1、/etc/firewalld/ 用户配置文件
2、/usr/lib/firewalld/ 系统配置文件,预置文件
1、source,也就是源地址 优先级最高
2、interface,接收请求的网卡 优先级第二
3、firewalld.conf中配置的默认zone 优先级最低
root执行 # yum install firewalld
启动:# systemctl start firewalld
查看状态:# systemctl status firewalld 或者 firewall-cmd --state
停止:# systemctl disable firewalld
禁用:# systemctl stop firewalld
查看版本:$ firewall-cmd --version
查看帮助:$ firewall-cmd --help
显示状态:$ firewall-cmd --state
查看区域信息: $ firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
查看指定接口所属区域:$ firewall-cmd --get-zone-of-interface=eth0
拒绝所有包:# firewall-cmd --panic-on
取消拒绝状态:# firewall-cmd --panic-off
查看是否拒绝:$ firewall-cmd --query-panic
更新防火墙规则:# firewall-cmd --reload
# firewall-cmd --complete-reload
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-interface=eth0
永久生效再加上 --permanent 然后reload防火墙
# firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=public
# firewall-cmd --zone=dmz --list-ports
# firewall-cmd --zone=dmz --add-port=8080/tcp
打开一个服务,类似于将端口可视化,服务需要在配置文件中添加,/etc/firewalld 目录下有services文件夹,这个不详细说了,详情参考文档
# firewall-cmd --zone=work --add-service=smtp
# firewall-cmd --zone=work --remove-service=smtp
测试:[root@iotApp&iagri-44 ~]# echo "hello felix" |nc -l 6666
远程主机:telnet iotApp&iagri-44 6666 返回:
Connected to iotApp&iagri-44
Escape character is '^]'.
hello felix
Connection closed by foreign host.
The format or structure of the rich rule commands is as follows:
rule [
The element can be only one of the following element types: service, port, protocol, masquerade, icmp-block, forward-port, and source-port.
service name=service_name
port port=number_or_range protocol=protocol
protocol value=protocol_name_or_ID
icmp-block name=icmptype_name
forward-port port=number_or_range protocol=protocol /
to-port=number_or_range to-addr=address
source-port port=number_or_range protocol=protocol
accept | reject [ Using the Rich Rule Log Command Example 3:
rule family="ipv4" source address="" service name="tftp" log prefix="tftp" level="info" limit value="1/m" accept
Using the Rich Rule Log Command Example 4 :
rule family="ipv6" source address="1:2:3:4:6::" service name="radius" log prefix="dns" level="info" limit value="3/m" reject rule family="ipv6" service name="radius" accept
[root@iotApp&iagri-44 ~]# firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule='rule family=ipv4 source address= accept' --permanent
[root@iotApp&iagri-44 ~]# firewall-cmd --help
Usage: firewall-cmd [OPTIONS...]
General Options
-h, --help Prints a short help text and exists
-V, --version Print the version string of firewalld
-q, --quiet Do not print status messages
Status Options
--state Return and print firewalld state
--reload Reload firewall and keep state information
--complete-reload Reload firewall and loose state information
Create permanent from runtime configuration
Permanent Options
--permanent Set an option permanently
Usable for options maked with [P]
Zone Options
--get-default-zone Print default zone for connections and interfaces
Set default zone
--get-active-zones Print currently active zones
--get-zones Print predefined zones [P]
--get-services Print predefined services [P]
--get-icmptypes Print predefined icmptypes [P]
Print name of the zone the interface is bound to [P]
Print name of the zone the source[/mask] is bound to [P]
--list-all-zones List everything added for or enabled in all zones [P]
--new-zone=<zone> Add a new zone [P only]
--delete-zone=<zone> Delete an existing zone [P only]
--zone=<zone> Use this zone to set or query options, else default zone
Usable for options maked with [Z]
--get-target Get the zone target [P] [Z]
Set the zone target [P] [Z]
IcmpType Options
Add a new icmptype [P only]
Delete and existing icmptype [P only]
Service Options
Add a new service [P only]
Delete and existing service [P only]
Options to Adapt and Query Zones
--list-all List everything added for or enabled in a zone [P] [Z]
--list-services List services added for a zone [P] [Z]
--timeout=<timeval> Enable an option for timeval time, where timeval is
a number followed by one of letters 's' or 'm' or 'h'
Usable for options maked with [T]
Add a service for a zone [P] [Z] [T]
Remove a service from a zone [P] [Z]
Return whether service has been added for a zone [P] [Z]
--list-ports List ports added for a zone [P] [Z]
Add the port for a zone [P] [Z] [T]
Remove the port from a zone [P] [Z]
Return whether the port has been added for zone [P] [Z]
--list-icmp-blocks List Internet ICMP type blocks added for a zone [P] [Z]
