默认刷入的OpenWrt带的ss, 只有ss-redir服务, 但是在实际使用中, 很多时候还是希望访问直接通过正常网关, 只有少部分访问需要通过ss, 所以希望能配置成为ss-local服务.
在保留原有服务的基础上, 添加一个新的Shadowsocks Client配置界面.
/usr/lib/lua/luci/controller/ 下新增 shadowrock.lua
module("luci.controller.shadowrock", package.seeall) function index() entry({) end
/usr/lib/lua/luci/model/cbi/ 下新增 shadowrock.lua
--[[ Shadowsocks LuCI Configuration Page Customized by RockBB References: https://github.com/ravageralpha/my_openwrt_mod - by RA-MOD http://www.v2ex.com/t/139438 - by imcczy https://github.com/rssnsj/network-feeds - by Justin Liu ]]-- local m, s, o, e local fs = require "nixio.fs" local state_msg = "" ) if ss_local_on then state_msg = "<br><b><font color=\"green\">" .. translate("ss-local Running") .. "</font></b>" else state_msg = "<br><b><font color=\"red\">" .. translate("ss-local Not running") .. "</font></b>" end ) if ss_redir_on then state_msg = state_msg .. "<br><b><font color=\"green\">" .. translate("ss-redir Running") .. "</font></b>" else state_msg = state_msg .. "<br><b><font color=\"red\">" .. translate("ss-redir Not running") .. "</font></b>" end ) if ss_tunnel_on then state_msg = state_msg .. "<br><b><font color=\"green\">" .. translate("ss-tunnel Running") .. "</font></b>" else state_msg = state_msg .. "<br><b><font color=\"red\">" .. translate("ss-tunnel Not running") .. "</font></b>" end m = Map("shadowrock", translate("Shadowsocks"), translate("Shadowsocks is an encrypted proxy designed to protect your Internet traffic.") .. " - " .. state_msg) s = m:section(TypedSection, "shadowrock", translate("Global Setting")) s.addremove = false s.anonymous = true -- --------------------------------------------------- o = s:option(Flag, "use_conf_file", translate("Use Config File")) o.default = o.rmempty = false o = s:option(Value, "config_file", translate("Config File")) o.placeholder = "/etc/shadowsocks.json" o.default = "/etc/shadowsocks.json" o.datatype = "file" o:depends() o = s:option(Value, "server", translate("Server Address")) o.datatype = "host" o:depends("use_conf_file", "") o = s:option(Value, "server_port", translate("Server Port")) o.datatype = "port" o:depends("use_conf_file", "") o = s:option(Value, "password", translate("Password")) o.password = true o:depends("use_conf_file", "") o = s:option(ListValue, "encrypt_method", translate("Encryption Method")) o:value("table") o:value("rc4") o:value("rc4-md5") o:value("aes-128-cfb") o:value("aes-192-cfb") o:value("aes-256-cfb") o:value("bf-cfb") o:value("cast5-cfb") o:value("des-cfb") o:value("camellia-128-cfb") o:value("camellia-192-cfb") o:value("camellia-256-cfb") o:value("idea-cfb") o:value("rc2-cfb") o:value("seed-cfb") o:value("salsa20") o:value("chacha20") o:depends("use_conf_file", "") o = s:option(Value, "timeout", translate("Connection Timeout")) o.datatype = "range(0,3600)" o.placeholder = " o:depends("use_conf_file", "") o = s:option(Flag, "local_enable", translate("Enable Local")) o.rmempty = false o = s:option(Value, "ss_local_port", translate("Port")) o.datatype = "range(1,65535)" o:depends(") o = s:option(Flag, "redir_enable", translate("Enable Redirect")) o.rmempty = false o = s:option(Value, "ss_redir_port", translate("Port")) o.datatype = "range(1,65535)" o:depends(") ignore_list = s:option(Value, "ignore_list", translate("Proxy Ignore List")) o = s:option(Value, "ignore_list", translate("Proxy Method")) o:value("/dev/null", translate("Global Proxy")) o:value("/etc/shadowsocks/ignore.list", translate("Ignore List")) o.default = "/etc/shadowsocks/ignore.list" o.rmempty = false o = s:option(Flag, "udp_relay", translate("Proxy Protocol")) o = s:option(Flag, "tunnel_enable", translate("Enable")) o.default = o.rmempty = false o = s:option(Value, "tunnel_port", translate("UDP Local Port")) o.datatype = "port" o.default = o.placeholder = o = s:option(Value, "tunnel_forward", translate("Forwarding Tunnel"), translate("Setup a local port forwarding tunnel [addr:port]")) o.default = "" o.placeholder = "" -- LAN Access Control s = m:section(TypedSection, "shadowrock", translate("LAN Access Control")) s.anonymous = true o = s:option(ListValue, "lan_ac_mode", translate("Access Control Mode")) o:value(", translate("Off")) o:value(", translate("Whitelist")) o:value(", translate("Blacklist")) o.default = o.rmempty = false o = s:option(DynamicList, "lan_ac_ip", translate("LAN IP Address")) o.datatype = "ipaddr" o:depends() o:depends() local apply = luci.http.formvalue("cbi.apply") if apply then io.popen("/etc/init.d/shadowrock restart") end return m
