
联想系统 x3100 M5




System x3100 M5 单路塔式服务器专为寻求提高业务效率的解决方案的小型企业和首次购买服务器而设计。它以具有竞争力的价格提供多项创新功能,无论是紧凑型迷你塔式外形还是带热插拔电源和磁盘驱动器的标准塔式外形。

本产品指南提供必要的售前信息,以了解 x3100 M5、其主要功能和规格、组件和选项以及配置指南。本指南面向技术专家、销售专家、销售工程师、IT 架构师和其他想要详细了解 x3100 M5 并考虑将其用于 IT 解决方案的 IT 专业人员。

退出市场:本产品指南中涵盖的型号现已退出市场。替换系统是 Lenovo ThinkServer TS460 (E3-1200 v6),如https://lenovopress.com/LP0602所述。


9 月 11 日更新的变化:


System x3100 M5 单路塔式服务器专为寻求提高业务效率的解决方案的小型企业和首次购买服务器而设计。它以具有竞争力的价格提供多项创新功能,无论是紧凑型迷你塔式外形还是带热插拔电源和磁盘驱动器的标准塔式外形。System x3100 M5 设计紧凑,具有灵活的配置选项、内置安全性和系统管理功能。它利用了下一代双核和四核 Intel Xeon 处理器技术。

退出市场:本产品指南中涵盖的型号现已退出市场。替换系统是 Lenovo ThinkServer TS460 (E3-1200 v6),如https://lenovopress.com/LP0602所述。

系统 x3100 M5
图 1. System x3100 M5 服务器(所示为紧凑型迷你塔式服务器)


System x3100 M5 服务器是一款紧凑、经济高效的单处理器塔式或机架式服务器,经过优化可为中小型企业、零售店或商店提供出色的可用性、可管理性和性能特性。分布式企业。它支持 Intel Xeon E3-1200 v3 “Haswell”系列处理器,适用于需要性能和稳定性的应用程序,以及 Core i3、Pentium 和 Celeron 处理器,适用于需要较低成本的应用程序。

该系统包括此类系统中通常不具备的功能,例如标准、嵌入式 RAID 0 和 RAID 1、即使在机器断电时也能进行远程控制的功能,以及对处理器和内存的预测性故障分析 (PFA)。某些型号还支持热插拔冗余电源和热插拔磁盘驱动器。


通常,中小型企业 (SMB) 的 IT 预算和资源有限,并且依赖合作伙伴或多才多艺的员工来帮助管理公司的网络。提高效率和保留关键数据的业务需要使用易于启动和快速运行且可靠的服务器。您需要尽可能多地节省 IT 资金,同时节省 SMB 环境中不需要的功能的成本。System x3100 M5 是满足这些业务需求的理想首选服务器。它专为提高速度而构建,但消除了小型企业不需要的通用服务器中的昂贵设计功能。


x3100 M5 提供了许多功能来提高性能、提高可扩展性和降低成本:

  • 单插槽 x3100 M5 支持四核英特尔至强处理器 E3-1200 v3(“Haswell”)系列处理器,在节省空间的迷你塔式设计中提供令人印象深刻的计算能力。

  • 可选择最多四核的处理器,以实现多线程应用程序的有效使用。

  • 服务器支持的 Intel Xeon E3-1200 v3 处理器(E3-1220 v3 除外)支持 Intel 超线程技术和 Intel Turbo Boost 技术 2.0,以最大限度地提高性能。

  • 高达 32 GB 的高速 DDR3 系统内存,带四个 DIMM 插槽。

  • 内存速度高达 1600 MHz。

  • 四个可用的高性能 PCI Express 3.0 或 2.0 插槽。

  • 某些型号上多达四个内部 3.5 英寸易插拔或热插拔 SATA II HDD 提供低成本/高容量存储。

  • 某些型号上多达八个内部 2.5 英寸热插拔 SAS/SATA HDD 可提供最大的可扩展性和性能。

  • 集成的 ServeRAID-C100 软件 RAID 控制器支持 RAID 0、1 和 10。提供硬件 RAID 选项。

  • 集成双端口千兆以太网提供更高的网络吞吐量和冗余,并具有高效的节省插槽的集成。

  • 可用的 5.25 英寸驱动器托架支持半高磁带驱动器或 RDX 可移动磁盘盒式驱动器,以实现经济高效的数据备份。专用托架中的 DVD-ROM 驱动器是标准配置。

  • 七个 USB 端口,两个 USB 3.0 在前面,四个 USB 2.0 在后面。此外,还有一个用于磁带机或 RDX 可移动磁盘盒式驱动器的内部端口。


x3100 M5 提供了许多功能来简化可维护性和增加系统正常运行时间:

  • ECC 内存提供纠错功能,这在使用奇偶校验内存的 PC 级“服务器”中是不可用的。避免由于软内存错误导致的系统崩溃(和数据丢失)可能意味着更长的系统正常运行时间。

  • 免工具拆卸盖板可轻松访问升级和可维修部件,例如 CPU、内存和适配器。

  • 某些型号提供的热插拔驱动器托架与 RAID 功能相结合,可在驱动器发生故障时提供无停机时间的潜力。

  • 预测性故障分析 (PFA) 检测系统组件(例如,处理器、内存和硬盘驱动器)何时在标准阈值之外运行,并在可能发生故障之前生成主动警报,从而延长正常运行时间。

  • 内置集成管理模块版本 II (IMM2) 持续监控系统运行状况、触发警报并在出现故障时执行恢复操作以最大限度地减少停机时间。

  • 使用动态系统分析 (DSA) 预引导的内置诊断测试可加快故障排除任务,从而缩短服务时间。

  • DVD-ROM 驱动器是专用托架中的标准配置,便于软件安装。

  • 某些型号的冗余热插拔电源支持有助于保持服务器始终运行

  • 一年客户更换部件和现场有限保修,下一工作日 9x5。提供可选的服务升级。


强大的系统管理功能简化了 x3100 M5 的本地和远程管理:

  • 该服务器包括一个集成管理模块 II (IMM2),用于监控服务器可用性和执行远程管理(某些功能需要可选的许可证升级)。

  • 集成的行业标准统一可扩展固件接口 (UEFI) 可改进设置、配置和更新,并简化错误处理。

  • 集成可信平台模块 (TPM) 1.2 支持支持高级加密功能,例如数字签名和远程证明。

  • 英特尔至强处理器 E3-1200 v3 家族支持行业标准高级加密标准 (AES) NI 支持,可实现更快、更强大的加密。

  • 包含 IBM Systems Director 用于主动系统管理。它提供全面的系统管理工具,可通过高级服务器管理功能帮助增加正常运行时间、降低成本并提高生产力。

  • Intel Execute Disable Bit 功能与支持的操作系统结合使用时,可以帮助防止某些类别的恶意缓冲区溢出攻击。


x3100 M5 提供以下节能功能以节省能源、降低运营成本、提高能源可用性并为绿色环境做出贡献:

  • 节能平面组件有助于降低运营成本。

  • 提供 350 W 电源、300 W 80 PLUS 铜牌认证电源或 430 W 热插拔 80 PLUS 银牌认证电源。

  • 加入工作温度增强套件后,服务器支持ASHRAE A3标准,这意味着服务器可以在高达40°C的温度下运行。这意味着可以节省环境冷却成本。

  • 英特尔至强处理器 E3-1200 v3 产品系列提供比上一代产品明显更好的性能,同时符合相同的热设计功率 (TDP) 限制。

  • 低电压英特尔至强处理器消耗更少的能量来满足电力和热量受限的数据中心和电信环境的需求。

  • 该服务器使用六角形通风孔,这是 Calibrated Vectored Cooling™ 技术的一部分。六角孔可以比圆孔更密集地分组,从而提供更有效的气流通过系统。


x3100 M5 有两种不同的塔式设计:带有固定电源和易插拔驱动器托架的紧凑型塔式,或带有热插拔电源和热插拔驱动器托架的标准塔式。图 2 和图 3 显示了 x3100 M5 的正面和背面。

System x3100 M5 前视图 - 紧凑型塔式和标准塔式
图 2. System x3100 M5 的前视图 - 紧凑型塔式和标准塔式

System x3100 M5 的后视图 - 紧凑型塔式和标准塔式
图 3. System x3100 M5 的后视图 - 紧凑型塔式和标准塔式

图 4 和图 5 显示了服务器内部关键组件的位置。

System x3100 M5 内部视图 - 紧凑型塔式配置
图 4. System x3100 M5 内部视图 - 紧凑型塔式配置

System x3100 M5 内部视图 - 标准塔式配置
图 5. System x3100 M5 的内部视图 - 标准塔式配置



表 1. 标准规范
  • 紧凑型塔式(可以是 4U 机架外形,使用可选的塔式到机架转换套件 69Y5182)。

  • 标准塔式(可以是 5U 机架外形,使用可选的塔式到机架转换套件 00J6353)。

处理器型号表或可用 CTO 中列出的一个英特尔“Haswell”处理器:
  • 一个 2 核 Intel Celeron 处理器 2.8 GHz 和 1333 MHz 内存。

