a Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC)
* Configure Apache (httpd)
* Configure the KDC to enable PKINIT
To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Enter key.
WARNING: conflicting time&date synchronization service 'chronyd' will be disabled
in favor of ntpd
Do you want to configure integrated DNS (BIND)? [no]: yes
Enter the fully qualified domain name of the computer
on which you're setting up server software. Using the form
Server host name []:
Warning: skipping DNS resolution of host
The domain name has been determined based on the host name.
Please confirm the domain name []:
The kerberos protocol requires a Realm name to be defined.
This is typically the domain name converted to uppercase.
Please provide a realm name [TMP.GCE.CLOUDERA.COM]:
Certain directory server operations require an administrative user.
This user is referred to as the Directory Manager and has full access
to the Directory for system management tasks and will be added to the
instance of directory server created for IPA.
The password must be at least 8 characters long.
Directory Manager password:
Password (confirm):
The IPA server requires an administrative user, named 'admin'.
This user is a regular system account used for IPA server administration.
IPA admin password:
Password (confirm):
Checking DNS domain, please wait ...
Do you want to configure DNS forwarders? [yes]:
Following DNS servers are configured in etc/resolv.conf:,
Do you want to configure these servers as DNS forwarders? [yes]:
All DNS servers from etc/resolv.conf were added. You can enter additional addresses now:
Enter an IP address for a DNS forwarder, or press Enter to skip:
Checking DNS forwarders, please wait ...
Do you want to search for missing reverse zones? [yes]:
Do you want to create reverse zone for IP [yes]:
Please specify the reverse zone name []:
Using reverse zone(s)
The IPA Master Server will be configured with:
IP address(es):
Domain name:
BIND DNS server will be configured to serve IPA domain with:
Forward policy: only
Reverse zone(s):
Continue to configure the system with these values? [no]: yes
The following operations may take some minutes to complete.
Please wait until the prompt is returned.
Configuring NTP daemon (ntpd)
[1/4]: stopping ntpd
[2/4]: writing configuration
[3/4]: configuring ntpd to start on boot
[4/4]: starting ntpd
Done configuring NTP daemon (ntpd).
Configuring directory server (dirsrv). Estimated time: 30 seconds
[1/44]: creating directory server instance
[2/44]: enabling ldapi
[3/44]: configure autobind for root
[4/44]: stopping directory server
[5/44]: updating configuration in dse.ldif
[6/44]: starting directory server
[7/44]: adding default schema
[8/44]: enabling memberof plugin
[9/44]: enabling winsync plugin
[10/44]: configuring replication version plugin
[11/44]: enabling IPA enrollment plugin
[12/44]: configuring uniqueness plugin
[13/44]: configuring uuid plugin
[14/44]: configuring modrdn plugin
[15/44]: configuring DNS plugin
[16/44]: enabling entryUSN plugin
[17/44]: configuring lockout plugin
[18/44]: configuring topology plugin
[19/44]: creating indices
[20/44]: enabling referential integrity plugin
[21/44]: configuring certmap.conf
[22/44]: configure new location for managed entries
[23/44]: configure dirsrv ccache
[24/44]: enabling SASL mapping fallback
[25/44]: restarting directory server
[26/44]: adding sasl mappings to the directory
[27/44]: adding default layout
[28/44]: adding delegation layout
[29/44]: creating container for managed entries
[30/44]: configuring user private groups
[31/44]: configuring netgroups from hostgroups
[32/44]: creating default Sudo bind user
[33/44]: creating default Auto Member layout
[34/44]: adding range check plugin
[35/44]: creating default HBAC rule allow_all
[36/44]: adding entries for topology management
[37/44]: initializing group membership
[38/44]: adding master entry
[39/44]: initializing domain level
[40/44]: configuring Posix uid/gid generation
[41/44]: adding replication acis
[42/44]: activating sidgen plugin
[43/44]: activating extdom plugin
[44/44]: configuring directory to start on boot
Done configuring directory server (dirsrv).
Configuring Kerberos KDC (krb5kdc)
[1/10]: adding kerberos container to the directory
[2/10]: configuring KDC
[3/10]: initialize kerberos container
[4/10]: adding default ACIs
[5/10]: creating a keytab for the directory
[6/10]: creating a keytab for the machine
[7/10]: adding the password extension to the directory
[8/10]: creating anonymous principal
[9/10]: starting the KDC
[10/10]: configuring KDC to start on boot
Done configuring Kerberos KDC (krb5kdc).