Add an ICMP block for a zone [P] [Z] [T]
Remove the ICMP block from a zone [P] [Z]
Return whether an ICMP block has been added for a zone
[P] [Z]
--list-forward-ports List IPv4 forward ports added for a zone [P] [Z]
Add the IPv4 forward port for a zone [P] [Z] [T]
Remove the IPv4 forward port from a zone [P] [Z]
Return whether the IPv4 forward port has been added for
a zone [P] [Z]
--add-masquerade Enable IPv4 masquerade for a zone [P] [Z] [T]
--remove-masquerade Disable IPv4 masquerade for a zone [P] [Z]
--query-masquerade Return whether IPv4 masquerading has been enabled for a
zone [P] [Z]
--list-rich-rules List rich language rules added for a zone [P] [Z]
Add rich language rule 'rule' for a zone [P] [Z] [T]
Remove rich language rule 'rule' from a zone [P] [Z]
Return whether a rich language rule 'rule' has been
added for a zone [P] [Z]
Options to Handle Bindings of Interfaces
--list-interfaces List interfaces that are bound to a zone [P] [Z]
Bind the <interface> to a zone [P] [Z]
Change zone the <interface> is bound to [Z]
Query whether <interface> is bound to a zone [P] [Z]
Remove binding of <interface> from a zone [P] [Z]
Options to Handle Bindings of Sources
--list-sources List sources that are bound to a zone [P] [Z]
Bind <source>[/<mask>] to a zone [P] [Z]
Change zone the <source>[/<mask>] is bound to [Z]
Query whether <source>[/<mask>] is bound to a zone
[P] [Z]
Remove binding of <source>[/<mask>] from a zone [P] [Z]
Direct Options
--direct First option for all direct options
Get all chains [P]
--get-chains {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <table>
Get all chains added to the table [P]
--add-chain {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <table> <chain>
Add a new chain to the table [P]
--remove-chain {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <table> <chain>
Remove the chain from the table [P]
--query-chain {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <table> <chain>
Return whether the chain has been added to the table [P]
Get all rules [P]
--get-rules {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <table> <chain>
Get all rules added to chain in table [P]
--add-rule {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <table> <chain> <priority> <arg>...
Add rule to chain in table [P]
--remove-rule {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <table> <chain> <priority> <arg>...
Remove rule with priority from chain in table [P]
--remove-rules {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <table> <chain>
Remove rules from chain in table [P]
--query-rule {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <table> <chain> <priority> <arg>...
Return whether a rule with priority has been added to
chain in table [P]
--passthrough {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <arg>...
Pass a command through (untracked by firewalld)
Get all tracked passthrough rules [P]
--get-passthroughs {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <arg>...
Get tracked passthrough rules [P]
--add-passthrough {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <arg>...
Add a new tracked passthrough rule [P]
--remove-passthrough {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <arg>...
Remove a tracked passthrough rule [P]
--query-passthrough {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <arg>...
Return whether the tracked passthrough rule has been
added [P]
Lockdown Options
--lockdown-on Enable lockdown.
--lockdown-off Disable lockdown.
--query-lockdown Query whether lockdown is enabled
Lockdown Whitelist Options
List all command lines that are on the whitelist [P]
Add the command to the whitelist [P]
Remove the command from the whitelist [P]
Query whether the command is on the whitelist [P]
List all contexts that are on the whitelist [P]
Add the context context to the whitelist [P]
Remove the context from the whitelist [P]
Query whether the context is on the whitelist [P]
List all user ids that are on the whitelist [P]
Add the user id uid to the whitelist [P]
Remove the user id uid from the whitelist [P]
Query whether the user id uid is on the whitelist [P]
List all user names that are on the whitelist [P]
Add the user name user to the whitelist [P]
Remove the user name user from the whitelist [P]
Query whether the user name user is on the whitelist [P]
Panic Options
--panic-on Enable panic mode
--panic-off Disable panic mode
--query-panic Query whether panic mode is enabled
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