  • 一个高达 3.4 GHz 的 2 核英特尔奔腾处理器和 1600 MHz 内存。

  • 一个高达 3.7 GHz 的 2 核 Intel Core i3 处理器和 1600 MHz 内存。

  • 一个 2 核或 4 核 Intel Xeon E3-1200 v3,最高 3.7 GHz 和 1600 MHz 内存。

支持 EM64T 用于 32 位和 64 位操作系统和应用程序。
  • Intel Celeron 处理器最多 2 MB。

  • Intel Pentium 处理器最多 3 MB L3。

  • Intel Core i3 处理器最高 4 MB L3。

  • Intel Xeon E3-1200 v3 处理器最高 8 MB L3。

芯片组Intel C222,以前称为Intel Lynx Point PCH和Intel Denlow平台。
内存 DIMM 插槽四个支持 UDIMM 的 DDR3 DIMM 插槽。不支持 RDIMM。
内存容量高达 32 GB,带有 8 GB DDR3 UDIMM 和四个填充的 DIMM 插槽。
磁盘驱动器托架紧凑型塔式:最多四个 3.5" 易插拔托架
标准塔式:最多四个 3.5" 热插拔托架 (HDD) 或八个 2.5" 热插拔托架(HDD 或 SSD)
最大内部存储紧凑型塔式:高达 8 TB,配备 2 TB 3.5" 易插拔 NL SATA HDD。
标准塔式:高达 24 TB,配备 6 TB 3.5" 热插拔 NL SATA HDD,或高达 8 TB,配备 1 TB 2.5" 热插拔NL SAS HDD 或高达 12.8 TB,带 1.6 TB 2.5" 热插拔 SSD
RAID支持软件 RAID 0、1 或 10,带 ServeRAID C100 控制器,可升级到 RAID 5。可选硬件 RAID,带 ServeRAID H1110(RAID 0、1、1E 或 10)或 M1115(RAID 0、1、10,可选 RAID 5,或50) 或 M5110(RAID 0、1、10,可选 5、50、6 或 60,以及带闪存备份的可选缓存)。M5110 的额外升级。对于紧凑型塔:使用硬件 RAID 适配器还需要 RAID 升级套件 (00J6352)。
光盘驱动器托架一个 5.25" HH 托架,支持 DVD-ROM 或多功能刻录机。标准型号(特定型号)包含半高 SATA DVD-ROM 或多功能刻录机。
磁带机托架一个 5.25" HH 托架,支持 DDS、RDX 或 LTO 驱动器。
网络接口集成双端口千兆以太网 (Broadcom BCM5717)。一个端口与集成管理模块 (IMM) 共享。
PCI扩展槽四个 PCI Express 插槽:
  • 插槽 1,PCIe 3.0 x16(x8 有线),全高,半长。

  • 插槽 2,PCIe 3.0 x8(x8 有线),全高,半长。

  • 插槽 2,PCIe 2.0 x8(x4 有线),全高,半长。

  • 插槽 4,PCIe 2.0 x4(x1 有线),全高,半长。

端口正面:两个 USB 3.0 端口。背面:四个 USB 2.0、一个 DB-15 视频、一个 DB-9 串行端口、两个 RJ-45 千兆以太网网络端口(一个专用,一个与 IMM2 管理处理器共享)。内部:一个用于内部 USB 磁带驱动器的 USB 2.0 端口。
冷却紧凑型塔:最多两个速度控制的非冗余风扇。如果安装了两个或更多适配器(散热解决方案风扇套件,46W9177,可选),则需要第二个风扇。可选的工作温度增强套件 00Y8197,使服务器能够在 40°C 的环境中运行。
标准塔:最多两个速度控制的非冗余风扇。如果安装了两个或更多适配器,则需要第二个风扇(散热解决方案风扇套件,00Y8200,包含在标准型号中)。可选的工作温度增强套件 00FK940,使服务器能够在 40°C 的环境中运行。
电源紧凑型塔式:一个固定(非热插拔)电源,取决于型号:300 W ac 80 PLUS Bronze 电源或 350 W ac 电源。
标准塔式:最多两个 430 W 热插拔 80 PLUS Silver 冗余电源。
系统管理UEFI、集成管理模块 II (IMM2)、基本光通路诊断测试、自动服务器重启、IBM Systems Director 和 ServerGuide。用于远程呈现的可选 IMM 高级 FoD 升级(图形、键盘和鼠标以及虚拟媒体)。
视频Matrox G200eR2 具有 16 MB 内存,集成到 IMM2 中。75 Hz 时的最大分辨率为 1600x1200,具有 16 M 色。
支持的操作系统Microsoft Windows Server、Red Hat Enterprise Linux、SUSE Linux Enterprise Server、VMware ESXi。有关详细信息,请参阅操作系统支持部分。
有限保修一年客户更换部件和现场有限保修,9x5/下一工作日 (NBD) 响应时间。
服务与支持可选服务升级可通过联想服务获得:4 小时或 2 小时响应时间、8 小时修复时间、1 年或 2 年保修延期、针对硬件和部分联想和 OEM 软件的远程技术支持。
方面紧凑型塔:高度:360 mm (14.2"),宽度:180 mm (7.1"),深度:480 mm (18.9") 标准塔:高度:439 mm (17.3"),宽度:217 mm (
8.6"),深度:569 毫米(22.4 英寸)
重量紧凑型塔:最小配置:10 千克(22.0 磅),最大:13 千克(28.7 磅)
标准塔:最小配置:19.6 千克(43 磅),最大:22 千克(48.5 磅)



表 2. 标准模型

紧凑的塔式外形 - 易插拔驱动器和固定电源
5457-A3x奔腾 G3440 3.3GHz
3MB 1600MHz 2C (54W)
1 个 4 GB
1600 兆赫
4x 3.5" 不锈钢打开2x 千兆以太网DVD1x 350W
1 / 2
5457-B3x至强 E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz
8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)
1 个 4 GB
1600 兆赫
4x 3.5" 不锈钢打开2x 千兆以太网DVD1x 350W
1 / 2
5457-C3x至强 E3-1231 v3 3.4GHz
8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)
1 个 4 GB
1600 兆赫
4x 3.5" 不锈钢打开2x 千兆以太网DVD1x 300W
1 / 2
奔腾 G3440 3.3GHz
3MB 1600MHz 2C (53W)
1 个 4 GB
1600 兆赫
C1004x 3.5"
打开2x 千兆以太网DVD1x 固定
1 / 2
至强 E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz
8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)
1 个 4 GB
1600 兆赫
C1004x 3.5"
打开2x 千兆以太网DVD1x 固定
1 / 2
标准塔式外形 - 热插拔驱动器和电源
5457-C5x至强 E3-1231 v3 3.4GHz
8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)
1 个 4 GB
1600 兆赫
4x 3.5" 高速打开2x 千兆以太网
1x 430W
2 / 2
5457-F3x至强 E3-1271 v3 3.6GHz
8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)
1 个 4 GB
1600 兆赫
8x 2.5” 高速打开2x 千兆以太网
1x 430W
2 / 2

* Models A5G and B5G are only for certain regions in Europe
** Processor detail: Processor quantity, processor model, core speed, number of cores, L3 cache, memory speed, and thermal design power (TDP) rating

Models include the following items:

  • 2.8m power cord, region/region specific (except for models A5G and B5G, where no power cords are included and must be ordered separately)

  • Important Notices Flyer

  • Warranty Flyer

  • Documentation CD

Express 和 TopSeller 模型

TopSeller and Express models are preconfigured with additional components, such as processors, memory, and disks with the purpose of making the ordering and installation process simpler.

The following tables list the Express and TopSeller models that are available in certain regions:

Table 3. Express and TopSeller models with compact tower form factor
ModelProcessor (one maximum)MemoryRAIDDisk baysDisksNetworkOptical电源Fans
North America (NA)
5457-EAxCore i3 4150 3.5GHz 3MB 1600MHz 2C (54W)1x 4 GB 1600 MHzC1004x 3.5"
1x 1TB NL SATA2x GbEDVD1x fixed
1 / 2
5457-EBxXeon E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)2x 8 GB 1600 MHzC1004x 3.5"
Open2x GbEMulti-burner1x fixed
1 / 2
5457-ECxXeon E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1x 8 GB 1600 MHzC1004x 3.5"
1x 1TB NL SATA2x GbEMulti-burner1x fixed
1 / 2
5457-EDxXeon E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1x 8 GB 1600 MHzC1004x 3.5"
2x 1TB NL SATA2x GbEMulti-burner1x fixed
1 / 2
5457-EFxXeon E3-1231 v3 3.4GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1x 8 GB 1600 MHzC1004x 3.5"
Open2x GbEMulti-burner1x fixed
1 / 2
Latin America (LA)
5457-EAxCore i3 4150 3.5GHz 3MB 1600MHz 2C (54W)1x 4 GB 1600 MHzC1004x 3.5"
1x 1TB NL SATA2x GbEDVD1x fixed
1 / 2
5457-EBxXeon E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)2x 8 GB 1600 MHzC1004x 3.5"
Open2x GbEMulti-burner1x fixed
1 / 2
5457-ECxXeon E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1x 8 GB 1600 MHzC1004x 3.5"
1x 1TB NL SATA2x GbEMulti-burner1x fixed
1 / 2
5457-EDxXeon E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1x 8 GB 1600 MHzC1004x 3.5"
2x 1TB NL SATA2x GbEMulti-burner1x fixed
1 / 2
5457-EFxXeon E3-1231 v3 3.4GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1x 8 GB 1600 MHzC1004x 3.5"
Open2x GbEMulti-burner1x fixed
1 / 2
5457-K1GCore i3 4150 3.5GHz 3MB 1600MHz 2C (54W)1x 4 GB 1600 MHzC1004x 3.5"
1x 1TB NL SATA2x GbEDVD1x fixed
1 / 2
5457-K2GXeon E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1x 8 GB 1600 MHzC1004x 3.5"
1x 1TB NL SATA2x GbEMulti-burner1x fixed
1 / 2
5457-K4GXeon E3-1231 v3 3.4GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1x 8 GB 1600 MHzC1004x 3.5"
1x 1TB NL SATA2x GbEMulti-burner1x fixed
1 / 2
Middle East & Africa (MEA)
5457-K3GXeon E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1x 8 GB 1600 MHzC1004x 3.5"
2x 1TB NL SATA2x GbEMulti-burner1x fixed
1 / 2
5457-K4GXeon E3-1231 v3 3.4GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1x 8 GB 1600 MHzC1004x 3.5"
1x 1TB NL SATA2x GbEMulti-burner1x fixed
1 / 2
Russia/Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
5457-K1GCore i3 4150 3.5GHz 3MB 1600MHz 2C (54W)1x 4 GB 1600 MHzC1004x 3.5"
1x 1TB NL SATA2x GbEDVD1x fixed
1 / 2
5457-K2GXeon E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1x 8 GB 1600 MHzC1004x 3.5"
1x 1TB NL SATA2x GbEMulti-burner1x fixed
1 / 2
5457-K4GXeon E3-1231 v3 3.4GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1x 8 GB 1600 MHzC1004x 3.5"
1x 1TB NL SATA2x GbEMulti-burner1x fixed
1 / 2