Configuring kadmin
[1/2]: starting kadmin
[2/2]: configuring kadmin to start on boot
Done configuring kadmin.
Configuring ipa-custodia
[1/5]: Making sure custodia container exists
[2/5]: Generating ipa-custodia config file
[3/5]: Generating ipa-custodia keys
[4/5]: starting ipa-custodia
[5/5]: configuring ipa-custodia to start on boot
Done configuring ipa-custodia.
Configuring certificate server (pki-tomcatd). Estimated time: 3 minutes
[1/28]: configuring certificate server instance
[2/28]: exporting Dogtag certificate store pin
[3/28]: stopping certificate server instance to update CS.cfg
[4/28]: backing up CS.cfg
[5/28]: disabling nonces
[6/28]: set up CRL publishing
[7/28]: enable PKIX certificate path discovery and validation
[8/28]: starting certificate server instance
[9/28]: configure certmonger for renewals
[10/28]: requesting RA certificate from CA
[11/28]: setting audit signing renewal to 2 years
[12/28]: restarting certificate server
[13/28]: publishing the CA certificate
[14/28]: adding RA agent as a trusted user
[15/28]: authorizing RA to modify profiles
[16/28]: authorizing RA to manage lightweight CAs
[17/28]: Ensure lightweight CAs container exists
[18/28]: configure certificate renewals
[19/28]: configure Server-Cert certificate renewal
[20/28]: Configure HTTP to proxy connections
[21/28]: restarting certificate server
[22/28]: updating IPA configuration
[23/28]: enabling CA instance
[24/28]: migrating certificate profiles to LDAP
[25/28]: importing IPA certificate profiles
[26/28]: adding default CA ACL
[27/28]: adding 'ipa' CA entry
[28/28]: configuring certmonger renewal for lightweight CAs
Done configuring certificate server (pki-tomcatd).
Configuring directory server (dirsrv)
[1/3]: configuring TLS for DS instance
[2/3]: adding CA certificate entry
[3/3]: restarting directory server
Done configuring directory server (dirsrv).
Configuring ipa-otpd
[1/2]: starting ipa-otpd
[2/2]: configuring ipa-otpd to start on boot
Done configuring ipa-otpd.
Configuring the web interface (httpd)
[1/22]: stopping httpd
[2/22]: setting mod_nss port to 443
[3/22]: setting mod_nss cipher suite
[4/22]: setting mod_nss protocol list to TLSv1.0 - TLSv1.2
[5/22]: setting mod_nss password file
[6/22]: enabling mod_nss renegotiate
[7/22]: disabling mod_nss OCSP
[8/22]: adding URL rewriting rules
[9/22]: configuring httpd
[10/22]: setting up httpd keytab
[11/22]: configuring Gssproxy
[12/22]: setting up ssl
[13/22]: configure certmonger for renewals
[14/22]: importing CA certificates from LDAP
[15/22]: publish CA cert
[16/22]: clean up any existing httpd ccaches
[17/22]: configuring SELinux for httpd
[18/22]: create KDC proxy config
[19/22]: enable KDC proxy
[20/22]: starting httpd
[21/22]: configuring httpd to start on boot
[22/22]: enabling oddjobd
Done configuring the web interface (httpd).
Configuring Kerberos KDC (krb5kdc)
[1/1]: installing X509 Certificate for PKINIT
Done configuring Kerberos KDC (krb5kdc).
Applying LDAP updates
Upgrading IPA:. Estimated time: 1 minute 30 seconds
[1/10]: stopping directory server
[2/10]: saving configuration
[3/10]: disabling listeners
[4/10]: enabling DS global lock
[5/10]: disabling Schema Compat
[6/10]: starting directory server
[7/10]: upgrading server
[8/10]: stopping directory server
[9/10]: restoring configuration
[10/10]: starting directory server
Restarting the KDC
Configuring DNS (named)
[1/12]: generating rndc key file
[2/12]: adding DNS container
[3/12]: setting up our zone
[4/12]: setting up reverse zone
[5/12]: setting up our own record
[6/12]: setting up records for other masters
[7/12]: adding NS record to the zones
[8/12]: setting up kerberos principal
[9/12]: setting up named.conf
[10/12]: setting up server configuration
[11/12]: configuring named to start on boot
[12/12]: changing resolv.conf to point to ourselves
Done configuring DNS (named).
