今天要介绍一款功能强大的在线笔记应用Notion, 它集成了OneNote,印象笔记,待办清单,在线文档等应用的优点。可以说Notion 是下一代云笔记代表。
Notion is a very powerful online note-taking app that combines the best of OneNote, Evernote, to-do lists, online documents, and more. Notion represents the next generation of cloud notes.
Notion 支持 手机/网页/桌面浏览和使用,几乎全平台使用。
Notion is a collaborative app that combines note-taking, knowledge base and task management.
Notion supports mobile/web/desktop browsing and usage, almost all platforms.
· Notion最强的地方在于「All-In-One」,简单来说,通过一个应用可以同时拥有多个应用。官方希望用户用这一个应用 替代GoogleDocs / Evernote / Trello /AiorTable 之类的应用
· 强大的数据库。数据库里可以设置各种格式的数据,可以关联其他数据库,有formula可以自动做一些计算,支持各种自定义的筛选和排序,还可以自定义各种视图。
· 借助数据库之间的关联,各种不同的内容可以关联起来。各种内容不再单独的个体,而是能够有效连接。例如把to do list、记账、日记、读书等都放到Notion里,所有的数据库都可以关联to do list,在一个to do 数据库里管理所有的to do,记账、to do、读书又可以关联到日记
· 没有乱起八糟的广告,免费的也能满足个人需求。pro增加的4个特性,分别是可以上传大于5M的文件,邀请超过5个的访客,30天的笔记历史,和优先的客服支持。
· 界面简单干净,用户体验好
· 使用比较简单,易于学习,对于新手很友好
· 丰富的内容样式,Notion的内容是由一个个block拼装的,每个block都可以选择不同的样式,还可以内嵌其他的网页应用
· 适合小组合作,尤其是可以看到每个人的进度,可以很好的推动工作和学习的进程
• Notion is strongest In "all-in-one". Simply put, you can have multiple applications In One app. Officials want users to use this app instead of apps like GoogleDocs/Evernote/Trello /AiorTable
• Powerful database. The database can be set up in a variety of formats, can be associated with other databases, formula can automatically do some calculations, support a variety of custom filtering and sorting, and can be customized views.
• With association between databases, different kinds of content can be correlated. Content is no longer isolated, but effectively connected. For example, put to do list, bookkeeping, diary, reading, etc. in Notion, all databases can be associated with to do list, manage all to dos in one to do database, accounting, to do, reading can also be Link to journal
• No clutter of advertising, free to meet personal needs. Pro adds four new features, including the ability to upload files larger than 5M, invite more than 5 visitors, a 30-day note-taking history, and priority customer support.
• Simple and clean interface, good user experience
• Simple to use, easy to learn, very friendly to beginners
• Notion content is composed of blocks, each of which can select a different style, or embed other web applications
• Suitable for group cooperation, especially can see everyone's progress, can promote the progress of work and study
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· 支持 多人协作编辑
· 支持 笔记外链接分享
· 支持 Markdown编辑
· 支持 表格计算公式
· 支持 图片/列表/文字 混合排版
At the same time several practical small functions are handled well
• Support multi-person collaborative editing
• Support sharing of external links in notes
• Support Markdown editing
• Support table calculation formula
• Support image/list/text mixed typesetting
· 没有离线功能,存在数据安全风险。用户会担忧自己的数据突然被清空的情况。
· 没有很好的导出功能,只能把单个页面导出成pdf、markdown、csv、html等格式,导出之后就丢失了原来数据之间的关系,以及其他一些Notion的特有特性,不能再还原回来。
· 等数据变多了之后,需要定期做备份。
· 网络有时候会出现不稳定的情况,并且页面也会遇到打开慢的情况,一些数据库页面,打开要加载一两秒。尤其是使用模版创建新的数据项时,每次都需要加载一会,才能把模版预设的内容加载进来。
· 在手机上体验感不好,在手机上点击模版,首先会弹出键盘,输入标题,在输入一会后,它才会加载好模版,然后刚才输入的内容会消失,用户需要重新点击输入框,重新输入。
· 不能同时打开多个网页
· No offline function exists, resulting in data security risks. Users worry that their data will suddenly be wiped clean.
· Without a good export function, you can only export a single page into pdf, markdown, csv, html and other formats. After exporting, the relationship between the original data and some other unique features of Notion will be lost and cannot be restored.
· You need to back up your data periodically as it grows larger.
· The network sometimes appears unstable, and the page will also encounter the situation of slow opening, some database pages, it takes one or two seconds to open. In particular, when creating new data items using a template, it takes a while to load the preset content of the template.
· Poor experience on the mobile phone. When you click the template on the mobile phone, the keyboard will pop up and you can input the title. After a while of typing, the template will be loaded and the input content will disappear.
· You cannot open multiple web pages at the same time
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