下表列出了在某些地区可用的具有标准塔式外形(热插拔 HDD 和电源)的 Express 和 TopSeller 型号。

表 4. 具有标准塔式外形的 Express 和 TopSeller 型号
北美 (NA)
5457-EEx至强 E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫H11104x 3.5” 高速打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器1 个 HS
2 / 2
5457-EGx至强 E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫M11158x 2.5”
1 个 300GB 10K SAS2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器1 个 HS
2 / 2
5457-EHx至强 E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫M11158x 2.5”
打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器2x 高速
2 / 2
5457-EJx至强 E3-1271 v3 3.6GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫M11158x 2.5”
打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器1 个 HS
2 / 2
5457-EKx至强 E3-1271 v3 3.6GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)2 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫M51108x 2.5”
打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器2x 高速
2 / 2
拉丁美洲 (LA)
5457-EEx至强 E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫H11104x 3.5” 高速打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器1 个 HS
2 / 2
5457-EGx至强 E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫M11158x 2.5”
1 个 300GB 10K SAS2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器1 个 HS
2 / 2
5457-EHx至强 E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫M11158x 2.5”
打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器2x 高速
2 / 2
5457-EJx至强 E3-1271 v3 3.6GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫M11158x 2.5”
打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器1 个 HS
2 / 2
5457-EKx至强 E3-1271 v3 3.6GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)2 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫M5110*8x 2.5”
打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器2x 高速
2 / 2
5457-EEx至强 E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫H11104x 3.5” 高速打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器1 个 HS
2 / 2
5457-EHx至强 E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫M11158x 2.5”
打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器2x 高速
2 / 2
5457-K5G至强 E3-1231 v3 3.4GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫H11104x 3.5” 高速打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器1 个 HS
2 / 2
5457-K6G至强 E3-1241 v3 3.5GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫H11104x 3.5” 高速打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器1 个 HS
2 / 2
5457-K7G至强 E3-1231 v3 3.4GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫M11158x 2.5”
打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器2x 高速
2 / 2
5457-K8G至强 E3-1241 v3 3.5GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫M11158x 2.5”
打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器2x 高速
2 / 2
5457-K9G至强 E3-1271 v3 3.6GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫M11158x 2.5”
打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器2x 高速
2 / 2
俄罗斯/独立国家联合体 (CIS)
5457-EEx至强 E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫H11108x 2.5”
打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器1 个 HS
2 / 2
5457-EHx至强 E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫M11158x 2.5”
打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器2x 高速
2 / 2
5457-K5G至强 E3-1231 v3 3.4GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫H11104x 3.5” 高速打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器1 个 HS
2 / 2
5457-K6G至强 E3-1241 v3 3.5GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫H11104x 3.5” 高速打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器1 个 HS
2 / 2
5457-K7G至强 E3-1231 v3 3.4GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫M11158x 2.5”
打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器2x 高速
2 / 2
5457-K8G至强 E3-1241 v3 3.5GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫M11158x 2.5”
打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器2x 高速
2 / 2
5457-K9G至强 E3-1271 v3 3.6GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)1 个 8 GB 1600 兆赫M11158x 2.5”
打开2x 千兆以太网多燃烧器2x 高速
2 / 2

* 型号 EKx 包括适用于 System x (81Y4487) 和 System x3100 硬件 RAID 远程电池/盖帽机械套件 (00J6455) 的 M5100 系列 512MB 闪存/RAID 5 升级


  • 2.8m 电源线,国家/地区专用,每个电源一根(以下型号不包括电源线,必须单独订购:EEG、EHG、K2G-K9G)

  • 重要告示传单

  • 保修单

  • 文档光盘


该服务器仅支持一个处理器,该处理器已安装在所有标准和 Express 型号中。没有额外的处理器选项可用。下表列出了 x3100 M5 标准型号或通过按订单配置 (CTO) 提供的所有处理器。如果特定处理器没有相应的使用型号,则该处理器只能通过 CTO 流程或特殊投标获得。

表 5. 处理器选项(HT=超线程,TB=Turbo Boost,VT=虚拟化技术)
H T结核病VT-xVT-d
A58S英特尔赛扬 G1840 2.8GHz 2MB 1333MHz 2C (53W)-
英特尔酷睿 i3 处理器
A58D英特尔酷睿 i3 4150 3.5GHz 3MB 1600MHz 2C (54W)EAx
A58EIntel Core i3 4150T 3.0GHz 3MB 1600MHz 2C (35W)-YNYN
A58CIntel Core i3 4350 3.6GHz 4MB 1600MHz 2C (54W)-YNYN
A58BIntel Core i3 4360 3.7GHz 4MB 1600MHz 2C (54W)-YNYN
Intel Pentium Processor
A58R*Intel Pentium G3220 3.0GHz 3MB 1333MHz 2C (53W)-NNYN
A58GIntel Pentium G3240 3.1GHz 3MB 1333MHz 2C (53W)-NNYN
A58H*Intel Pentium G3240T 2.7GHz 3MB 1333MHz 2C (35W)-NNYN
A58JIntel Pentium G3440 3.3GHz 3MB 1600MHz 2C (53W)A3xNNYN
A58FIntel Pentium G3450 3.4GHz 3MB 1600MHz 2C (53W)-NNYN
Intel Xeon Processor
A3QTIntel Xeon E3-1220 v3 3.1GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)B3x, EBx, ECx,
EDx, EEx, EGx,
A4VZIntel Xeon E3-1220L v3 1.1GHz 4MB 1600MHz 2C (13W)-YYYY
A58KIntel Xeon E3-1231 v3 3.4GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)C3x, C5x, EFxYYYY
A58QIntel Xeon E3-1240L v3 2.0GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (25W)-YYYY
A58LIntel Xeon E3-1241 v3 3.5GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)-YYYY
A58MIntel Xeon E3-1271 v3 3.6GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (80W)EJx, EKx, F3xYYYY
A58PIntel Xeon E3-1275L v3 2.7GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (45W)-YYYY
A58NIntel Xeon E3-1281 v3 3.7GHz 8MB 1600MHz 4C (82W)-YYYY

* Withdrawn from marketing
† No additional processor options are available. The server supports only one processor, which is already included in a standard or custom configuration.
** Processor detail: Processor model, core speed, L3 cache, memory speed, number of cores, and thermal design power (TDP) rating

Memory options

Lenovo DDR3 memory is compatibility tested and tuned for optimal System x performance and throughput. Lenovo memory specifications are integrated into the light path diagnostics for immediate system performance feedback and optimum system uptime. From a service and support standpoint, Lenovo memory automatically assumes the system warranty, and Lenovo provides service and support worldwide.

The x3100 M5 has four DIMM slots, and only DDR3 ECC UDIMMs are supported. The CPU has two memory channels, and there are two DIMMs per channel.

Configuration rules: If you plan to install more than one DIMM, then the DIMMs must be installed in a pair, and both DIMMs in a pair must be identical in type and size.

The following table lists the memory options that are supported by the server.

Table 6. Memory options

Standard models
where used
00D5012A3QB4GB (1x4GB, 2Rx8, 1.35V) PC3L-12800
4A3x, B3x, C3x,
C5x, EAx, F3x
00D5016A3QC8GB (1x8GB, 2Rx8, 1.35V) PC3L-12800
4All other models

Internal storage

Models of the x3100 M5 with the compact tower form factor (and either a 300 W or a 350 W fixed power supply) support up to four 3.5-inch simple-swap SATA hard disk drives, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 6. Simple-swap drive bays of the compact tower models (accessible with the front bezel removed)

Models of the x3100 M5 using the standard tower chassis (and with hot-swap 430 W power supplies) support either up to eight 2.5-inch hot-swap drives or four 3.5-inch hot-swap drives, as shown in the following figure.

配备热插拔电源(前挡板已移除)的标准塔式型号支持热插拔驱动器 - 4 个 3.5 英寸(左)或 8 个 2.5 英寸(右)
Figure 7. Hot-swap drives that are supported in standard tower models with hot-swap power supplies (front bezel removed) - 4x 3.5-inch (left) or 8x 2.5-inch (right)

Controllers for internal storage

The Integrated ServeRAID C100 disk controller offers RAID 0, 1, and 10 standard. The ServeRAID C100 is an integrated SATA controller with software RAID capabilities. It is a cost-effective way to provide reliability, performance, and fault-tolerant disk subsystem management to help safeguard your valuable data and enhance availability. The ServeRAID C100 has the following specifications:

  • Supports RAID levels 0, 1, and 10

  • Supports RAID 5 with optional license upgrade

  • Onboard SATA controller with software RAID capabilities

  • Supports up to six SATA drives, two at 6 Gbps and four at 3 Gbps

  • Support for up to two virtual drives

  • Support for virtual drive sizes greater than 2 TB

  • Fixed stripe unit size of 64 KB

  • Support for MegaRAID Storage Manager management software

The following table lists the RAID controller and internal HBAs that are supported by the server.

Table 7. RAID controllers and HBAs for internal storage

Part numberFeature
Standard models
where used
IntegratedNoneServeRAID C100 for System x1All other models
81Y4492A1XLServeRAID H1110 SAS/SATA Controller1C5x, EEx
81Y4448A1MZServeRAID M1115 SAS/SATA Controller1F3x, EGx, EHx, EJx
81Y4481A347ServeRAID M5110 SAS/SATA Controller1EKx
46C8988A3MWN2115 SAS/SATA HBA for System x1-
46M090759826Gb SAS HBA1-

The following table lists the supported upgrades to the internal RAID controllers and HBAs.

Table 8. Upgrades for internal storage controllers

Part numberFeature
where used
Upgrades for the ServeRAID C100
81Y4406A17UServeRAID C100 Series RAID 5 Upgrade for System x-FoD1-
Upgrades for the ServeRAID M1115 SAS/SATA Controller
81Y4542A1X1ServeRAID M1100 Series Zero Cache/RAID 5 Upgrade for System x1-
Upgrades for the ServeRAID M5110 SAS/SATA Controller
81Y4508A22EServeRAID M5100 Series Battery Kit**
(Supported only with 512MB cache option, 81Y4484)
81Y4544A1X2ServeRAID M5100 Series Zero Cache/RAID 5 Upgrade for System x1-
81Y4484A1J3ServeRAID M5100 Series 512MB Cache/RAID 5 Upgrade for System x1-
81Y4487A1J4ServeRAID M5100 Series 512MB Flash/RAID 5 Upgrade for System x**1EKx
81Y4559A1WYServeRAID M5100 Series 1GB Flash/RAID 5 Upgrade for System x**1-
81Y4546A1X3ServeRAID M5100 Series RAID 6 Upgrade for System x1*-
90Y4273A2MCServeRAID M5100 Series SSD Performance Key for System x1*-
90Y4318A2MDServeRAID M5100 Series SSD Caching Enabler for System x1*-

* A cache option (81Y4484, 81Y4487, or 81Y4559) must be selected.
** For the standard tower chassis only (hot-swap power supplies). Not supported in the compact tower chassis.