Restarting the web server to pick up resolv.conf changes
Configuring DNS key synchronization service (ipa-dnskeysyncd)
[1/7]: checking status
[2/7]: setting up bind-dyndb-ldap working directory
[3/7]: setting up kerberos principal
[4/7]: setting up SoftHSM
[5/7]: adding DNSSEC containers
[6/7]: creating replica keys
[7/7]: configuring ipa-dnskeysyncd to start on boot
Done configuring DNS key synchronization service (ipa-dnskeysyncd).
Restarting ipa-dnskeysyncd
Restarting named
Updating DNS system records
Configuring client side components
Using existing certificate '/etc/ipa/ca.crt'.
Client hostname:
DNS Domain:
IPA Server:
BaseDN: dc=tmp,dc=gce,dc=cloudera,dc=com
Skipping synchronizing time with NTP server.
New SSSD config will be created
Configured sudoers in etc/nsswitch.conf
Configured etc/sssd/sssd.conf
[try 1]: Forwarding 'schema' to json server ''
[try 1]: Forwarding 'ping' to json server ''
[try 1]: Forwarding 'ca_is_enabled' to json server ''
Systemwide CA database updated.
Adding SSH public key from etc/ssh/
Adding SSH public key from etc/ssh/
Adding SSH public key from etc/ssh/
[try 1]: Forwarding 'host_mod' to json server ''
SSSD enabled
Configured etc/openldap/ldap.conf
Configured etc/ssh/ssh_config
Configured etc/ssh/sshd_config
Configuring as NIS domain.
Client configuration complete.
The ipa-client-install command was successful
Setup complete
Next steps:
1. You must make sure these network ports are open:
TCP Ports:
* 80, 443: HTTP/HTTPS
* 389, 636: LDAP/LDAPS
* 88, 464: kerberos
* 53: bind
UDP Ports:
* 88, 464: kerberos
* 53: bind
* 123: ntp
2. You can now obtain a kerberos ticket using the command: 'kinit admin'
This ticket will allow you to use the IPA tools (e.g., ipa user-add)
and the web user interface.
Be sure to back up the CA certificates stored in root/cacert.p12
These files are required to create replicas. The password for these
files is the Directory Manager password
[root@wang-1 ~]#
kinit admin
ipa user-find admin
[root@wang-1 ~]# ipa user-find admin
1 user matched
User login: admin
Last name: Administrator
Home directory: home/admin
Login shell: bin/bash
Principal alias: admin@TMP.GCE.CLOUDERA.COM
UID: 580800000
GID: 580800000
Account disabled: False
Number of entries returned 1
[root@wang-1 ~]#
# ipa user-add jmutai --first=Josphat --last=Mutai --shell=/bin/bash --password
[root@wang-2 ~]# ipactl status
Directory Service: RUNNING
krb5kdc Service: RUNNING
kadmin Service: RUNNING
httpd Service: RUNNING
ipa-custodia Service: RUNNING
ntpd Service: RUNNING
pki-tomcatd Service: RUNNING
ipa-otpd Service: RUNNING
ipa: INFO: The ipactl command was successful
[root@wang-2 ~]#
[root@xuefeng-1 ~]# ipactl --help
Usage: ipactl start|stop|restart|status
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug Display debugging information
-f, --force Force IPA to start. Combine options --skip-version-
check and --ignore-service-failures
If any service start fails, do not rollback the
services, continue with the operation
--skip-version-check skip version check
yum -y install ipa-client ntp
rpm -qa|grep -I ipa
[root@cdswdemo-2 ~]# rpm -qa|grep -i ipa
[root@cdswdemo-2 ~]#
[root@ipa112 ~]# ipa-client-install --realm=EXAMPLE.COM --principal=admin@EXAMPLE.COM --password=hadoop123 --enable-dns-updates --permit --no-ntp
Provide your IPA server name (ex: --输入ipaserver,需要注意后面一定不要带空格,否则就会抛出异常
[root@wang-2 ~]# ipa-client-install
WARNING: ntpd time&date synchronization service will not be configured as
conflicting service (chronyd) is enabled
Use --force-ntpd option to disable it and force configuration of ntpd
DNS discovery failed to determine your DNS domain
Provide the domain name of your IPA server (ex:
Provide your IPA server name (ex:
The failure to use DNS to find your IPA server indicates that your resolv.conf file is not properly configured.
Autodiscovery of servers for failover cannot work with this configuration.
If you proceed with the installation, services will be configured to always access the discovered server for all operations and will not fail over to other servers in case of failure.