/etc/config 下新增 shadowrock
config shadowrock option ignore_list '/etc/chinadns_chnroute.txt' option lan_ac_mode ' option use_conf_file ' option server_port ' option password 'pwd2016' option encrypt_method 'aes-256-cfb' option local_enable ' option ss_local_port ' option server 'milton.somewhere.tv' option timeout '
/etc/init.d 下新增shadowrock, 需要chmod +x 变为可执行
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common # shadowrock启动脚本,修改自shadowsocks-spec项目.感谢原作者的辛勤付出 # Copyright (c) GuoGuo <gch981213@gmail.com> START= STOP= SERVICE_USE_PID= SERVICE_WRITE_PID= SERVICE_DAEMONIZE= EXTRA_COMMANDS="rules" CONFIG_FILE=/var/etc/shadowrock.json get_config() { config_get_bool local_enable $ local_enable config_get_bool redir_enable $ redir_enable config_get ss_local_port $ ss_local_port ' config_get_bool use_conf_file $ use_conf_file config_get config_file $ config_file '/etc/shadowrock/config.json' config_get server $ server config_get server_port $ server_port config_get local $ local '' config_get ss_redir_port $ ss_redir_port ' config_get password $ password config_get timeout $ timeout ' config_get encrypt_method $ encrypt_method config_get ignore_list $ ignore_list '/dev/null' config_get udp_relay $ udp_relay ' config_get_bool tunnel_enable $ tunnel_enable config_get tunnel_port $ tunnel_port ' config_get tunnel_forward $ tunnel_forward '' config_get lan_ac_mode $ lan_ac_mode config_get lan_ac_ip $ lan_ac_ip config_get wan_bp_ip $ wan_bp_ip config_get wan_fw_ip $ wan_fw_ip config_get ipt_ext $ ipt_ext } start_rules() { local ac_args if [ -n "$lan_ac_ip" ]; then case $lan_ac_mode in ) ac_args="w$lan_ac_ip" ;; ) ac_args="b$lan_ac_ip" ;; esac fi /usr/bin/ss-rules \ -c "$CONFIG_FILE" \ -i "$ignore_list" \ -a "$ac_args" \ -b "$wan_bp_ip" \ -w "$wan_fw_ip" \ -e "$ipt_ext" \ -o $udp return $? } start_local() { service_start /usr/bin/ss-local \ -c "$CONFIG_FILE" \ -b "$local" \ -l "$ss_local_port" return $? } start_redir() { service_start /usr/bin/ss-redir \ -c "$CONFIG_FILE" \ -b "$local" $udp return $? } start_tunnel() { service_start /usr/bin/ss-tunnel \ -c "$CONFIG_FILE" \ -b "$local" \ -l "$tunnel_port" \ -L "$tunnel_forward" \ -u return $? } genconf() { config_load shadowrock config_foreach get_config shadowrock [ $local_enable -eq ] && [ $redir_enable -eq ] && [ $tunnel_enable -eq ] && { echo "Everything are disabled.Exit now." exit } [ ] && udp="-u" mkdir -p $(dirname $CONFIG_FILE) ]; then cat $config_file >$CONFIG_FILE else : ${server:?} : ${server_port:?} : ${password:?} : ${encrypt_method:?} cat <<-EOF >$CONFIG_FILE { "server": "$server", "server_port": $server_port, "local_port": $ss_redir_port, "password": "$password", "timeout": $timeout, "method": "$encrypt_method" } EOF fi } boot() { until iptables-save -t nat | grep -q "^:zone_lan_prerouting"; do done start } start() { genconf [ ] && start_rules && start_redir [ ] && start_local [ ] && start_tunnel } stop() { /usr/bin/ss-rules -f service_stop /usr/bin/ss-local service_stop /usr/bin/ss-redir service_stop /usr/bin/ss-tunnel rm -f $CONFIG_FILE } #重启防火墙时重载防火墙规则。 #该函数只会由firewall.include脚本判断存在ss-redir后执行所以不再重启redir rules() { genconf start_rules }
在保存配置时, 这个/etc/init.d/shadowrock 脚本会同时在 /var/etc/shadowsock.json下写入配置信息, 同时用ss-local启动
启动的程序命令行可以通过 ps w 查看
Update 2017-01-04
如果路由器上已经运行了ss-local, 在局域网里的windows机器上如果再通过ss客户端直接连上ss服务, 容易在服务端出现
/usr/local/bin/ss-server[]: failed to handshake with [IP]
这样的错误, 在多次出现后, IP会被列入blocked list
服务端的ss已经支持One Time Auth, 但是开启后, 只有windows客户端可以连, OpenWrt和iOS的wingy包含的ss可能版本过低, 都只能connect, 但是会被reset, 无法使用.
Update 2017-01-07
在路由器上直接修改lua文件后, 如果需要让更改立即生效, 要删除对应的缓存文件, 可以使用命令
rm -r /tmp/luci-indexcache /tmp/luci-modulecache/
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