The following table lists chassis upgrades for RAID controllers.

Table 9. Chassis upgrades
Part numberFeature codeDescriptionMaximum
where used
00J6352A49ASystem x3100 3.5" Simple Swap HDD Hardware RAID upgrade kit
For the compact tower chassis only (fixed power supply) to enable support of RAID controllers; if selected then one of the following controllers is required: ServeRAID M1115, ServeRAID H1110, or N2115 HBA. Not supported the standard tower chassis.
00J6455A3SESystem x3100 Hardware RAID Remote Battery/Cap Mechanical kit
For the standard tower chassis only (hot-swap power supplies) to provide a housing for a battery or flash backup unit; required if the battery upgrade (81Y4508) or a flash upgrade is selected. Not supported in the compact tower chassis.

For more information, see the list of Lenovo Press Product Guides in the RAID adapters category:

Internal drives options

The drives supported depend on the chassis selected.

Compact tower chassis

The x3100 M5 with the compact tower form factor (and either a 300 W or a 350 W fixed power supply) supports 3.5-inch simple-swap hard disk drive options that are listed in the following table.

Table 10. 3.5-inch simple-swap 6 Gb SAS/SATA HDDs
Part numberFeatureDescriptionMaximum
3.5-inch simple-swap HDDs - 6 Gb NL SATA
81Y9802A22U500GB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" G2SS HDD4
81Y9806A22X1TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" G2SS HDD4
81Y9810A22W2TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" G2SS HDD4

Standard tower chassis

The standard tower chassis (and with hot-swap 430 W power supplies) supports the 2.5-inch and 3.5-inch drive options drives listed in the following two tables. Hot-swap SATA HDDs and hot-swap SAS HDDs can be intermixed, but not in the same array.

The following tables list the supported 2.5-inch hot-swap HDDs and SSDs.

Table 11. 2.5-inch hot-swap 6 Gb SAS/SATA HDDs
Part numberFeatureDescriptionMaximum
2.5-inch hot-swap HDDs - 6 Gb SAS 10K
90Y8877A2XC300GB 10K 6Gbps SAS 2.5" SFF G2HS HDD8
90Y8872A2XD600GB 10K 6Gbps SAS 2.5" SFF G2HS HDD8
00AD075A48S1.2TB 10K 6Gbps SAS 2.5" G2HS HDD8
2.5-inch hot-swap HDDs - 6 Gb SAS 15K
81Y9670A283300GB 15K 6Gbps SAS 2.5" G2HS HDD8
2.5-inch hot-swap HDDs - 6 Gb NL SAS
81Y9690A1P31TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SAS 2.5" SFF HS HDD8
2.5-inch hot-swap HDDs - 6 Gb NL SATA
81Y9726A1NZ500GB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 2.5" SFF HS HDD8
81Y9730A1AV1TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 2.5" SFF HS HDD8
2.5-inch hot-swap SED HDDs - 6 Gb SAS 10K
90Y8908A3EF600GB 10K 6Gbps SAS 2.5" SFF G2HS SED8
Table 12. 2.5-inch hot-swap 6 Gb SAS/SATA SSDs
Part numberFeatureDescriptionMaximum
2.5-inch hot-swap SSDs - 6 Gb SAS - Enterprise Performance (10+ DWPD)
49Y6129A3EW200GB SAS 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise SSD8
49Y6134A3EY400GB SAS 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise SSD8
49Y6139A3F0800GB SAS 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise SSD8
2.5-inch hot-swap SSDs - 6 Gb SATA - Enterprise Mainstream (3-5 DWPD)
00AJ355A56Z120GB SATA 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise Value SSD8
00AJ360A570240GB SATA 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise Value SSD8
00AJ365A571480GB SATA 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise Value SSD8
00AJ370A572800GB SATA 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise Value SSD8
2.5-inch hot-swap SSDs - 6 Gb SATA - Enterprise Entry (<3 DWPD)
00AJ005A4KNS3500 240GB SATA 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise Value SSD8
00AJ015A4KQS3500 800GB SATA 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise Value SSD8

The following tables list the supported 3.5-inch hot-swap HDDs and SSDs.

Table 13. 3.5-inch hot-swap 6 Gb SAS/SATA HDDs
Part numberFeatureDescriptionMaximum
3.5-inch hot-swap HDDs - 6 Gb NL SAS
00ML213AS786TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SAS 3.5" G2HS 512e HDD4
3.5-inch hot-swap HDDs - 6 Gb NL SATA
81Y9786A22Y500GB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" G2HS HDD4
81Y9790A22P1TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" G2HS HDD4
81Y9794A22T2TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" G2HS HDD4
49Y6002A3W94TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" G2HS HDD4
00FN173A5VM6TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" G2HS 512e HDD4
Table 14. 3.5-inch hot-swap 6 Gb SAS/SATA SSDs
Part numberFeatureDescriptionMaximum
3.5-inch hot-swap SSDs - 6 Gb SATA - Enterprise Performance (10+ DWPD)
00YC340AT9GIntel S3710 400GB Enterprise Performance SATA HS 3.5" SSD4
00YC345AT9HIntel S3710 800GB Enterprise Performance SATA HS 3.5" SSD4
3.5-inch hot-swap SSDs - 6 Gb SATA - Enterprise Mainstream (3-5 DWPD)
00YK237AU3HIntel S3610 480GB Enterprise Mainstream SATA HS 3.5" SSD4
00YK242AU3JIntel S3610 800GB Enterprise Mainstream SATA HS 3.5" SSD4
00YK247AU3KIntel S3610 1.2TB Enterprise Mainstream SATA HS 3.5" SSD4
00YK252AU3LIntel S3610 1.6TB Enterprise Mainstream SATA HS 3.5" SSD4
3.5-inch hot-swap SSDs - 6 Gb SATA - Enterprise Entry (<3 DWPD)
00WG780AT99Intel S3510 480GB Enterprise Entry SATA HS 3.5" SSD4
00YC420AT8Y960GB Enterprise Entry SATA HS 3.5" SSD4

Internal backup units

The server supports the internal tape drive options that are listed in the following table. Internal tape drives are installed in a 5.25-inch HH bay. A maximum of one tape drive is supported. SAS tape drives require an internal SAS HBA to be installed in server. USB tape drives are connected to the dedicated USB tape drive connector on the system board.

Table 15. Internal tape drives

00MW711AUBQHalf High LTO Gen 6 Internal SAS Tape Drive*1
00D2786A2VERDX Internal USB 3.0 Dock with 320GB Cartridge1
00D2787A2VFRDX Internal USB 3.0 Dock with 500GB Cartridge1
00D2788A2VGRDX Internal USB 3.0 Dock with 1TB Cartridge1

* Requires N2115 SAS/SATA HBA for System x (46C8988) or 6Gb SAS HBA (46M0907)

For more information, see the list of Lenovo Press Product Guides in the Backup units category:

Optical drives

The server supports the optical drive options that are listed in the following table.

Table 16. Optical drives

Part numberFeature
Standard models
where used
None*4154Half-High SATA DVD-ROM1A3x, B3x, C3x, EAx
81Y64044155Half-High SATA Multi-Burner1All other models

* This option is only available through CTO or is already installed in standard models.

The Half-High SATA DVD-ROM supports the following media and speeds for reading:

  • CD-ROM 48X

  • CD-DA (DAE) 40X

  • CD-R 48X

  • CD-RW 40X

  • DVD-ROM (single layer) 16X

  • DVD-ROM (dual layer) 12X

  • DVD-R (4.7 GB) 16X

  • DVD-R DL 12X

  • DVD+R 16X

  • DVD+R DL 12X

  • DVD-RW (4.7 GB) 12X

  • DVD+RW 12X

  • DVD-RAM (4.7/9.4 GB) 6X

The Half-High SATA Multi-Burner supports the same media and speeds for reading as HH DVD-ROM. In addition, this drive supports the following media and speeds for writing:

  • CD-R 24X

  • CD-RW 4X

  • High Speed CD-RW 10X

  • Ultra Speed CD-RW 16X

  • DVD-R 8X

  • DVD-R DL 8X

  • DVD+R 8X

  • DVD+R DL 8X

  • DVD-RW 6X

  • DVD+RW 8X

  • DVD-RAM 3X

I/O expansion options

The server offers four PCI Express expansion slots. The form-factors of available slots are as follows. This applies to both the compact tower chassis and the standard tower chassis.

  • Slot 1, PCIe 3.0 x16 (x8 wired), full-height, half-length

  • Slot 2, PCIe 3.0 x8 (x8 wired), full-height, half-length

  • Slot 3, PCIe 2.0 x8 (x4 wired), full-height, half-length

  • Slot 4, PCIe 2.0 x4 (x1 wired), full-height, half-length

Network adapters

The x3100 M5 offers two integrated Gigabit Ethernet ports. One port is shared with Integrated Management Module II (IMM2), implementing Network Controller-Sideband Interface (NC-SI). The integrated NICs have the following features:

  • Broadcom BCM5717 chip

  • TCP/IP Offload Engine (TOE) support

  • Wake on LAN support, Jumbo frame support

  • Receive side Scaling (RSS) and Transmit side Scaling (TSS) support

  • MSI and MSI-X capability- up to five MSI-X vectors

  • VLAN tag support (IEEE 802.1Q), Layer 2 priority encoding (IEEE 802.1p)

  • Link aggregation (IEEE 802.3ad) and Full-duplex flow control (IEEE 802.3x)

  • IP, TCP, and UDP checksum offload (hardware based) on Tx/Rx over IPv4/IPv6

  • Hardware TCP segmentation offload over IPv4/IPv6

  • NIC Teaming (Load Balancing and Failover)

The following table lists additional supported network adapters.