Proceed with fixed values and no DNS discovery? [no]: yes
Client hostname:
DNS Domain:
IPA Server:
BaseDN: dc=gce,dc=cloudera,dc=com
Continue to configure the system with these values? [no]: yes
Skipping synchronizing time with NTP server.
User authorized to enroll computers: admin
Password for admin@GCE.CLOUDERA.COM:
Successfully retrieved CA cert
Subject: CN=Certificate Authority,O=GCE.CLOUDERA.COM
Issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=GCE.CLOUDERA.COM
Valid From: 2019-08-11 13:44:00
Valid Until: 2039-08-11 13:44:00
Enrolled in IPA realm GCE.CLOUDERA.COM
Created etc/ipa/default.conf
New SSSD config will be created
Configured sudoers in etc/nsswitch.conf
Configured etc/sssd/sssd.conf
Configured etc/krb5.conf for IPA realm GCE.CLOUDERA.COM
[try 1]: Forwarding 'schema' to json server ''
[try 1]: Forwarding 'ping' to json server ''
[try 1]: Forwarding 'ca_is_enabled' to json server ''
Systemwide CA database updated.
Adding SSH public key from etc/ssh/
Adding SSH public key from etc/ssh/
Adding SSH public key from etc/ssh/
[try 1]: Forwarding 'host_mod' to json server ''
Could not update DNS SSHFP records.
SSSD enabled
Configured etc/openldap/ldap.conf
Configured etc/ssh/ssh_config
Configured etc/ssh/sshd_config
Configuring as NIS domain.
Client configuration complete.
The ipa-client-install command was successful
[root@wang-2 ~]#
kinit admin
Replica creation using 'ipa-replica-prepare' to generate replica file
is supported only in 0-level IPA domain.
The current IPA domain level is 1 and thus the replica must
be created by promoting an existing IPA client.
To set up a replica use the following procedure:
1.) set up a client on the host using 'ipa-client-install'
2.) promote the client to replica running 'ipa-replica-install'
*without* replica file specified
'ipa-replica-prepare' is allowed only in domain level 0
The ipa-replica-prepare command failed.
ipa host-add --force --ip-address=
ipa host-add --force --ip-address=
[root@wang-2 ~]# ipa host-add --force --ip-address=
Added host ""
Host name:
Principal name: host/
Principal alias: host/
Password: False
Keytab: False
Managed by:
ipa host-find
[root@wang-2 ~]# ipa host-find
2 hosts matched
Host name:
Principal name: host/
Principal alias: host/
SSH public key fingerprint: SHA256:rwMkR/W/nz4EIzH3b+BLFLjb0tr7UA4vDR4wmBp4l9o root@wang-2 (ssh-rsa),
SHA256:ppQgDl79Xw/IBqhzutNgqsLgvxAOfSGVOl1OhtV00cY root@wang-2 (ecdsa-sha2-nistp256),
SHA256:IwracriO47xdmQLkvUODn47swUpp0f4tQ2OcmodVqQg root@wang-2 (ssh-ed25519)
Host name:
Principal name: host/
Principal alias: host/
Number of entries returned 2
yum -y install ipa-server
[root@wang-3 sbin]# ipa-replica-install
WARNING: conflicting time&date synchronization service 'chronyd' will
be disabled in favor of ntpd
Password for admin@GCE.CLOUDERA.COM:
Run connection check to master
Connection check OK
Configuring NTP daemon (ntpd)
[1/4]: stopping ntpd
[2/4]: writing configuration
[3/4]: configuring ntpd to start on boot
[4/4]: starting ntpd
Done configuring NTP daemon (ntpd).
Configuring directory server (dirsrv). Estimated time: 30 seconds
[1/41]: creating directory server instance
[2/41]: enabling ldapi
[3/41]: configure autobind for root
[4/41]: stopping directory server
[5/41]: updating configuration in dse.ldif
[6/41]: starting directory server
[7/41]: adding default schema
[8/41]: enabling memberof plugin
[9/41]: enabling winsync plugin
[10/41]: configuring replication version plugin
[11/41]: enabling IPA enrollment plugin
[12/41]: configuring uniqueness plugin
[13/41]: configuring uuid plugin
[14/41]: configuring modrdn plugin
[15/41]: configuring DNS plugin
[16/41]: enabling entryUSN plugin
[17/41]: configuring lockout plugin
[18/41]: configuring topology plugin
[19/41]: creating indices
[20/41]: enabling referential integrity plugin
[21/41]: configuring certmap.conf
[22/41]: configure new location for managed entries
[23/41]: configure dirsrv ccache
[24/41]: enabling SASL mapping fallback
[25/41]: restarting directory server
[26/41]: creating DS keytab
[27/41]: ignore time skew for initial replication
[28/41]: setting up initial replication
Starting replication, please wait until this has completed.
