设备收到此消息 Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 received no BPDU within the rcvdInfoWhile interval.
日志内容 | Instance [UINT32]'s port [STRING] received no BPDU within the rcvdInfoWhile interval. Information of the port aged out. |
参数解释 | $1:生成树实例编号 $2:接口名 |
日志等级 | 5 |
举例 | STP/5/STP_BPDU_RECEIVE_EXPIRY: Instance 0's port GigabitEthernet1/0/1 received no BPDU within the rcvdInfoWhile interval. Information of the port aged out. |
日志说明 | 非指定端口因在BPDU超时之前没有收到任何BPDU报文,端口状态发生改变 |
处理建议 | 检查上行设备的STP状态及是否存在恶意攻击 |
没有收到上级的交换机stp bpdu报文,上级交换机stp状态异常
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