Table 17. Network adapters
Part numberFeature
Gigabit Ethernet
90Y9370A2V4Broadcom NetXtreme I Dual Port GbE Adapter for System x2
90Y9352A2V3Broadcom NetXtreme I Quad Port GbE Adapter for System x3
49Y42305767Intel Ethernet Dual Port Server Adapter I340-T2 for System x3
49Y42405768Intel Ethernet Quad Port Server Adapter I340-T4 for System x3
00AG500A56KIntel I350-F1 1xGbE Fiber Adapter for System x4
00AG510A56LIntel I350-T2 2xGbE BaseT Adapter for System x4
00AG520A56MIntel I350-T4 4xGbE BaseT Adapter for System x4
42C17502975PRO/1000 PF Server Adapter3
10 Gigabit Ethernet
49Y7910A18YBroadcom NetXtreme II Dual Port 10GBaseT Adapter for System x3
00D8540A4XHEmulex Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ VFA IIIr for System x*3
49Y7960A2ECIntel X520 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ Adapter for System x*3
49Y7970A2EDIntel X540-T2 Dual Port 10GBaseT Adapter for System x3
00D9690A3PMMellanox ConnectX-3 10 GbE Adapter for System x*3
90Y4600A3MRQLogic 8200 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ VFA for System x*3

* Require SFP+ optical transceivers or DAC cables that must be purchased separately. See the following table.

For more information, see the list of Lenovo Press Product Guides in the Networking adapters category:

The following table lists the supported 10 Gb Ethernet SFP+ optical transceivers and DAC cables. For multi-port adapters, all adapter ports must have the same type of transceiver or DAC cable selected.

Table 18. Supported optical transceivers and DAC cables - 10 Gb Ethernet
Part numberFeature codeDescription
10 GbE SFP+ LR transceivers (for SFP+ adapters)
00FE331B0RJLenovo 10GBASE-LR SFP+ Transceiver
90Y9412A1PMLenovo 10Gb/s LR SFP+ XCVR
10 GbE SFP+ SR transceivers (for SFP+ adapters)
46C34475053Lenovo 10GBASE-SR SFP+ Transceiver
49Y42160069Brocade 10Gb SFP+ SR Optical Transceiver
49Y42180064QLogic 10Gb SFP+ SR Optical Transceiver
10 GbE SFP+ DAC cables (for SFP+ adapters)
00D6288A3RGLenovo 0.5m Passive SFP+ DAC Cable
90Y9427A1PHLenovo 1m Passive SFP+ DAC Cable
00AY764A51NLenovo 1.5m Passive SFP+ DAC Cable
00AY765A51PLenovo 2m Passive SFP+ DAC Cable
90Y9430A1PJLenovo 3m Passive SFP+ DAC Cable
90Y9433A1PKLenovo 5m Passive SFP+ DAC Cable
00D6151A3RHLenovo 7m Passive SFP+ DAC Cable

SAS adapters for external storage

The following table lists the supported SAS HBAs and RAID adapters.

Table 19. Supported SAS HBAs and RAID adapters
Part numberFeature
SAS HBAs for external storage
46C9010A3MVN2125 SAS/SATA HBA for System x3
46M090759826 Gb SAS HBA Controller3
RAID controllers for external storage
00AE938A5NDServeRAID M5225-2GB SAS/SATA Controller for System x1
81Y4478A1WXServeRAID M5120 SAS/SATA Controller3
Hardware upgrades for the ServeRAID M5120
81Y4508A22EServeRAID M5100 Series Battery Kit**
(Supported only with 512MB cache option, 81Y4484)
00J6455A3SESystem x3100 Hardware RAID Remote Battery/Cap Mechanical kit**1
81Y4484A1J3ServeRAID M5100 Series 512MB Cache/RAID 5 Upgrade3
81Y4487A1J4ServeRAID M5100 Series 512MB Flash/RAID 5 Upgrade**1
81Y4559A1WYServeRAID M5100 Series 1GB Flash/RAID 5 Upgrade**1
Feature on Demand upgrades for the ServeRAID M5120
81Y4544A1X2ServeRAID M5100 Series Zero Cache/RAID 5 Upgrade1
90Y4318A2MDServeRAID M5100 Series SSD Caching Enabler1
90Y4273A2MCServeRAID M5100 Series SSD Performance Key1
81Y4546A1X3ServeRAID M5100 Series RAID 6 Upgrade1†

* The ServeRAID M5100 Series Battery Kit (81Y4508) is supported only with ServeRAID M5100 Series 512MB Cache/RAID 5 Upgrade (81Y4484).
† The ServeRAID M5100 Series RAID 6 Upgrade (81Y4546) requires a cache upgrade (either 81Y4484, 81Y4487, or 81Y4559).
** For the standard tower chassis only (hot-swap power supplies). Not supported in the compact tower chassis.

The following table compares the supported adapters.

Table 20. Features of the supported adapters
Feature6Gb SAS HBAN2125ServeRAID M5120ServeRAID M5225
Adapter typeSAS HBASAS HBARAID adapterRAID adapter
Part number46M090746C901081Y447800AE938
Form factorLow profileLow profileLow profileLow profile
Controller chipLSI SAS2008LSI SAS2308LSI SAS2208LSI SAS3108
Host interfacePCIe 2.0 x8PCIe 3.0 x8PCIe 3.0 x8PCIe 3.0 x8
Port interface6 Gbps SAS6 Gbps SAS6 Gbps SAS12 Gbps SAS
Number of external ports4888
External port connectors1x Mini-SAS
2x Mini-SAS
2x Mini-SAS
2x Mini-SAS HD
Maximum number of devices5121024240240
RAID levelsNoneNone0/1/10; Optional
5/50 and 6/60


JBOD modeYesYesNoNo
CacheNoneNone512MB Cache/RAID 5
(81Y4484) /
512MB Flash/RAID 5
(81Y4487) /
1GB Flash/RAID 5
2 GB (included)
CacheVault cache protectionNoneNoneFlash (with
cache upgrades)
Flash (included)
FastPathNoneNoneOptional (90Y4273)Not supported
CacheCade Pro 2.0NoneNoneOptional (90Y4318)Not supported

Fibre Channel host bus adapters

The following table lists the Fibre Channel host bus adapters (HBAs) supported by x3100 M5 server.

Table 21. Fibre Channel host bus adapters

Part numberFeature
Fibre Channel - 16 Gb
81Y1655A2W5Emulex 16Gb FC Single-port HBA for System x3
81Y1662A2W6Emulex 16Gb FC Dual-port HBA for System x3
81Y1668A2XUBrocade 16Gb FC Single-port HBA for System x3
81Y1675A2XVBrocade 16Gb FC Dual-port HBA for System x3
00Y3337A3KWQLogic 16Gb FC Single-port HBA for System x3
00Y3341A3KXQLogic 16Gb FC Dual-port HBA for System x3
Fibre Channel - 8 Gb
42D04853580Emulex 8 Gb FC Single-port HBA for System x3
42D04943581Emulex 8 Gb FC Dual-port HBA for System x3
42D05013578QLogic 8 Gb FC Single-port HBA for System x3
42D05103579QLogic 8 Gb FC Dual-port HBA for System x3
46M60493589Brocade 8 Gb FC Single-port HBA for System x3
46M60503591Brocade 8 Gb FC Dual-port HBA for System x3

For more information, see the list of Lenovo Press Product Guides in the Host bus adapters category:

PCIe Flash Storage adapters

The server does not support PCIe Flash Storage Adapters.

Power supplies and cables

Compact tower models either come with a single fixed 350 W ac power supply or a single fixed 80 PLUS Bronze 300 W ac power supply. There are no additional power supply options.

Standard tower models offer one or two hot-swap 430 W ac power supplies, which are 80 PLUS Silver certified. For models with only one power supply, the part number to order a second power supply is listed in the following table. Two power supplies that are installed form a redundant pair.

Table 22. Hot-swap power supply option

Part numberFeature
00D3821A2Z0430W Redundant Power Supply1

The above option does not ship with a power cord. Standard models and some TopSeller models ship with power cords but some TopSeller models do not ship with power cords. See the Express and TopSeller models section for details.

The following table lists line cords and rack power cables that can be ordered, if needed.

Table 23. Power cables
Part numberFeature codeDescription
Rack power cables
39Y793762011.5m, 10A/100-250V, C13 to IEC 320-C14 Rack Power Cable
None*6316Rack power cable - 2.0m, 125-250V, C13 to IEC 320-C14 (WW)
None*63112.8m, 10A/100-250V, C13 to IEC 320-C14 Rack Power Cable
39Y793862042.8m, 10A/100-250V, C13 to IEC 320-C20 Rack Power Cable
39Y793262634.3m, 10A/100-250V, C13 to IEC 320-C14 Rack Power Cable
Line cords
39Y793062222.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to IRAM 2073 (Argentina)
39Y792462112.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to AS/NZ 3112 (Australia/NZ)
39Y792962232.8m, 250V, C13 to NBR 14136 (Brazil)
69Y19886532Brazil 10A/250V C13 to NBR 14136 2.8m line cord
39Y792862102.8m, 220-240V, C13 to GB 2099.1 (China)
None*63772.8m, 10A/230V, C13 to IEC 309 P+N+G (Den/Sws)
39Y791862132.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to DK2-5a (Denmark)
None*62122.8m, 10A/230V, C13 to CEE7-VII (Europe)
39Y792762692.8M 10A/250V C13(2P+Gnd) (India)
39Y792062182.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to SI 32 (Israel)
39Y792162172.8m, 220-240V, C13 to CEI 23-16 (Italy/Chile)
None*63142.8m, 100V, C13 to JIS C-8303 (Japan)
39Y792262142.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to SABS 164 (S Africa)
39Y792562192.8m, 220-240V, C13 to KETI (S Korea)
39Y791962162.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to SEV 1011-S24507 (Swiss)
23R715863862.8m, 10A/125V, C13 to CNS 10917-3 (Taiwan)
None*64961.8m, 10 AMP/125 VAC - IEC 320 C13 Inline (Thailand)
None*62152.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to BS 1363/A (UK)
None*63691.8M, 10A/125V, C13 to NEMA 5-15P (US)
None*63511.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to NEMA 6-15P (US)
None*63132.8m, 10A/120V, C13 to NEMA 5-15P (US) Line Cord
None*63722.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to NEMA 6-15P (US)
39Y793162074.3M, 10A/125V, C13 to NEMA 5-15P (US)
None*63704.3M, 10A/125V, C13 to NEMA 5-15P (US)
None*63734.3m, 10A/250V, C13 to NEMA 6-15P (US)

* These power cords are available configure-to-order (CTO) only

Fans and cooling

Both the compact tower design (with a single fixed power supply) and the standard tower design (with hot-swap power supplies) come with one or two speed-controlled non-redundant fans, model dependent (see Table 2). The second fan is required if two or more adapters are installed, and the fan is configured by selecting the appropriate Thermal Solution Fan Kit, as listed in the following table.