Update in progress, 3 seconds elapsed
Update succeeded
[29/41]: prevent time skew after initial replication
[30/41]: adding sasl mappings to the directory
[31/41]: updating schema
[32/41]: setting Auto Member configuration
[33/41]: enabling S4U2Proxy delegation
[34/41]: initializing group membership
[35/41]: adding master entry
[36/41]: initializing domain level
[37/41]: configuring Posix uid/gid generation
[38/41]: adding replication acis
[39/41]: activating sidgen plugin
[40/41]: activating extdom plugin
[41/41]: configuring directory to start on boot
Done configuring directory server (dirsrv).
Configuring Kerberos KDC (krb5kdc)
[1/5]: configuring KDC
[2/5]: adding the password extension to the directory
[3/5]: creating anonymous principal
[4/5]: starting the KDC
[5/5]: configuring KDC to start on boot
Done configuring Kerberos KDC (krb5kdc).
Configuring kadmin
[1/2]: starting kadmin
[2/2]: configuring kadmin to start on boot
Done configuring kadmin.
Configuring directory server (dirsrv)
[1/3]: configuring TLS for DS instance
[2/3]: importing CA certificates from LDAP
[3/3]: restarting directory server
Done configuring directory server (dirsrv).
Configuring the web interface (httpd)
[1/22]: stopping httpd
[2/22]: setting mod_nss port to 443
[3/22]: setting mod_nss cipher suite
[4/22]: setting mod_nss protocol list to TLSv1.0 - TLSv1.2
[5/22]: setting mod_nss password file
[6/22]: enabling mod_nss renegotiate
[7/22]: disabling mod_nss OCSP
[8/22]: adding URL rewriting rules
[9/22]: configuring httpd
[10/22]: setting up httpd keytab
[11/22]: configuring Gssproxy
[12/22]: setting up ssl
[13/22]: configure certmonger for renewals
[14/22]: importing CA certificates from LDAP
[15/22]: publish CA cert
[16/22]: clean up any existing httpd ccaches
[17/22]: configuring SELinux for httpd
[18/22]: create KDC proxy config
[19/22]: enable KDC proxy
[20/22]: starting httpd
[21/22]: configuring httpd to start on boot
[22/22]: enabling oddjobd
Done configuring the web interface (httpd).
Configuring ipa-otpd
[1/2]: starting ipa-otpd
[2/2]: configuring ipa-otpd to start on boot
Done configuring ipa-otpd.
Configuring ipa-custodia
[1/4]: Generating ipa-custodia config file
[2/4]: Generating ipa-custodia keys
[3/4]: starting ipa-custodia
[4/4]: configuring ipa-custodia to start on boot
Done configuring ipa-custodia.
Configuring certificate server (pki-tomcatd)
[1/2]: configure certmonger for renewals
[2/2]: Importing RA key
Done configuring certificate server (pki-tomcatd).
Configuring Kerberos KDC (krb5kdc)
[1/1]: installing X509 Certificate for PKINIT
Done configuring Kerberos KDC (krb5kdc).
Applying LDAP updates
Upgrading IPA:. Estimated time: 1 minute 30 seconds
[1/10]: stopping directory server
[2/10]: saving configuration
[3/10]: disabling listeners
[4/10]: enabling DS global lock
[5/10]: disabling Schema Compat
[6/10]: starting directory server
[7/10]: upgrading server
[8/10]: stopping directory server
[9/10]: restoring configuration
[10/10]: starting directory server
Finalize replication settings
Restarting the KDC
WARNING: The CA service is only installed on one server (
It is strongly recommended to install it on another server.
Run ipa-ca-install(1) on another master to accomplish this.