If you want to operate the server in an environment up to 40°C (104°F), use the optional Operating Temperature Enhancement Kit that is listed in the table. This kit contains an additional thermal sensor.

Table 24. Cooling options

Part numberFeature
For compact tower systems (with a fixed power supply)
46W9177A3SFSystem x3100 Thermal Solution Fan kit for 4U Tower1
00Y8197A49BSystem x3100 Operating Temperature Enhancement Kit for 4U Tower1
For standard tower systems (with hot-swap power supplies)
00Y8200A49DSystem x3100 Thermal Solution Fan kit for 5U Tower1
00FK940A49CSystem x3100 Operating Temperature Enhancement Kit for 5U Tower1

Integrated virtualization

The server supports VMware ESXi installed on a USB memory key. The key is installed in a USB socket inside the server. The following table lists the virtualization options.

Table 25. Hot-swap power supply option

Part numberFeature
00WH140ATRMBlank USB Memory Key 4G SLC for VMware ESXi Downloads1
41Y8298A2G0Blank USB Memory Key for VMware ESXi Downloads1
41Y8385*A584USB Memory Key for VMware ESXi 5.51
00WH138ATRLUSB Memory Key 4G for VMware ESXi 6.0 Update 1A1

* Withdrawn from marketing

Remote management

The server contains Integrated Management Module II (IMM2), which provides advanced service-processor control, monitoring, and an alerting function. If an environmental condition exceeds a threshold or if a system component fails, the IMM2 lights LEDs to help you diagnose the problem, records the error in the event log, and alerts you to the problem. Optionally, the IMM2 also provides a virtual presence capability for remote server management capabilities.

The IMM provides remote server management through industry-standard interfaces:

  • Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) Version 2.0

  • Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Version 3

  • Common Information Model (CIM)

  • Web browser

The optional Integrated Management Module Advanced Upgrade is required to enable the remote presence and blue-screen capture features. The remote presence feature provides the following functions:

  • Remotely viewing video with graphics resolutions up to 1600x1200 at 75 Hz with up to 23 bits per pixel colors, regardless of the system state

  • Remotely accessing the server using the keyboard and mouse from a remote client

  • Mapping the CD or DVD drive, diskette drive, and USB flash drive on a remote client, and mapping ISO and diskette image files as virtual drives that are available for use by the server

  • Uploading a diskette image to the IMM memory and mapping it to the server as a virtual drive

The blue-screen capture feature captures the video display contents before the IMM restarts the server when the IMM detects an operating-system hang condition. A system administrator can use the blue-screen capture to assist in determining the cause of the hang condition. The following table lists the remote management option.

Table 26. Remote management option

where used
90Y3901A1MLIntegrated Management Module Advanced Upgrade1-

Operating system support

The server supports the following operating systems:

  • IBM 4690 OS V6

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.10 32-bit

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.10 Xen x64

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.10 x64

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.10 x64

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 32-bit

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 x64

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6 32-bit

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6 x64

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7 32-bit

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7 x64

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.8 32-bit

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.8 x64

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 x64 SP3

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 x64 SP4

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 x86 SP3

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 x86 SP4

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 Xen

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 Xen SP1

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 Xen SP2

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 Xen SP3

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 Xen SP4

  • Toshiba 4690 OS V6

  • VMware ESXi 5.1 U2

  • VMware ESXi 5.1 U3

  • VMware ESXi 5.5

  • VMware ESXi 5.5 U1

  • VMware ESXi 5.5 U2

  • VMware ESXi 5.5 U3

  • VMware ESXi 6.0

  • VMware ESXi 6.0 U1

  • VMware ESXi 6.0 U2

  • VMware ESXi 6.0 U3

  • VMware ESXi 6.5

  • VMware ESXi 6.5 U1

  • VMware ESXi 6.5 U2

  • VMware ESXi 6.5 U3

Important: The onboard ServeRAID C100 RAID controller is not supported by virtualization hypervisors, including VMware vSphere (ESXi), Linux KVM, Xen, and Microsoft Hyper-V.

For a complete list of supported, certified and tested operating systems, plus additional details and links to relevant web sites, see the Operating System Interoperability Guide: https://lenovopress.com/osig#servers=x3100-m5-5457

Physical and electrical specifications

Dimensions and weight - compact tower systems with a fixed power supply:

  • Height: 360 mm (14.2 in.)

  • Width: 180 mm (7.1 in.)

  • Depth: 480 mm (18.9 in.)

  • Weight:

    • Minimum ship configuration: 10 kg (22.0 lb)

    • Maximum ship configuration: 13 kg (28.7 lb)

Dimensions and weight - standard tower systems with redundant hot-swap power supplies:

  • Height: 439 mm (17.3 in.)

  • Width: 217 mm (8.6 in.)

  • Depth: 569 mm (22.4 in.)

  • Weight

    • Minimum ship configuration: 19.6 kg (43 lb)

    • Maximum ship configuration: 22.0 kg (48.5 lb)

Supported environment:

  • Temperature

    • -40° to 60° C (-40° to 140° F)

    • 10.0° to 43.0° C (50° to 109.4° F); maximum altitude: 2,133.6 m (7,000 ft)

    • 10.0° to 35.0° C (50° to 95° F); altitude: 0 to 914.4 m (3,000 ft)

    • 10.0° to 32.0° C (50° to 89.6° F); altitude: 914.4 m (3,000 ft) to 2,133.6 m (7,000 ft)

    • Supports up to 40° C (104° F) when the Operating Temperature Enhancement Kit is installed

    • Server on

    • Server off

    • Shipping

  • Relative humidity: 8 to 80%

  • Maximum altitude: 2,133.6 m (7,000 ft)


430 watt power supply:

  • 100 - 127 (nominal) V ac; 50 - 60 Hz; 6.0 A (maximum)

  • 200 - 240 (nominal) V ac; 50 - 60 Hz; 3.0 A (maximum)

  • Input kilovolt-amperes (kVA) (approximately)

    • Minimum configuration: 0.100 kVA

    • Maximum configuration: 0.506 kVA

350 watt power supply:

  • 100 - 127 (nominal) V ac; 50 - 60 Hz; 7.0 A (maximum)

  • 200 - 240 (nominal) V ac; 50 - 60 Hz; 3.5 A (maximum)

  • Input kilovolt-amperes:

    • Minimum configuration: 0.035 kVA

    • Maximum configuration: 0.350 kVA

300 watt power supply:

  • 100 - 127 (nominal) V ac; 50 - 60 Hz; 7.0 A (maximum)

  • 200 - 240 (nominal) V ac; 50 - 60 Hz; 3.5 A (maximum)

  • Input kilovolt-amperes:

    • Minimum configuration: 0.035 kVA

    • Maximum configuration: 0.350 kVA

Environmental data:

  • BTU output

    • Ship configuration: 341 Btu/hr (100 watts)

    • Full configuration: 1726 Btu/hr (506 watts)

  • Noise level

    • Model with fixed power supply: 5.0 bels (idle), 5.0 bels (operating)

    • Model with hot-swap power supply: 5.0 bels (idle), 5.0 bels (operating)

Warranty options

The server has a one-year warranty with 24x7 standard call center support and 9x5 Next Business Day onsite coverage. Also available are Lenovo Services warranty maintenance upgrades and post-warranty maintenance agreements, with a well-defined scope of services, including service hours, response time, term of service, and service agreement terms and conditions.

Lenovo warranty service upgrade offerings are region-specific. Not all warranty service upgrades are available in every region.

For more information about Lenovo warranty service upgrade offerings that are available in your region, go to the Data Center Advisor and Configurator website http://dcsc.lenovo.com, then do the following:

  1. In the Customize a Model box in the middle of the page, select the Services option in the Customization Option dropdown menu

  2. Enter in the machine type & model of the system

  3. From the search results, you can click either Deployment Services or Support Services to view the offerings

The following table explains warranty service definitions in more detail.

Table 27. Warranty service definitions
On-site serviceA service technician will arrive at the client’s location for equipment service.
24x7x2 hourA service technician is scheduled to arrive at the client’s location within two hours after remote problem determination is completed. Lenovo provides service around the clock, every day, including Lenovo holidays.
24x7x4 hourA service technician is scheduled to arrive at the client’s location within four hours after remote problem determination is completed. Lenovo provides service around the clock, every day, including Lenovo holidays.
9x5x4 hourA service technician is scheduled to arrive at the client’s location within four business hours after remote problem determination is completed. Lenovo provides service 8:00 am - 5:00 pm in the client's local time zone, Monday-Friday, excluding Lenovo holidays. For example, if a customer reports an incident at 3:00 pm on Friday, the technician will arrive by 10:00 am the following Monday.
9x5 next business dayA service technician is scheduled to arrive at the client’s location on the business day after remote problem determination is completed. Lenovo provides service 8:00 am - 5:00 pm in the client's local time zone, Monday - Friday, excluding Lenovo holidays. Calls received after 4:00 pm local time require an extra business day for service dispatch. Next business day service is not guaranteed.
Committed RepairProblems receive priority handling so that repairs are completed within the committed time of 6, 8, or 24 hours. Lenovo provides service 24 hours/day, every day, including Lenovo holidays.

The following Lenovo warranty service upgrades are available:

  • Warranty and maintenance service upgrades:

    • Three, four, or five years of 9x5 or 24x7 service coverage

    • Onsite response from next business day to 2 or 4 hours

    • Committed repair service

    • Warranty extension of up to 5 years

    • Post warranty extensions

  • Committed Repair Service

    Committed Repair Services enhances the level of Warranty Service Upgrade or Post Warranty/Maintenance Service offering associated with the selected systems. Offerings vary and are available in select countries.

    • 24x7x6: Service performed 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, within 6 hours

    • 24x7x8: Service performed 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, within 8 hours

    • 24x7x24: Service performed 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, within 24 hours

    • Priority handling to meet defined time frames to restore the failing machine to good working condition

    • Committed repair service levels are measured within the following coverage hours:

  • Hard Disk Drive Retention

    Lenovo’s Hard Disk Drive Retention (HDDR) service is a multi-drive hard drive retention offering that ensures your data is always under your control, regardless of the number of hard drives that are installed in your Lenovo server. In the unlikely event of a hard drive failure, you retain possession of your hard drive while Lenovo replaces the failed drive part. Your data stays safely on your premises, in your hands. The Hard Drive Retention service can be purchased in convenient bundles with our warranty upgrades and extensions.

  • Microcode Support

    Keeping microcode current helps prevent hardware failures and security exposure. There are two levels of service: analysis of the installed base and analysis and update where required. Offerings vary by region and can be bundled with other warranty upgrades and extensions.

  • Remote Technical Support Services (RTS)

    RTS provides comprehensive technical call center support for covered servers, storage, operating systems, and applications. Providing a single source for support of hardware and software issues, RTS can reduce problem resolution time, decreasing the cost to address technical problems and increasing uptime. Offerings are available for Windows, Linux, IBM Systems Director, VMware, Microsoft business applications, and Lenovo System x storage devices, and IBM OEM storage devices.

Regulatory compliance

The server conforms to the following international standards:


  • FCC - Verified to comply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules, Class A

  • Canada ICES003, issue 5, Class A

  • UL/IEC 60950-1

  • CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1

  • NOM-019

  • Argentina IEC60950-1

  • Japan VCCI, Class A

  • Australia/New Zealand AS/NZS CISPR 22, Class A; AS/NZS 60950.1

  • IEC-60950-1 (CB Certificate and CB Test Report)

  • China CCC GB4943.1, GB9254 Class A, and GB17625.1

  • Taiwan BSMI CNS13438, Class A); CNS14336-1

  • Korea KN22, Class A; KN24

  • Russia, Belorussia and Kazakhstan, TR CU 020/2011 (for EMC) and TR CU004/2011 (for safety)

  • IEC 60950-1 (CB Certificate and CB Test Report)

  • CE Mark (EN55022 Class A, EN60950-1, EN55024, EN61000-3-2, and EN61000-3-3)

  • CISPR 22, Class A

  • TUV-GS (EN60950-1 /IEC60950-1, EK1-ITB2000)

External drive enclosures

The server supports attachment to external drive enclosures using a RAID controller with external ports or a SAS host bus adapter. Adapters supported by the server are listed in the SAS adapters for external storage section.

The following table lists the 6 Gbps SAS external drive enclosures that are offered by Lenovo that can be used with the server for storage expansion.

Table 28. E1012 and E1024 external drive enclosure models
Part numberDescription
64111B1Lenovo Storage E1012 LFF Disk Expansion Single SAS IO Module, Rail Kit, 9x5 NBD
64111B2Lenovo Storage E1012 LFF Disk Expansion Dual SAS IO Module, Rail Kit, 9x5 NBD
64111B3Lenovo Storage E1024 SFF Disk Expansion Single SAS IO Module, Rail Kit, 9x5 NBD
64111B4Lenovo Storage E1024 SFF Disk Expansion Dual SAS IO Module, Rail Kit, 9x5 NBD

For details about supported drives and cables for the Lenovo Storage E1012 and E1024, see the Lenovo Press Product Guide:

The following table lists the 12 Gbps SAS external drive enclosures offered by Lenovo that can be used with the server for storage expansion.

Note: Information provided in this section is for ordering reference purposes only. For the operating system and adapter support details, refer to the interoperability matrix for a particular storage enclosure that can be found on the Lenovo Data Center Support web site:

Table 29. External drive enclosures
DescriptionPart number
Lenovo Storage D1212 LFF Disk Expansion with Dual SAS IO Modules4587A114587A1J4587A1C
Lenovo Storage D1224 SFF Disk Expansion with Dual SAS IO Modules4587A314587A3J4587A3C
Lenovo Storage D3284 4TB x 84 HD Expansion Enclosure641311F
Lenovo Storage D3284 6TB x 84 HD Expansion Enclosure641312F
Lenovo Storage D3284 8TB x 84 HD Expansion Enclosure641313F
Lenovo Storage D3284 10TB x 84 HD Expansion Enclosure641314F

For details about supported drives, adapters, and cables, see the following Lenovo Press Product Guides:

External disk storage systems

Lenovo offers the ThinkSystem DE Series and ThinkSystem DM Series external storage systems for high-performance storage. See the DE Series and DM Series product guides for specific controller models, expansion enclosures and configuration options:

External backup units

The following table lists the external backup options that are offered by Lenovo.

Table 30. External backup options
Part numberDescription
External RDX USB drives
4T27A10725ThinkSystem RDX External USB 3.0 Dock
External SAS tape backup drives
6160S7EIBM TS2270 Tape Drive Model H7S
6160S8EIBM TS2280 Tape Drive Model H8S
6160S9EIBM TS2290 Tape Drive Model H9S
External SAS tape backup autoloaders
6171S7RIBM TS2900 Tape Autoloader w/LTO7 HH SAS
6171S8RIBM TS2900 Tape Autoloader w/LTO8 HH SAS
6171S9RIBM TS2900 Tape Autoloader w/LTO9 HH SAS
External tape backup libraries
6741A1FIBM TS4300 3U Tape Library-Base Unit
6741A3FIBM TS4300 3U Tape Library-Expansion Unit
Full High 8 Gb Fibre Channel for TS4300
01KP938LTO 7 FH Fibre Channel Drive
01KP954LTO 8 FH Fibre Channel Drive
02JH837LTO 9 FH Fibre Channel Drive
Half High 8 Gb Fibre Channel for TS4300
01KP936LTO 7 HH Fibre Channel Drive
01KP952LTO 8 HH Fibre Channel Drive
02JH835LTO 9 HH Fibre Channel Drive
Half High 6 Gb SAS for TS4300
01KP937LTO 7 HH SAS Drive
01KP953LTO 8 HH SAS Drive
02JH836LTO 9 HH SAS Drive

For more information, see the list of Product Guides in the Backup units category:

Top-of-rack Ethernet switches

The following table lists the Ethernet LAN switches that are offered by Lenovo.

Table 31. Ethernet LAN switches
Part numberDescription
1 Gb Ethernet Rack switches
7Y810011WWLenovo ThinkSystem NE0152T RackSwitch (Rear to Front)
7Z320O11WWLenovo ThinkSystem NE0152TO RackSwitch (Rear to Front, ONIE)
7159BAXLenovo RackSwitch G7028 (Rear to Front)
7159CAXLenovo RackSwitch G7052 (Rear to Front)
7159G52Lenovo RackSwitch G8052 (Rear to Front)
7165H1XJuniper EX2300-C PoE Switch
7165H2XJuniper EX2300-24p PoE Switch
1 Gb Ethernet Campus switches
7Z340011WWLenovo CE0128TB Switch (3-Year Warranty)
7Z360011WWLenovo CE0128TB Switch (Limited Lifetime Warranty)
7Z340012WWLenovo CE0128PB Switch (3-Year Warranty)
7Z360012WWLenovo CE0128PB Switch (Limited Lifetime Warranty)
7Z350021WWLenovo CE0152TB Switch (3-Year Warranty)
7Z370021WWLenovo CE0152TB Switch (Limited Lifetime Warranty)
7Z350022WWLenovo CE0152PB Switch (3-Year Warranty)
7Z370022WWLenovo CE0152PB Switch (Limited Lifetime Warranty)
10 Gb Ethernet switches
7159A1XLenovo ThinkSystem NE1032 RackSwitch (Rear to Front)
7159B1XLenovo ThinkSystem NE1032T RackSwitch (Rear to Front)
7Z330O11WWLenovo ThinkSystem NE1064TO RackSwitch (Rear to Front, ONIE)
7159C1XLenovo ThinkSystem NE1072T RackSwitch (Rear to Front)
7159CRWLenovo RackSwitch G8272 (Rear to Front)
7159GR6Lenovo RackSwitch G8296 (Rear to Front)
7159BR6Lenovo RackSwitch G8124E (Rear to Front)
25 Gb Ethernet switches
7159E1XLenovo ThinkSystem NE2572 RackSwitch (Rear to Front)
7Z210O21WWLenovo ThinkSystem NE2572O RackSwitch (Rear to Front, ONIE)
7Z330O21WWLenovo ThinkSystem NE2580O RackSwitch (Rear to Front, ONIE)
100 Gb Ethernet switches
7159D1XLenovo ThinkSystem NE10032 RackSwitch (Rear to Front)
7Z210O11WWLenovo ThinkSystem NE10032O RackSwitch (Rear to Front, ONIE)

For more information, see the list of Product Guides in the following switch categories:

Fibre Channel SAN switches

Lenovo offers the ThinkSystem DB Series of Fibre Channel SAN switches for high-performance storage expansion. See the DB Series product guides for models and configuration options:

Uninterruptible power supply units

The following table lists the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units that are offered by Lenovo.

Table 32. Uninterruptible power supply units
Part numberDescription
Tower UPS units
55951AXT1kVA Tower UPS (100-125VAC)
55951KXT1kVA Tower UPS (200-240VAC)
55952AXT1.5kVA Tower UPS (100-125VAC)
55952KXT1.5kVA Tower UPS (200-240VAC)
Rack-mounted or tower UPS units
55941AXRT1.5kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (100-125VAC)
55941KXRT1.5kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)
55942AXRT2.2kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (100-125VAC)
55942KXRT2.2kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)
55943AXRT3kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (100-125VAC)
55943KXRT3kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)
55945KXRT5kVA 3U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)
55946KXRT6kVA 3U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)
55948KXRT8kVA 6U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)
55949KXRT11kVA 6U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)
55948PXRT8kVA 6U 3:1 Phase Rack or Tower UPS (380-415VAC)
55949PXRT11kVA 6U 3:1 Phase Rack or Tower UPS (380-415VAC)
Rack-mounted UPS units
55943KT†ThinkSystem RT3kVA 2U Standard UPS (200-230VAC) (2x C13 10A, 2x GB 10A, 1x C19 16A outlets)
55943LT†ThinkSystem RT3kVA 2U Long Backup UPS (200-230VAC) (2x C13 10A, 2x GB 10A, 1x C19 16A outlets)
55946KT†ThinkSystem RT6kVA 5U UPS (200-230VAC) (2x C13 10A outlets, 1x Terminal Block output)
5594XKT†ThinkSystem RT10kVA 5U UPS (200-230VAC) (2x C13 10A outlets, 1x Terminal Block output)

† Only available in China and the Asia Pacific market.