[root@wang-3 sbin]# ipa-replica-manage list
Directory Manager password: master master
[root@wang-3 sbin]#
[realms] = {
kdc = #主服务器
kdc = #新增热备配置
master_kdc =
master_kdc = #新增
admin_server =
admin_server = #新增
default_domain =
pkinit_anchors = FILE:/etc/ipa/ca.crt
ipa-server-install -U --uninstall #服务端卸载
ipa-client-install -U --uninstall #客户端卸载
cd /var/lib/ipa/
rm -f ca*
rm -f *.txt
rm -f sysrestore/*
cd /var/lib/dirsrv/
rm -rf scripts*
cd /var/run/dirsrv/
rm -rf slapd*
cd /etc/ipa
rm -f ca.crt
cd /var/log/dirsrv
rm -rf slapd*
rm -rf var/lib/pki* var/log/pki* etc/init.d/pki*
rm -rf usr/share/pki /usr/share/tomcat5 /var/lib/tomcat5/
yum erase -y `rpmquery -a | grep freeipa` `rpmquery -a | grep ^pki-` `rpmquery -a | grep tomcat6` `rpmquery -a | grep httpd` 389-ds-base bind
[root@hdp136 ~]# kinit lch
kinit: Clients credentials have been revoked while getting initial credentials
[root@hdp134 ~]# kadmin.local <-----执行kadmin.local
Authenticating as principal admin/admin@EXAMPLE.COM with password.
kadmin.local: getprinc lch <---查看用户信息情况
Principal: lch@EXAMPLE.COM
Expiration date: [never]
Last password change: Tue Feb 27 11:11:02 CST 2018
Password expiration date: Mon May 28 11:11:02 CST 2018
Maximum ticket life: 1 day 00:00:00
Maximum renewable life: 7 days 00:00:00
Last modified: Tue Feb 27 11:11:02 CST 2018 (lch@EXAMPLE.COM)
Last successful authentication: Tue Feb 27 11:12:23 CST 2018
Last failed authentication: Tue Feb 27 14:11:07 CST 2018
Failed password attempts: 6 <--------------打印信息表明已经超过最大失败次数
Number of keys: 4
Key: vno 3, aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96, Special
Key: vno 3, aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96, Special
Key: vno 3, des3-cbc-sha1, Special
Key: vno 3, arcfour-hmac, Special
MKey: vno 1
Policy: [none]
kadmin.local: modprinc -unlock lch@EXAMPLE.COM <---输入的命令进行解锁
Principal "lch@EXAMPLE.COM" modified.
sasl_io_recv failed to decode packet for connection....
[root@ipa110 /]# cat package.ldif
dn: cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: nsslapd-sasl-max-buffer-size
nsslapd-sasl-max-buffer-size: 2097152
[root@ipa110 /]# ldapmodify -h localhost -D "cn=directory manager" -w hadoop123 -f package.ldif -ZZ
[root@hdp136 ~]# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf
passwd: files sss
[root@hdp136 ~]# service sssd status
sssd (pid 1799) is running...
[root@hdfs142 sssd]# vi /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
cache_credentials = True
debug_level = 9 ---修改这个值然后重启sssd
LDAP Error: Connect error: TLS error -8054:You are attempting to import a cert with the same issuer/serial as an existing cert, but that is not the same cert.
[root@test-1 OneNodeCDHCluster]# ipa-server-install
The log file for this installation can be found in /var/log/ipaserver-install.log
This program will set up the IPA Server.
This includes:
* Configure a stand-alone CA (dogtag) for certificate management
* Configure the Network Time Daemon (ntpd)
* Create and configure an instance of Directory Server
* Create and configure a Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC)
* Configure Apache (httpd)
* Configure the KDC to enable PKINIT
To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Enter key.
WARNING: conflicting time&date synchronization service 'chronyd' will be disabled
in favor of ntpd
Apache is already configured with a listener on port 443:
*:443 (/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:56)
ipapython.admintool: ERROR Aborting installation
ipapython.admintool: ERROR The ipa-server-install command failed. See /var/log/ipaserver-install.log for more information
[root@test-1 OneNodeCDHCluster]#
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf
Checking IdM Server Logs:
for line in `grep "x:[5-9][0-9][0-9]:" /etc/passwd`
USER=`echo $line | cut -d: -f1`
FIRST=`echo $line | cut -d: -f5 | awk {'print $1'}`
LAST=`echo $line | cut -d: -f5 | awk {'print $2'}`
if [ ! "$FIRST" ]
if [ ! "$LAST" ]
echo $USER | ipa user-add $USER --first=$FIRST --last=$LAST --password
vi /etc/pam.d/system-auth
# add if you need ( create home directory automatically if it's none )
session optional skel=/etc/skel umask=077
systemctl start oddjobd #启动服务
systemctl enable oddjobd
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