For more information, see the list of Product Guides in the UPS category:

Power distribution units

The following table lists the power distribution units (PDUs) that are offered by Lenovo.

Table 33. Power distribution units
0U Basic PDUs
00YJ776ATZY0U 36 C13/6 C19 24A 1 Phase PDUNYYNNNNNNYYYN
00YJ779ATZX0U 21 C13/12 C19 48A 3 Phase PDUNNYNNNYNNYYYN
00YJ777ATZZ0U 36 C13/6 C19 32A 1 Phase PDUYYNYYYYYYNNYY
00YJ778AU000U 21 C13/12 C19 32A 3 Phase PDUYYNYYYYYYNNYY
0U Switched and Monitored PDUs
00YJ783AU040U 12 C13/12 C19 Switched and Monitored 48A 3 Phase PDUNNYNNNYNNYYYN
00YJ781AU030U 20 C13/4 C19 Switched and Monitored 24A 1 Phase PDUNNYNYNYNNYYYN
00YJ782AU020U 18 C13/6 C19 Switched and Monitored 32A 3 Phase PDUYYYYYYYYYNYNY
00YJ780AU010U 20 C13/4 C19 Switched and Monitored 32A 1 Phase PDUYYYYYYYYYNYNY
1U Switched and Monitored PDUs
4PU7A81117BNDV1U 18 C19/C13 switched and monitored 48A 3P WYE PDU - ETLNNNNNNNNNNNYN
4PU7A77467BLC41U 18 C19/C13 Switched and Monitored 80A 3P Delta PDUNNNNNNNNNYNYN
4PU7A77469BLC61U 12 C19/C13 switched and monitored 60A 3P Delta PDUNNNNNNNNNNNYN
4PU7A77468BLC51U 12 C19/C13 switched and monitored 32A 3P WYE PDUYYYYYYYYYNYYY
4PU7A81118BNDW1U 18 C19/C13 switched and monitored 48A 3P WYE PDU - CEYYYYYYYYYNYNY
46M400258961U 9 C19/3 C13 Switched and Monitored DPI PDUYYYYYYYYYYYYY
46M400458941U 12 C13 Switched and Monitored DPI PDUYYYYYYYYYYYYY
46M400358971U 9 C19/3 C13 Switched and Monitored 60A 3 Phase PDUYYYYYYYYYYYYY
46M400558951U 12 C13 Switched and Monitored 60A 3 Phase PDUYYYYYYYYYYYYY
1U Ultra Density Enterprise PDUs (9x IEC 320 C13 + 3x IEC 320 C19 outlets)
71763NU6051Ultra Density Enterprise C19/C13 PDU 60A/208V/3PHNNYNNNNNNYYYN
71762NX6091Ultra Density Enterprise C19/C13 PDU ModuleYYYYYYYYYYYYY
1U C13 Enterprise PDUs (12x IEC 320 C13 outlets)
39M28166030DPI C13 Enterprise PDU Plus Module (WW)YYYYYYYYYYYYY
39Y89416010DPI C13 Enterprise PDU Module (WW)YYYYYYYYYYYYY
1U C19 Enterprise PDUs (6x IEC 320 C19 outlets)
39Y89486060DPI C19 Enterprise PDU Module (WW)YYYYYYYYYYYYY
39Y89236061DPI Three-phase 60A/208V C19 Enterprise PDU (US)NNYNNNYNNNYYN
1U Front-end PDUs (3x IEC 320 C19 outlets)
39Y89386002DPI Single-phase 30A/120V Front-end PDU (US)YYYYYYYYYYYYY
39Y89396003DPI Single-phase 30A/208V Front-end PDU (US)YYYYYYYYYYYYY
39Y89346005DPI Single-phase 32A/230V Front-end PDU (International)YYYYYYYYYYYYY
39Y89406004DPI Single-phase 60A/208V Front-end PDU (US)YNYYYYYNNYYYN
39Y89356006DPI Single-phase 63A/230V Front-end PDU (International)YYYYYYYYYYYYY
1U NEMA PDUs (6x NEMA 5-15R outlets)
Line cords for 1U PDUs that ship without a line cord
40K961165044.3m, 32A/380-415V, EPDU/IEC 309 3P+N+G 3ph wye (non-US) Line CordYYYYYYYYYYYYY
40K961265024.3m, 32A/230V, EPDU to IEC 309 P+N+G (non-US) Line CordYYYYYYYYYYYYY
40K961365034.3m, 63A/230V, EPDU to IEC 309 P+N+G (non-US) Line CordYYYYYYYYYYYYY
40K961465004.3m, 30A/208V, EPDU to NEMA L6-30P (US) Line CordYYYYYYYYYYYYY
40K961565014.3m, 60A/208V, EPDU to IEC 309 2P+G (US) Line CordNNYNNNYNNYYYN
40K961765054.3m, 32A/230V, Souriau UTG Female to AS/NZ 3112 (Aus/NZ) Line CordYYYYYYYYYYYYY
40K961865064.3m, 32A/250V, Souriau UTG Female to KSC 8305 (S. Korea) Line CordYYYYYYYYYYYYY

For more information, see the Lenovo Press documents in the PDU category:

Racks cabinets

The server supports the rack cabinets that are listed in the following table. One of the tower-to-rack conversion kits is required for the server to be installed in the rack.

Table 34. Rack cabinets

Part numberDescription
00J6353Tower to 5U Rack Conversion Kit for System x3100 M5 (for systems with hot-swap power supplies)
69Y5182Tower to 4U Rack Conversion Kit for System x3100 M5 (for systems with fixed power supplies)
93072PX25U Static S2 Standard Rack
93072RX25U Standard Rack
93074RX42U Standard Rack
93074XX42U Standard Rack Extension
93084EX42U Enterprise Expansion Rack
93084PX42U Enterprise Rack
93604EX42U 1200 mm Deep Dynamic Expansion Rack
93604PX42U 1200 mm Deep Dynamic Rack
93614EX42U 1200 mm Deep Static Expansion Rack
93614PX42U 1200 mm Deep Static Rack
93624EX47U 1200 mm Deep Static Expansion Rack
93624PX47U 1200 mm Deep Static Rack

For more information, see the list of Lenovo Press Product Guides in the Rack cabinets and options category:

KVM console options

The following table lists the supported KVM consoles, keyboards, and KVM switches.

Table 35. Console keyboards
Part numberDescription
17238BX1U 18.5" Standard Console (without keyboard)
Console keyboards
00MW310Lenovo UltraNav Keyboard USB - US Eng
46W6713Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Arabic 253 RoHS v2
46W6714Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Belg/UK 120 RoHS v2
46W6715Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Chinese/US 467 RoHS v2
46W6716Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Czech 489 RoHS v2
46W6717Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Danish 159 RoHS v2
46W6718Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Dutch 143 RoHS v2
46W6719Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - French 189 RoHS v2
46W6720Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Fr/Canada 445 RoHS v2
46W6721Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - German 129 RoHS v2
46W6722Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Greek 219 RoHS v2
46W6723Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Hebrew 212 RoHS v2
46W6724Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Hungarian 208 RoHS v2
46W6725Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Italian 141 RoHS v2
46W6726Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Japanese 194 RoHS v2
46W6727Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Korean 413 RoHS v2
46W6728Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - LA Span 171 RoHS v2
46W6729Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Norwegian 155 RoHS v2
46W6730Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Polish 214 RoHS v2
46W6731Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Portuguese 163 RoHS v2
46W6732Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Russian 441 RoHS v2
46W6733Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Slovak 245 RoHS v2
46W6734Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Spanish 172 RoHS v2
46W6735Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Swed/Finn 153 RoHS v2
46W6736Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Swiss F/G 150 RoHS v2
46W6737Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Thai 191 RoHS v2
46W6738Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Turkish 179 RoHS v2
46W6739Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - UK Eng 166 RoHS v2
46W6740Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - US Euro 103P RoHS v2
46W6741Keyboard w/ Int. Pointing Device USB - Slovenian 234 RoHS v2
Console switches
1754D2XGlobal 4x2x32 Console Manager (GCM32)
1754D1XGlobal 2x2x16 Console Manager (GCM16)
1754A2XLocal 2x16 Console Manager (LCM16)
1754A1XLocal 1x8 Console Manager (LCM8)
Console switch cables
43V6147Single Cable USB Conversion Option (UCO)
39M2895USB Conversion Option (4 Pack UCO)
46M5383Virtual Media Conversion Option Gen2 (VCO2)
46M5382Serial Conversion Option (SCO)

For more information, see the list of Product Guides in the KVM Switches and Consoles category:

Lenovo Financial Services

Lenovo Financial Services reinforces Lenovo’s commitment to deliver pioneering products and services that are recognized for their quality, excellence, and trustworthiness. Lenovo Financial Services offers financing solutions and services that complement your technology solution anywhere in the world.

We are dedicated to delivering a positive finance experience for customers like you who want to maximize your purchase power by obtaining the technology you need today, protect against technology obsolescence, and preserve your capital for other uses.

We work with businesses, non-profit organizations, governments and educational institutions to finance their entire technology solution. We focus on making it easy to do business with us. Our highly experienced team of finance professionals operates in a work culture that emphasizes the importance of providing outstanding customer service. Our systems, processes and flexible policies support our goal of providing customers with a positive experience.

We finance your entire solution. Unlike others, we allow you to bundle everything you need from hardware and software to service contracts, installation costs, training fees, and sales tax. If you decide weeks or months later to add to your solution, we can consolidate everything into a single invoice.

Our Premier Client services provide large accounts with special handling services to ensure these complex transactions are serviced properly. As a premier client, you have a dedicated finance specialist who manages your account through its life, from first invoice through asset return or purchase. This specialist develops an in-depth understanding of your invoice and payment requirements. For you, this dedication provides a high-quality, easy, and positive financing experience.

For your region-specific offers, please ask your Lenovo sales representative or your technology provider about the use of Lenovo Financial Services. For more information, see the following Lenovo website:


Related product families

Product families related to this document are the following:


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